Woongjin - 2 Reviews

Woongjin Graceful Nature 790 Days Aloe

Woongjin Graceful Nature 790 Days Aloe
About five years ago I was dating a girl who would later swindle me out of thousands of dollars and cheat on me, but before all that, we took a nice day trip to Toronto. We went to the mall where I think I bought her a dress/shirt thing that she loved at the time and when we got home, promptly didn't like. While we were leaving the mall, we stopped at a shoppe where they sold little things like newspaper, drinks, candy and that sort of thing. I was looking through the coolers of drinks, found one, purchased it, and took a walk out to my car where, I believe, I had a ticket on my car.

I didn't care. We had a pretty good day, got that dumb shirt/dress, got this sweet drink, and were headed home. I opened the drink, took a sip, and didn't know what was going on. It was my first aloe drink. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a clear, green bottle and with closer inspection, there were most defiantly chunks in it. I don't know the name of it, but I remember the taste and this can tastes just like it.

It's got an "original" aloe taste, which basically is like a green grape juice. It's not too sweet and the chunks are an average, but good size. They feel more natural than some of the aloe drinks I've had where they're giant but you almost question whether or not they are real, not that you care because face it, aloe drinks are fun. This can is just the right size for a single serving, too, and it was one dollar. For fun, Asian beverages, I will gladly spend $1.

Clearly you can guess that relation did not last. It went through every phase including denial, non-stop fighting, dislike, and the ever-popular "you don't make enough money to move out but we're broken up so I'm going to live with my girlfriend while I pay for this apartment" phase.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 7/20/11, 11:29 PM
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Woongjin Green Plum

Woongjin Green Plum
A drink is good when you don't want to stop drinking it. A drink is good when you want a fifty-five gallon drum of it. A drink is good when you take your first sip and it leaves you speechless. This drink is good. It's like an apple juice with a kick, but the kicker is not wearing shoes and between the toes is something tangy, and you want more. It's a strange foot fetish type scenario, but dude, you can't help it.

Why such a small can? Woongjin aren't a gaggle of idiots. They know that you'll be back. If they made them larger, you would only buy one. This stuff is fantastic. It's better than the best apple juice you've ever had because it's apple juice plus.

You have to like it. I put my name on it. I was thinking on my way into work that I haven't given a 5 in a while. This deserves it.
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 5/27/11, 12:53 PM
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