HED High Energy Drink With Taurine

HED High Energy Drink With Taurine
Esteemed members of the board I'm here today to present to you the newest in our line of energy drinks. Are you tired of the same garbage companies have been flooding the market with for years? Yes, the world gets in energy drinks typically taste like liquid Smarties. I think people want something new, something that will shake things up a little bit. It was that thought process that led me to creating this. Ladies and Gentlemen of the board I am proud to unveil our new line of energy drinks "High Energy Drink" or HED for short. The kids like shorter names. I think it has something to do with the internet and television rotting their brains. As I pour you each a can let me explain to you that this "isn't your dad's energy drink." This is new and exciting. It's an energy drink that has the light taste of berry ginger ale. We're also going to advertise that it's made with taurine. That should excite the kids. Now if everyone would drink up and write one sentence on the 3x5 card that's in front of you with your opinions on the drink, I'd love to get some anonymous feedback.

Okay everyone's done and the cards are in. Let's see what you thought. These all basically say the same thing. While this tastes pretty good it doesn't taste like ginger ale at all, and what it does taste like is a fairly standard liquid candy energy drink taste with a slight berry flavor. Also, a couple of you wrote that I'm an idiot and that 99% of all energy drinks are made with taurine. Thanks for crushing my dreams guys. I just wanted to make something new and exciting and you've gone and ruined it for me. Too bad this has already gone into production and I can't tweak the recipe. Well I guess I better re-enroll in clown college.
Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 8/27/11, 8:23 PM
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