Mt. Angel Marion Berry

Mt. Angel Marion Berry
Mt. Angel is a local brewing company that makes one of my favorite root beers of all time. When I found out they have expanded into other flavors, I couldn't have been more excited. At first I could only find them in an expensive 6 pack sampler, but then I was able to find this single bottle for sale at New Seasons today.

Is it as good as the root beer? I can't say because that would be like comparing a milkshake to a burrito. They're both delicious, but in different ways. I've never had a marion berry drink before and I didn't know what to expect. It's almost like a slightly tart blackberry, which I really enjoy. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to drink this again but it's definitely worth trying. I could see this being someone who loves fruit, especially berries, really loving this soda.
Soda Pop
Mt. AngelWebsite
United States
Derek Neuland on 7/21/12, 4:59 PM
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