Compal Classico Pear Nectar

Compal Classico Pear Nectar
Pears are a weird fruit. I have nothing against them per say, but I also never go out of my way in even the most miniscule way to consume them. To me they seem like some low grade relative to the apple, which is a mighty fruit. Why choose a pear when you can have an apple? I mean have you ever been in a situation where there was a pear but not an apple? I don't think I ever have. To choose a pear over an apple would be akin to eating a Mama Celeste microwave pizza instead of grabbing a pie from the local shop down the street, even though both would be free to you. No one, save a lunatic would ever do it. At the same time, if that fresh baked pizza weren't an option, I would still happily eat the microwaveable one.

Okay pear bashing time is over; onto this juice. The carton says that at a minimum there is 50% juice content in here. I'm going to guess that the rest of that content is sugar, because it dominates most of the flavor. The added sweetener in here mostly covers the taste of the pear. As I said I'm not a huge pear guy, but if that is what I am promised that is what I want delivered. I'm sure there are people out there who love pears, and they would be sorely disappointed in this nectar. There is a bit of a pear taste to it, but it could be much, much stronger without offending any living soul on this planet, or any deceased soul for that matter.
Jason Draper on 12/17/13, 1:33 PM
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