Nestle - 12 Reviews

Nestle Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate

Nestle Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican hot chocolate; one of those items on a menu that I cannot not buy. I've spent money on Mexican hot chocolate that I would be skeptical about buying an actual meal. You know the phrase, "If you have to know, you can't afford it." That does not apply for Mexican hot chocolate.

I spent around $12 on two boxes of this anticipating the spicy hotness of chili and cinnamon. I was let down. Why? This hot cocoa is chililess. Sans-chili. Unspicy. If you ordered this at an Indian restaurant and they asked you how spicy do you want this, you would say, "No spice."

Sure there is an adorable grandma on the box. I do not believe for a second that she made this for you or me. She would have made it with some zip. She would have made it the way they made it in the "old country." It's fine, though. It's got a little cinnamon and might be less chocolatey than a hot chocolate that you're used to. More milky with a cinnamon taste with a medium to light amount of chocolate. It's good. Not spicy but good.

I just realized that this whole time I made a mistake. I like "Aztec Hot Chocolate" not "Mexican Hot Chocolate." And you consider me a professional. I suck.
Mike Literman on 11/30/15, 10:25 AM
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Nestle Nutrament Chocolate

Nestle Nutrament Chocolate
If you are a child of the 80's and had a mother who tried the Slim Fast diet, at one point or another you probably stole one of her shakes from the fridge. I most definitely did. How could I not? I was a pre-teen and there was a chocolate shake in the fridge. I didn't care that it was meant for a diet, I saw chocolate and shake on the container and I needed it like early 90's musicians from the Pacific North west needed junk. Ultimately it was a let down, because…โ‚ฌยฆwell because it was a diet drink. Even my young taste buds knew the difference.

As soon as I took a sip of this I was brought back to that moment in my childhood kitchen. This is exactly what I wanted that shake to taste like. It's what it should have tasted like if it wasn't for the whole diet thing. It's Slim Fast, but chock full of sugar.

Okay let's take this another way. Take Coco Puffs, add milk, and let it sit for a minute or two, as you eat the cereal. The milk that is left over tastes exactly like this. There are companies that aim for that flavor and fail, but Nestle does it as a happy accident. This is calcium, vitamins, minerals and protein all mixed into a glorious post chocolate cereal milk shake.

Both of those descriptions make me wish I had another can of this waiting for me. How was I not a fat kid? Oh yeah, it's because I stole my mom's diet shakes.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 10/1/13, 9:25 PM
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Nestle Nesquik Chocolate

Nestle Nesquik Chocolate
I somehow remember this being better. I don't know what it was. Is there a non-nonfat version of this? This taste like that and less chocolaty than I remember. It's not bad, but the entire time I was drinking this I was thinking that I could do it better at home. Look, that's the way it is with a lot of things. Let's be honest ourselves. Half the time we say that it's not true. You cannot cook intricate meals that you get out and you know it. You say it because it's either a rip-off or it tastes like something your mom made. You don't make stuff that good. Just be honest with yourself.

This is fine. It's chocolate milk. Chocolate milk is fantastic. Oh I know it's terrible for you and this is no different but it's still good. I just tasted like they were a little stingy on the quantity of syrup they put into this batch. I drank it with no qualms but I just want them to know that I hope that it was an honest mistake and someone behind the scenes isn't peering through Venetian blinds thinking to themselves, "I put in half as much syrup and I'm taking the rest of the money and I'm buying myself a boat." because if they are, I am already on to them.
United States
Mike Literman on 7/2/13, 4:42 PM
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Nestle Nesquik Double Chocolate

Nestle Nesquik Double Chocolate
I've got a soft spot for Nesquik. It's great. I love the stuff. My grocery store across the street from where I live is pretty good at stocking it. This one I had never seen before so I needed to buy it. I probably went across the street for something like peas or the like, got distracted, and bought chocolate milk.

This is good. I might prefer the regular variety of chocolate milk but this is good. It's not too much and the mad scientists somehow managed to cram even more delicious chocolate into an already pretty chocolaty drink. Great job scientists. None of this is bad but I think it might be one of the "new take on an old classic" things that I just prefer the old to the new. I'm typically not stubborn about thing, and I'm hardly holding a grudge, but this is just a titch less great than the original.
United States
Mike Literman on 3/29/13, 11:04 AM
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Nestle Jamba Strawberry Banana

Nestle Jamba Strawberry Banana
If you ask any of the three Thirsty Dudes, strawberries are awesome. If you inquire again with the same three dudes they will tell you that bananas are garbage. It's really weird the first time you approach them, no matter what you ask they reply about strawberries, the second about bananas. Someone could ask, “Do you know what time it is?” and they would be told, “Strawberries are awesome.” Science has finally broken their brains. So much in fact they have started writing in the third person.

