blk. + Tropical Punch

blk. + Tropical Punch
I know we've beaten this concept to death, but I can't help it; this just makes me think of a goth vacation to a tropical location. Every year is Buffalo there is Goth Beach Day that some friends run. People don't really dress up, it's just a bunch of goths hanging out at the beach in swim suits. Sure there are more tattoos than the beach is used to, and a couple of parasols floating around, but it's nothing that is overly comical. The vision in my head is hysterical though. People getting ready in their hotel rooms, putting on their “club clothes” and makeup just to head out and do various activities on a tropical island. In my mind a couple of them even have platform boots on.

So it's a million degrees and it's humid as hell, as tropical locations are prone to be. The goths are sweating, makeup is running everywhere, and after hours of swimming, rafting and zip lining has left everyone feeling a bit dehydrated. Of course as a joke someone has had a couple cases of blk Tropical Punch shipped to the resort. It does its job of quenching everyone's thirst, but it doesn't taste very tropical. It tastes like a very watered down Hawiian Punch or some sort of Kool Aid that has been sweetened with stevia. It's the chosen sweetener that really puts everyone off. Goths aren't really known for watching their weight, so they aren't used to zero calorie sweeteners. The stevia is too distracting in something that has such a light flavor to begin with. It takes over and does a cannonball right in the hotel pool, drenching all of the velvet and lace that was nice and dry on land. It's a jerk like that.
Water and Diet
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 10/5/13, 2:13 PM
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