Killer Buzz Sugarfree

Killer Buzz Sugarfree
For my snack at work today I brought a half eaten bag of pretzels. It turns out that they were pretty old and stale as can be. Gross sauce. Seeing as I hadn't really eaten all day come 3pm I was starving. There was no food to be found so I downed this to curb my hunger. We've all seen the diet pills episode of Saved by the Bell and know that they are really nothing but caffeine. So I figured caffeine = appetite suppressor. It actually worked, but since my stomach was empty the energy rush made me all crazy. I don't recommend it at all.

When I took the first sip I was shocked by how much I liked the way it tasted. It didn't taste overly diet, but it still had the chemical energy drink flavor that we talk about way to often. With each sip it got worse and worse. About 2/3 through the can it was well along its way to being undrinkable. It's a shame because the normal variety is pretty tasty.
Diet and Energy Drink
Killer BuzzWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 8/5/11, 1:05 AM
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