Mistic Peach Beach

Mistic Peach Beach
First off, what is going on with this bottle? It looks like it was left too close to an open flame and it melted. I know there are a lot of cool ergonomical bottles out there, but this really just makes no sense. It's not comfortable to hold and I really just feel like it's going to slip out of my hands every time I pick it up. Whoever drew up the plans for this is more than likely scouring the paper looking for a new job.

Secondly, this is a very appropriate name. It's very peachy (and a bit on the melon side as well) and it really tastes like I should be drinking this at a beach. The oppressive sun is beating down and I'd doing the best to find some shade so that my skin won't combust. I'm failing, as per usual, but at least I have this nice ice-cold juice to cool me down. Sure it tastes like fake peaches and melon, but hey who wants real juice at the beach. When you're knee deep in sand you want a party drink, and that is what Mistic provides. It's just too bad that in the time it took me to write that last sentence it went from ice cold to body temperature.

Bad bottle. Appropriate name. Average taste.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/27/11, 7:59 PM
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