Foco Pennywort Drink

Foco Pennywort Drink
First of all, let me explain the rating. I would not drink this again. It was quite an adventure. I know nothing of whatever pennywort is, and still don't. The image on the front looks like it would have been a drink made out of cilantro, which might have been good. This was better than I had thought it was going to be. The taste was very present. It's full sugar, full flavor, and full color. This was a dark drab green. I put it in a clear, plastic cup and I couldn't see my hand on the other side. I think if I had a glass half as wide I still wouldn't have been able to see it. The taste was just like a sweet tea that some jokester put grass clippings in. If you've even been bored, picked up some grass and put it in your mouth and chewed it, you would have a non-sweetened version of this.

I've had wheat grass and I guess it's a little bit like that, but at least wheat grass has a natural sweet and not an applied sweet. Does that make sense?

I save "1's" for drinks I simply can't finish and this is one of them. I don't feel the need to torture myself since I've got a fridge filled with other stuff. If I was trapped on an island and a case of this washed up on short, I'd drink it, but until then, I'll let someone else do it.
Iced Tea
Mike Literman on 9/28/10, 11:26 AM
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