Urban Zen - 4 Reviews

Urban Zen Green Tea Lemon

Urban Zen Green Tea Lemon
It's been many moons since I've seen this. I bought it and stored it. I didn't store it for a special moment like a taco party, hot dog extravaganza or anything like that. I just put it away and forgot about it. Sorry, guys. I'm nothing if I'm not honest. So let's carry on with the honesty, shall we?

How is this? It's pretty lemony. Lemonesque. Lemonique. It's a good, sweetened green tea but something about it gets a bit old. It's pretty strong in the lemon and it has real lemon so it's both bitter and sour. The more I drink it and analyzed it, the more appreciative I got but it didn't make the drink any better. The fact that it's sweetened with honey first and cane sugar second gets much respect, though. Credit where credit is due. This is fine. If you like your green tea strong and homemade, you might have found it.
Iced Tea
Urban ZenWebsite
Mike Literman on 7/9/14, 4:45 PM
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Urban Zen Green Tea Mango Aloe Vera

Urban Zen Green Tea Mango Aloe Vera
On the very tip top of the mountains of Toronto that are the skyscrapers there is a little bit of heaven that contains not one, but two gardens. One of those gardens is made of stones, which are moved around for the use of relaxation and meditation. The second garden grows but one thing: green tea. Did I mention that monks run the upper ten floors of this monstrous building? They are not your typical monks. They are urban monks. They wear hoodies with white zippers, raw denim and Beats by Dre cans that they listen to their chants on. It's a modern world and even the old customs are acclimating. In the early morning the monks make their way to the roof where they tinker around in the rock garden until they have reached their daily-allotted enlightenment. Then it is time to hand pick the tea leaves and take them to the 27th floor where they are dried and brewed into the products that help sustain their modern way of life.

In my first review of an Urban Zen tea I mentioned that I thought it was going to be green tea and aloe, due to the color and shape of the bottle. Guess what? That is exactly what this one is, and it's magical. It's like someone mixed a mango flavored bubble tea (hold the tapioca balls) and mixed it with an “original” flavored aloe drink (you know the kind that has the slight white grape flavor to it). Of course there are chunks of aloe in it, but they are not as plentiful as a lot of their competitors products. I'm okay with that though because the flavor more than makes up for it. It's extremely flavorful and sweet in all the right ways.

Next time you find yourself in Canada dish out the $2-3 a bottle of this cost and help the monks afford those new Samurai jeans they have had their collective eyes on. Remember enlightenment isn't everything.
Aloe Vera and Iced Tea
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/30/12, 10:27 AM
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Urban Zen Green Tea Honey Jasmine

Urban Zen Green Tea Honey Jasmine
I had a true taste comparison with this one. As I've previously mentioned Arizona was my gateway into green teas. It was the first I've ever had and for a longtime it was my benchmark. How stupid I was. Last night I went to a show with my friend Dave and he brought a can of the classic Arizona green tea and I brought this bottle of Urban Zen. We were both happily drinking our respective teas when he needed me to hold his for some reason. Being the sneaky so and so that I am I took a sip. Wow, the two drinks while having essentially similar makeups were light years apart. I had never realized how cheap Arizona tasted before. It's essentially a sweetener with some green tea flavoring in it. This on the other hand was the real deal. It's properly brewed whole leaf green tea that has been infused with jasmine flower. It has a real green tea taste, and it's mostly sweetened with honey, which gives it's own twist to the flavor. All in all this has only 10g of sugar in it, which is all you ever really need in a sweetened tea. I'm pretty sure that Arizona has about 4 times that. The comparison made me realize how much of a kids drink Arizona really is, and how this is a tea of a pseudo sophisticated adult. It's slightly bitter with a nice light floral taste. Jasmine tea, it's not just for fancy Asian restaurants anymore. Arizona, I don't know if I'll ever look at your green tea the same way again.
Iced Tea
Urban ZenWebsite
Jason Draper on 11/4/12, 5:51 PM
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Urban Zen Green Tea Ginger

Urban Zen Green Tea Ginger
When I first saw this I got really excited because I was under the impression that it was ginger flavored aloe juice. The packaging really looks like it should be aloe. The four people I offered this two all asked if it was aloe when I handed it to them. When I realized it was a ginger green tea I was slightly bummed, but it still sounded great. I had no idea how great it actually would be. This is my new favorite drink. It's jasmine green tea (it tastes extra floral, but in the best way possible) with real ginger juice in it. On top of that the main sweetener in it is honey. There isn't a burn from the ginger, but the flavor of it is very strong.

I was halfway through the bottle before I was able to place what this reminded me of. It has the aftertaste, and the after swallow feeling, of bubble tea. It's like the faint film that the tapioca balls leave in your mouth. It's strange but incredible. This is seriously my new favorite drink. I need to make a trip back up to Toronto (where I found it) and buy a case. I want everyone I know to try it and fall in love with it like I have.
Iced Tea
Urban ZenWebsite
Jason Draper on 11/13/11, 3:55 PM
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