Mistic Grape Strawberry

Mistic Grape Strawberry
When I was in fifth grade, all of my free time was spent hanging out with my friends skateboarding. The funny thing about most kids from around here in the late 80's that skated is that only about 20% of the time we were "skating" was actually spent on your board. The majority of it was actually spent sitting on your boards in front of your local mini-mart. We spent way more time scarfing down snacks and talking about skating than we actually did participating. Our local mini-mart of choice was J&D foods. We would skate up there everyday we could and stock up on candy and our favorite Mistic drinks. We probably liked them so much because we were young, dumb and they looked like wine coolers. As everyone knows wine coolers are the pinnacle of coolness. Back then the juice was also carbonated. I can't even comprehend how many of those things I drank before they inevitably disappeared from our world.

The other day I was out riding my bike on an unseasonably warm day and I stopped at a little mart somewhere on the west side. It would have been more fitting if I were out pushing around on my board, which I'll add was my initial plan. Either way I probably looked like a complete idiot when I saw the Mistic. I may have audibly squealed, but we have no way of knowing for sure. When I finally drank it I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't carbonated anymore, but it was still pretty great. Unlike most "juice drinks" you find in mini-marts these days this actually has some juice in it. It tastes mostly like grape juice with a hint of strawberry in it. It really makes me wish it were still warm out so I could call some old friends and sit in front of a random gas station on our boards and talk about how awesome skating was, even though we could be skating at that exact moment.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 2/22/11, 1:07 PM
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