International Delight Iced Coffee Mocha

International Delight Iced Coffee Mocha
Someone get me a Delorian, this iced coffee has given me an idea. You see the chocolate in here that makes it a mocha rather than a normal iced coffee, actually tastes more like a malt. To be fair, my first couple of sips I was kind of put off by it, but the more I drank, the more I became accustomed to it and really enjoyed it. It's different from any other mocha that I have ever tried, and that makes it interesting. It also got me to thinking. IN the 50's there were malt shops where the teeny boppers would go to hang out and listen to the juke box, you know the whole one drink with two straws deal. Back them coffee shops were places that only dope fiends hung out at, so you know there was a bad stigma about them. I say I take said Delorian and go back and start introducing this at the malt shops. It will get the kids acclimated to the taste of coffee and I will slowly bring in more coffee drinks, until I have created a coffee shop that everyone hangs out at, kids and dopers alike. I will usher in the coffee shop culture of the early 90's four decades early and I will make a killing doing it. I will then leave all of my earnings in some sort account that I can then gain access to at this very moment in history. Think of the interest. I can then use the money to buy even more drinks for this dumb website, and die early of diabetes.

ps. I didn't finish this in time before it started to go bad. I took one sip post goodness and I can't get the taste of rot off of my tongue. ick.
International DelightWebsite@indelight
United States
Jason Draper on 2/20/13, 5:57 PM
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