This drink is supposed to taste like strawberry banana, but in reality tastes more like an apple drink with a bit of banana flavoring in it, and even less strawberry. I was able to drink more of it than any other banana-based drink I've ever tried, but it still wasn't great. It was also lightly carbonated, even though sparkling water is not listed in the ingredients or anywhere on the can. I found that odd.

In the end this was a bit better than I expected, but I still found it not very appealing. If it had a real banana flavor I would have given it higher marks for all you savages out there who like that garbage fruit, but as it stands I just can't do it.

Energy Drink, Juice and Diet
United States
Extract of Stevia
Jason Draper on 8/11/12, 1:59 PM
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Nestle Jamba Crisp Apple

Nestle Jamba Crisp Apple
There are certainly apples in this can. No doubt about that. They at one time might have been great apples, too. The cream of the crop. Then science and nutrition and kids had to come into the equation and mess it all up like they always do. Have you ever had a pure apple juice that was too sweet? Nope. Mother Nature has bred apple juice to be just right all the time. Now you take a drink like this which is essentially apple juice with sugar in it, somehow manage to sell it as an energy drink when everyone knows that sugar is not really "energy" as it is a temporary shot in the arm, and market it as such. You can taste the green apples and you are excited. Then follows the first quasi-offensive, more bittering Stevia taste I've ever had and unnecessary carbonation. What was wrong with apple juice that you had to do this to it? Nestle, you should be ashamed of yourself. You ruined a good thing.
Energy Drink, Juice and Diet
United States
Extract of Stevia
Mike Literman on 7/17/12, 4:55 PM
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Nestle Aguas Frescas Tamarind

Nestle Aguas Frescas Tamarind
Jay doesn't like tamarind and thinks that it's hilarious when he makes me drink all the new tamarind drinks. I've got to admit, it is kind of funny. Tamarind is weird, though. If I had to describe it, I would say that it tastes like you strained apple juice through peanuts. Take a whole bunch of run-of-the-mill peanuts, crush them up, put them in a shirt, pour apple juice through it, and drink your new, strange juice.

It's not terrible. Let it be known. It really isn't, but it's just kind of...awkward. If I had to separate it into time, 80% of the time it tastes like apples and then it just grows this nutty taste to it. If that sounds like something experimental that you would like to try, this is a good drink to try as I feel that it's tamarind in it's purest sense. I know Jarritos makes a tamarind pop but the carbonation and extra sugar might throw off the taste a little bit.

If anyone can describe it better than that, please, be my guest. My boss really liked this and he is usually the first the turn down a drink.
Mike Literman on 6/6/12, 12:31 PM
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Nestle Aguas Frescas Horchata

Nestle Aguas Frescas Horchata
Felix was a cat that lived in Rio de Janeiro. He loved the nightlife and he never wanted to leave. He lived there all his life and was very accustomed to the sights, sounds, and most of all, smells. He was a cat that roamed around during the day to the local eateries and was a common face. Shop owners would leave out saucers of milk because Felix was such a good cat.

One time, it was late at night. Music was playing and people were dancing. Felix was having a good time in the alley just watching. He found himself a bit thirsty so he walked around the corner to see if he could find something to eat. Just then, he heard someone yell, "Hey! Cat!" Felix turned around and it was an old man who worked at a spice shop. The man said "Hey cat. Come here." he then laid out a nice saucer of milk and put some cinnamon in it. He told the cat that he was sure to love it. Felix looked down at the milk and it was quite inviting. He took one lap and was in love. It was sweet, cinnamony, and still was a nice, milky drink. This will most certainly be a stop he makes more often.
Other/Weird and Milk
United States
Mike Literman on 4/28/12, 8:08 PM
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Nestle Aguas Frescas Jamaica

