Country Time Half and Half

Country Time Half and Half
Mixing this and mixing that, powder and concentrates, frozen or thawed. Everything. Who needs fruit when you can get something in concentrate? Remember when people looked at the future and they said everything would be in pill form? I feel like no one cares about flavor in the future. It's just vitamins and minerals crammed into a pill that tastes like chalk. This mix doesn't taste like chalk. It tastes pretty good. I would eat a pill that tastes like this but that would be a dumb action because I can just drink it and get some actual enjoyment. I can spend time with the flavor.

Country Time is something that we grew up with. Tea, lemonade, and I think juice. Did they make juice? I don't remember. Lemonade mostly. This is a nice mix. It doesn't really taste like a mix, mixes well and doesn't leave any unmixed remnants, and doesn't taste diet while still retaining a low calorie count. It is sour like lemonade would be but doesn't have a strong bite. It tastes like lemonade but doesn't feel like lemonade. The tea is a pretty standard sweetened tea, not a sweet tea, which is fine. Unless you're making sweet tea, you can almost do whatever you want to tea. Those are my rules and guidelines about tea.

I've had about three glasses of it and like it. I certainly hope that someone helps me drink the pitcher that I made so I don't guiltily drink the whole thing but if they don't, I can stretch it out. You stretch it out with some friends. Make a mix. Make a pitcher of mix for you and friends.
Iced Tea, Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
Country TimeWebsite@CountryTime
United States
Mike Literman on 5/23/14, 12:13 PM
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