Switzerland - 4 Reviews

Nestle Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate

Nestle Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican hot chocolate; one of those items on a menu that I cannot not buy. I've spent money on Mexican hot chocolate that I would be skeptical about buying an actual meal. You know the phrase, "If you have to know, you can't afford it." That does not apply for Mexican hot chocolate.

I spent around $12 on two boxes of this anticipating the spicy hotness of chili and cinnamon. I was let down. Why? This hot cocoa is chililess. Sans-chili. Unspicy. If you ordered this at an Indian restaurant and they asked you how spicy do you want this, you would say, "No spice."

Sure there is an adorable grandma on the box. I do not believe for a second that she made this for you or me. She would have made it with some zip. She would have made it the way they made it in the "old country." It's fine, though. It's got a little cinnamon and might be less chocolatey than a hot chocolate that you're used to. More milky with a cinnamon taste with a medium to light amount of chocolate. It's good. Not spicy but good.

I just realized that this whole time I made a mistake. I like "Aztec Hot Chocolate" not "Mexican Hot Chocolate." And you consider me a professional. I suck.
Mike Literman on 11/30/15, 10:25 AM
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Buffalo Junior

Buffalo Junior
Well pardner, I just finished reading the last of the Preacher comics. I honestly don't know why it took me so long to finally get to reading the series, as it was great. There are few storylines better than one about a guy who gets "possessed" by the offspring of an angel and demon and then goes off with his ladyfriend and a vampire to go find God and make him own up to all of the crap he's put humanity through. If that wasn't enough there are also a whole mess of references to cowboys, and even John Wayne is a semi-main character. I'd like to think that if either Mr. Wayne or Jesse Custer (the Preacher) were to drink an energy drink it would be Junior Buffalo.

There isn't a single other energy drink on the market that is backed by the ideas of cowboys and the old West. I don't know exactly why a cowboy would need an energy drink riding through the prairies all day. Perhaps he would use it to keep his nerve up for a gunfight. That's what I'll go with, gunfights.

So if you have an upcoming gunfight and you don't think you have the focus you need to take down your opponent, grab yourself a can of Junior Buffalo and as soon as you crush it draw your gun and walk out of that place a winner. Well, if you can call shooting someone making you a winner.

Opposed to their normal like the Junior version that I'm drinking here has no caffeine or taurine. All of the energy in this can comes from vitamins and L-carnitine. It's supposed to be a healthier version for all of the little ones running around the homestead. So I guess they won't be needing this for gunfights, unless the Old West in my head is way more messed up than I think it is. I guess the grown cow folk could feed this to their younger kin to help them with their chores. I really don't even know what this taste like. It doesn't really taste fully like an energy drink. I guess it's kind of a citrus grape flavor. It starts off nice, but it goes out harsh. I guess it's something kids would probably like.

I'd like to state that I am completely against giving kids energy drinks. They should have all of the energy they need just from being young. It really freaks me out when I see 12 year olds downing the largest size Monster they can find. While I don't fully endorse feeding this to kids, it is less unhealthy than the other options on the market.
Energy Drink
Jason Draper on 6/20/12, 8:53 PM
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Nestle Aguas Frescas Tamarind

Nestle Aguas Frescas Tamarind
Jay doesn't like tamarind and thinks that it's hilarious when he makes me drink all the new tamarind drinks. I've got to admit, it is kind of funny. Tamarind is weird, though. If I had to describe it, I would say that it tastes like you strained apple juice through peanuts. Take a whole bunch of run-of-the-mill peanuts, crush them up, put them in a shirt, pour apple juice through it, and drink your new, strange juice.

It's not terrible. Let it be known. It really isn't, but it's just kind of...awkward. If I had to separate it into time, 80% of the time it tastes like apples and then it just grows this nutty taste to it. If that sounds like something experimental that you would like to try, this is a good drink to try as I feel that it's tamarind in it's purest sense. I know Jarritos makes a tamarind pop but the carbonation and extra sugar might throw off the taste a little bit.

If anyone can describe it better than that, please, be my guest. My boss really liked this and he is usually the first the turn down a drink.
Mike Literman on 6/6/12, 12:31 PM
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Nescafe Mocha

Nescafe Mocha
I've expressed my disinterest in coffee beverages, specifically canned coffee beverages, in the past. So why did I buy this? Was it because it's mentioned in an R.E.M. song? You bet your butt that's why. I'm glad I did, because this is way tasty. It's super sweet. It tastes like a nice hot chocolate with a coffee after taste. You know but ignoring the part where the chocolate is hot.
I'd drink one of these on those days when I want a nice chocolaty drink but I need something more sub-sub-sub-substantial.
Now I will stop being a nerd.
Jason Draper on 11/27/10, 6:12 AM
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