Nestle Aguas Frescas Jamaica
First off I would like to thank you on behalf of our resort for choosing us as your vacation destination. We know that Mexico has gotten a lot of bad press lately for being dangerous, but we just wanted to let you know that our resort, and it's approved activities, are as safe as can be. We understand that for many of you this is your first time visiting our fair country. We are sure that you will have nothing but the best of times on your trip. We would like to start you off properly by serving you some nice aguas frescas. For those of you who are unaware what I am talking about, aquas fresas are fruit flavored coolers. To make things extra special we have some special Jamaica coolers today. Jamaica is another name for hibiscus and you are in for a treat. Don't worry Ms. Vanderhosen it's not going to taste like your perfume. While it is a flower, when you add sugar to it, it brings out the sweetness and the floral taste is left wayside. Now each of you take a bottle. Why the look Ms. Vanderhosen? No it is not fresh, I am sorry that you thought it would be. Believe me I would love to serve you fresh agua frescas morning, noon and night, but the Nestle company is one of our main stock holders, so they make us serve their products. It is 100% natural though, so there is no need to worry, drink up. Now Ms. Vanderhosen there was no need for you to spit your drink all over poor Mr. Saunders. I'm sorry you don't like the taste, but the flavor did not warrant a spit take. I'm sorry that you think it tastes oddly sour and dark, yet overly sweet at the same time. I admit I don't particularly like it myself. I agree that I would prefer it to be lighter and more flowery myself, but beggars can't be choosers. Ms. Vanderhosen please wait. It's not safe outside of our compound walls for you, there is a drug war raging out there. Oh, you would rather take your chances with the cartel and drink a fresh agua fresca than stay in the safety of this resort and choke down bottle after bottle of this sludge? Well, I wish you good luck then.
United States
Jason Draper on 4/14/12, 8:36 PM
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Nestle Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate

Nestle Jamba Blueberry Pomegranate
Pep? I'm full of it. Piss and vinegar? Likewise. Hater of energy drinks? This guy. To come across a juice that is an all-natural energy drink kind of intrigued me. I bought it, took a sip, and pondered...why don't all energy drinks taste like this? Why do all energy drinks taste like someone cracked open a case of Smarties, mortar and pestled them, poured them into some already disgusting drink, and called it a day? Oh, you're surprised that I know what a mortar and pestle is? I'm also full of surprises.

This drink was more of a puree than a juice or an energy drink. For that, it was actually pretty nice. I like a nice, thick drink anyhow. The flavor wasn't bad, either. Fruity up front, and since it was Stevia, just a little sweet afterward.

All in all, I would say this was a success for Nestle and I hope that Jamba is more available to the general public. I'm not an energy drink convert, but this is cleverly disguised.
Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Extract of Stevia
Mike Literman on 3/7/11, 11:20 AM
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Nestle Coffee Crisp

Nestle Coffee Crisp
Living on the border of Canada has its advantages. One of them is the awesomeness that is Canadian candy. Seriously, they put the U.S. to shame. When I was in high school/college I knew a ton of people that would take trips up to the Great White North to stock up on confectionery supplies, as well as a lower drinking age and strip clubs. Nowadays there are a ton of convenient stores and gas stations started carrying one of those three.

Even though (for the millionth time) I'm not a big coffee fan, I do enjoy Coffee Crisp. This evening some friends and I went up to Canada to eat at Licks Home Burgers. They seriously have some of the best veggie burgers and onion rings I've ever tasted. We stopped at a corner store to check out the beverage scene up there, and my eyes got pretty huge when I saw this in the cooler. It tastes pretty much like you would expect; chocolate milk with a hint of coffee. It's smooth, but it somehow leaves the impression of the grittiness of the candy bar. Okay it tastes like a liquefied candy bar. Fans of Canadian candy and chocolate milk take note.
Coffee and Milk
Jason Draper on 1/20/11, 7:50 PM
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Nestle Milo

Nestle Milo
Many of the frequent Thirsty Dudes and Thirsty Dames have recommended Milo to me. I looked and looked and looked but couldn't find it anywhere. People were willing to ship it to me from the outer reaches of the earth, and for that I thank them. Lucky for me, Jay found it at an Asian market that we actually frequent, frequently. So here we are today, judgment day. Judgment day for Milo.

It was pretty good. It wasn't as thick as I thought it would be. It was not like chocolate milk but more like a thinner soymilk. I couldn't taste any nutrients or minerals. I can't really feel the energy surging...coursing? Yeah, coursing. I can't feel the energy coursing through my body but who cares? It's pretty good and the masses love it.

So, enjoy thirsty guys and gals. It's good. You were right.
Mike Literman on 1/6/11, 6:20 PM
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