Purps Fuel

Purps Fuel
This is my favorite of the Purps line. It is an energy drink that doesn't taste like a typical energy drink because it doesn't have all of the chemical garbage in it. Sure it doesn't give you an unnatural rush, but at least you don't feel like you are being poisoned while you drink it. Instead of taurine and other artificial garbage the energy boost in this can comes from yerba mate, green tea, guarana and panax ginseng root. It's all vitamins and caffeine that is found naturally. If that wasn't enough to sell you the taste is great as well. It is a carbonated yerba mate tea with mangosteen, maqui berry, blueberry, grape, blackberry and acai berry mixed in. It tastes dark and heavy like the purple hue of all of those fruits. At first sip it tastes a bit weird, but once you become acclimated to it, you just want to keep drinking it, even when the can is empty. At least that was my experience with it. It's been an off day and this beverage is helping me work my way through the haze.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/8/15, 1:02 PM
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