Compal Classico Peach Nectar

Compal Classico Peach Nectar
Peaches may be the only fruit whose juice comes straight from nature in syrup form. There is no need to boil it down to its essence, as it's thick and stick all on it's own. We're not talking maple syrup thickness, but it is way thicker than any other fruit I've experienced. It is due to this that peach nectar is a task to drink. It's delicious, and I love it, but unlike other juices it's not gone within two seconds of being placed before me. It's a sipping juice that you should enjoy over a period of time, not in a brief moment.

Compal's peach nectar is pretty standard. There is added sugar, which seems unnecessary, but it doesn't detract from the flavor too much. I can only assume that for the sake of profits all of the peaches that were juiced to make this were not 100% ripe, so the added sugar was needed to give the illusion that they were. It tastes like the real fruit (albeit a ad sweeter) and that is all you can hope to ask for these days. If you don't have the luxury of living near a peach orchard you should drink up and enjoy the peasants life you live.
Jason Draper on 10/8/13, 10:46 AM
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