Karma Wellness Water Probiotics Berry Cherry

Karma Wellness Water Probiotics Berry Cherry
I enjoy the powder much more than the concentrate but this one didn't taste as much like Flintstone vitamins as I would have liked. It was not bad but it was just not what I thought. It was actually like a dark, sweet juice more than a water. I don't know what the line is between water and juice but if you gave this to one hundred people, I would say that everyone would call it a juice.

Karma is good at coming up with new flavors and this is good. It's not anything special. It's not a flavor that you haven't had before but they are always coming out with something new. This, if anything, is a nice, familiar juice that is low in calories and high in probiotics. That's a win, right? What more could you ask for? If you say anything you should not be so greedy. I already told you that Karma comes out with new stuff all the time. Jeez.
Juice, Mix/Concentrate and Water
Karma Wellness WaterWebsite@drinkkarma
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/20/16, 6:41 AM
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