Liquid Ice Energy Drink Red

Liquid Ice Energy Drink Red
Liquid Ice is back with a new variation of their (mostly) non-chemical tasting energy drink. Like this classic blue flavor this has a very candy-esque taste to it. Instead of tasting like Spree, or the ever popular Smarties (US version) this just has a general red candy taste. I can't exactly pin it down. It's not cherry, strawberry, or raspberry. Perhaps it's an amalgamation of all three combined. If there was a generic red Runt that just spelled out the word fruit, this is what it would taste like. Grape and Orange have their flavors that taste nothing like the fruit, and now red has its own variation.

I will say that it does taste ridiculously sweet, as you would expect liquid candy to, but there is only 28g of sugar in this can. I know that's a lot, but I expected much more from the taste. I can also assure you that this beverage is functional. I feel crazy, and it's been awhile since an energy drink has noticeably affected me in this way.
Energy Drink
Liquid IceWebsite@Liquidiceenergy
United States
Jason Draper on 9/12/14, 3:03 PM
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