blk. + Black Lemonade

blk. + Black Lemonade
It's dark out there. You should come inside before a badger eats you. Here, I've got something for you to drink since you love being outside at night so much. No, it's not cola. No, it's not root beer. Just try it. I know it's quite opaque. I saw it at the store and instantly thought of you. You always wear a black shirt, that's why. You love black. Is it too much to ask for you to wear a white shirt every once in a while? I'm not even asking you to wear something with colors. Just white. Go ahead and drink it. Why would your mother poison you? Come on. I want to see if you like it.

Almost like lemonade? What's that supposed to mean. Take another sip. Really? Can I have some? Thanks. You know what? You're right. I can see that there is some sort of lemonade in here but it almost seems like someone put black water into a glass that had like a quarter of the glass of lemonade in it. It's got Stevia in it, too so you don't have to worry about calories. You know what, though? The Stevia taste isn't so bad. Some of that stuff out there is pretty gross. This one is a bit bitter but it doesn't taste like those drinks I used to drink. Remember all those diet drinks I used to drink that you would take sips out of and would almost spit it out? Yes, I know. There was that one time you spit it out and we had to have the rug shampoo'd.

So what do you think? Yes or no? Eh? That's your review? That's a pretty lame, albeit teenage response. It tastes like it's supposed to taste but is black as the night. I thought you'd like it. Welp…€¦ better luck next time, son. Did you do your homework yet? No? Well get on upstairs. You can take your new goth lemonade with you.
Lemonade, Water and Diet
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Mike Literman on 10/4/13, 4:46 PM
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