Zola - 4 Reviews

Zola Coconut Water

Zola Coconut Water
Shane, let's take a trip. You and I have been working hard and deserve a trip. Why do we work and save if we can't enjoy our savings? What inspired this? I drank some of this coconut water and now I've got a taste for the tropics. I want the sun. I want the sand. I want it all. I know it's not going to be a cheap trip but what's the fun of saving all that money and never spending it. I know you like to be cautious but there comes a time where you have to give in a little bit. Here, try some of this see if you can see where I'm coming from.

Can't you just taste the sunshine? It's great. Look. It's coconut water but that's all it is and I'm giving credit where credit's due. No preservatives. No sugar. No...I don't know…€¦enriched vitamins and minerals? I bet if I plucked a coconut off a tree and put it in the fridge and came back later, cracked it open and drank it, this is what it would taste like. It's a good coconut flavor with no bells and whistles.

What do you say? Should we book the trip? I think we should. No, not Florida, something sandier. More palm trees. Hawaii. Yeah. That's right. Let's go to all the scenes from Andy Sidaris movies.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/8/14, 2:44 PM
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Zola Coconut Water Espresso

Zola Coconut Water Espresso
Look at you with your designer jeans and sunglasses that cost as much as a months rent. You are so cool, you and your fancy Italian loafers with matching tie and Spider Veloce. You're so cool. Well look at me. Sure I dress like I have for the last twenty years but I'm cool, too, right? I'm drinking two cool things; espresso and coconut water. Those are cool things, right? It's important to be cool. It's how we put ourselves on imaginary pedestals. This is good stuff, too. I might not have the finer things like those dope brown kid leather driving gloves that beautifully match your wooden steering wheel and stick shift. This drink though brother, this drink is smooth and only half tastes like coconut. The coffee isn't totally too strong like you might like it in your Italian mind with your glorious hair. Look, bro. I'll say it. I don't care. You've got great hair. Try this, dude. No, I'm'a call you "dude" right? You're talking to me and I'm going to talk to you like you're talking to me. This is a good drink. I don't know what kind of standards you are used to but seriously this is good. You know what? I'm done. No. I'm done with you. You and your beautiful tight fade and tight beard. Peace, bruh. You are an elitist. I'm trying to share with you and you're being a real jerk. Now I'm the elitist. Peace.
Coconut and Coffee
Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 4/22/14, 12:28 PM
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Zola Coconut Water With Pulp

Zola Coconut Water With Pulp
Whoever decided that coconut water should come packaged in cans like this has done well for the branding of the fruit. Coke has it's unique bottle shape and coconut water has tall cans with ridges. I can't think of anything else that comes in this sort of can. When I see a can of this nature I instantly think of coconut water and that is great from an advertising point of view.

In the past when I heard the word Zola I expected it to be followed by Jesus (she's a musician if you didn't know). Now I will also think of coconut water and nicely shaped cans. This is a fine coconut water. It's nothing new, but it's not trying to be. It's simply natural coconut water with some pulp in it. Nothing stands out about it, but do you really want something wacky from coconut water? I'm guessing now, you want refreshment.

The pulp in here are little hard chunks of raw coconut. They are a little bigger than what I would refer to as pulp, but I enjoyed them a great deal. It's nice to chew on them, and they add a little texture to the beverage.

Zola: doing coconuts right and making them proud.
Chunky and Coconut
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/1/14, 8:04 PM
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Zola Superfood Smoothie Smooth Green Blend

Zola Superfood Smoothie Smooth Green Blend
First off this bottle seems way to cheap to be holding "Brazilian Superfruits." It's made out of that thick translucent plastic that just screams elementary school lunch to me. It's doesn't have the thickness that one associates with a smoothie. Maybe I'm wrong here, but isn't it the thickness that denotes a drink a smoothie? In my categorizing, this would just be considered a juice. I do have to say that the drink doesn't smell nearly as bad as I expected it to. It looks like the water that would be left over in a sink after doing dishes that had been sitting there for over a month. All of those complaints aside it is pretty tasty. I've never had Cupuacu or Graviola before, but the bottle tells me they are "powerfully nutritious." There is nothing I can really compare the taste to that I have tried before. I would definitely grab one of these again though.
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 9/14/10, 7:52 AM
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