Nestle Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate

Nestle Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate
Pep? I'm full of it. Piss and vinegar? Likewise. Hater of energy drinks? This guy. To come across a juice that is an all-natural energy drink kind of intrigued me. I bought it, took a sip, and pondered...why don't all energy drinks taste like this? Why do all energy drinks taste like someone cracked open a case of Smarties, mortar and pestled them, poured them into some already disgusting drink, and called it a day? Oh, you're surprised that I know what a mortar and pestle is? I'm also full of surprises.

This drink was more of a puree than a juice or an energy drink. For that, it was actually pretty nice. I like a nice, thick drink anyhow. The flavor wasn't bad, either. Fruity up front, and since it was Stevia, just a little sweet afterward.

All in all, I would say this was a success for Nestle and I hope that Jamba is more available to the general public. I'm not an energy drink convert, but this is cleverly disguised.
Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Extract of Stevia
Mike Literman on 3/7/11, 11:20 AM
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