Live Kombucha Soda Revive Root Beer

Live Kombucha Soda Revive Root Beer
Come on guys; why do you always have to be such jerks? I run to the corner store to get snacks for everyone and you're all giggling. Obviously something went down while I was gone. I also have a strong sense of taste and after one sip it's obvious that one, or more of you, dumped some beer into my root beer. That is so not cool. I know it's a cheap soda, it's not like it's micro brewed or anything, but still it's my drink and you know I hate beer. I mean it still tastes like the generic root beer it is, but now it also has that unmistakable spoiled taste of your cheap beer underneath the classic root beer flavor. It's not the worst ever, I could still power through it, and someone who didn't hate beer would probably think it was interesting and tasty.

Why is everyone laughing even harder now? You knew I would boast about my strong sense of taste and you took bets as to what I would say was in the drink? It's beer, right? Oh it's actually kombucha? So what you're saying is that I've been drinking root beer mixed with fermented tea? I guess that's not as bad, and you guys pulled a good one on me, but I still think it's kind of gross. I stand by my statement of it tasting like beer. Actually, it tastes like old stale beer. Man, the more I think about how it tastes the less I can handle this. One of you jerks can finish this, and you owe me a new drink!
Iced Tea, Root Beer and Soda Pop
Live Kombucha SodaWebsite@LIVE_Soda
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 11/19/14, 10:08 AM
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