Raaw Strawberry Purple Carrot

Raaw Strawberry Purple Carrot
I can pretty much guarantee that if I gave a purple carrot to Mike's son Max he would say something along the lines of, “That's not a cawwot, cawwots are owange silly!” Apparently in my mind Max switches out Ws for Rs. I think he actually does that, at least that's how I hear it in my head. I think what we have here is a full proof way to get kids who don't like carrots to eat them. What child wouldn't be excited about eating purple food? Kids hate carrots, right? I know in my family we did. At least I grew to enjoy them, while my sister just goes around telling people she's allergic to them, and every other food she thinks might be gross. That's right I just outed her. Also she might slip in the old …€˜I can't eat that or it will give me kidney stones” act. She's a magician with many tricks. It's too bad they are all to get her out of eating food.

Everything I have written above has absolutely nothing to do with this drink, so if you made it this far you deserve a treat. May I suggest a bottle of this juice? I know carrot juice doesn't sound very appealing. I kind of like it, but I was hesitant the first time I tried it. This beverage on the other hand tastes mostly like a heavily strawberried apple juice with a vague root vegetable flavor floating around the perimeters of your taste buds. If this didn't say “purple carrot” in the name I would have never guessed that they were a part of the ingredients list.

Strawberries run this town, with the aid of his deputy apple juice and even the uniqueness of a purple carrot isn't going to be able to change the way that they run things.

United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 2/6/14, 12:30 PM
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