Raaw - 7 Reviews

Raaw Mango Guarana

Raaw Mango Guarana
You know how you've been waiting for what feels like your whole life to taste a beverage that tastes like the guarana that is used as an energy boosting ingredient in nearly every energy drink? Remember how you spent many a sleepless night thinking away the dark hours hoping and praying that this reality would see the light of day? Oh, you haven't? You never even contemplated such a beverage, mainly because you've never heard of guarana and didn't realize it was in all those slender cans you slug back? Well, you my friend should crack a food book sometimes. I don't know what a food book is; maybe a catalog of food, maybe a cook book, perhaps it`s even just an ad from the grocer, but one thing is for certain is that there is a whole world of food stuffs that you are completely ignorant of.

Now it's time to describe the juice of your dreams that I have imposed upon you. This is mostly a mango juice that has a handful of guarana seeds mixed in to give this tropical drink even more of a twist. Apple juice serves as the bass for its natural sweetness, but it's hardly noticeable in the flavor.

Now I know what I said before, but I am a man who enjoys the beverages of many cultures and I in fact have had several guarana flavored sodas before. They have been less than stellar. They almost always taste like a fruitier kola champagne aka fruity bubble gum. It's lucky for us that this isn't processed to hell, and it has some semblance of freshness, so that gross flavor that is only acceptable in gum form is nowhere to be seen. In here the guarana just tastes fruity and exotic. There are also some pineapple and lemon juice in the mix, and while they are more notable than the apple juice, they stick to the fringes of the flavor and serve to round everything out a little bit.

This tastes nothing like the classic energy drink taste that most of us have begrudgingly grown to love. Nor does it have the kola champagne taste that guarana sodas tend to have. What this is far surpasses those garbage drink and gives you something you can really enjoy without feeling bad about.
United States
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Jason Draper on 6/6/14, 8:53 AM
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Raaw Cranberry Ginger

Raaw Cranberry Ginger
Does anyone else have dreams of diving/swimming into an Olympic size swimming pool full of cranberries and water? I've never been to a cranberry farm, or whatever you call it, but it seems like it would be fun, and that the texture of the berries would just make the experience overall enjoyable. I just looked it up and a lot of the US's cranberries are relatively close to me, so I should really make it a mission to harvest some at some point in my life. Now back to my Scrooge McDuck fantasy (minus the doubloons). How awesome would that be? Cranberries are hard when they grow, so just think about fun water fights would be.

Speaking of that hardness, when I looked up how to juice cranberries everything said to boil them first. If that is the case, how to you have raw cranberry juice? My ladyfriend assures me that the insides of the berry are soft and juicy, and that is just has a harder outer shell. It's completely possible to squeeze the juice out. Me, I'm not so sure. I demand scientific proof, or you know would appreciate someone who is an authority explain it to me.

This may be the only time in the history of beverages that I would prefer that pineapple juice was not involved. Along with the cranberries and ginger that are this drink's namesake, there is also apple, black carrot, black currant and the previously mentioned pineapple juice in the mix. I have nothing against said juices, but the idea of pure cranberry juice with ginger ground into it without the addition of any sweetener leaves me with a fevered mind filled with the most wonderful tart burn anyone could ever imagine. Instead, the additional fruit sweeten it up a bit and there is a lack of a significant ginger burn. It's completely delicious, with the flavors names on the front of the bottle and the main players with the fruitiness in the background, but it just doesn't match what's floating around in my mind.

To summarize I want to be sipping on a beverage with a tart burn while floating around a swimming pool with a 2-3” layer of hard cranberries floating on the top. Is that my idea of heaven? It just might be.
United States
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Jason Draper on 2/14/14, 5:46 PM
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Raaw Strawberry Purple Carrot

Raaw Strawberry Purple Carrot
I can pretty much guarantee that if I gave a purple carrot to Mike's son Max he would say something along the lines of, “That's not a cawwot, cawwots are owange silly!” Apparently in my mind Max switches out Ws for Rs. I think he actually does that, at least that's how I hear it in my head. I think what we have here is a full proof way to get kids who don't like carrots to eat them. What child wouldn't be excited about eating purple food? Kids hate carrots, right? I know in my family we did. At least I grew to enjoy them, while my sister just goes around telling people she's allergic to them, and every other food she thinks might be gross. That's right I just outed her. Also she might slip in the old …€˜I can't eat that or it will give me kidney stones” act. She's a magician with many tricks. It's too bad they are all to get her out of eating food.

Everything I have written above has absolutely nothing to do with this drink, so if you made it this far you deserve a treat. May I suggest a bottle of this juice? I know carrot juice doesn't sound very appealing. I kind of like it, but I was hesitant the first time I tried it. This beverage on the other hand tastes mostly like a heavily strawberried apple juice with a vague root vegetable flavor floating around the perimeters of your taste buds. If this didn't say “purple carrot” in the name I would have never guessed that they were a part of the ingredients list.

Strawberries run this town, with the aid of his deputy apple juice and even the uniqueness of a purple carrot isn't going to be able to change the way that they run things.

United States
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Jason Draper on 2/6/14, 12:30 PM
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Raaw Very Berry Wheatgrass

Raaw Very Berry Wheatgrass
As I get older I've started paying more attention to my heath and what I eat. You get to a certain point and you're old friend metabolism isn't quite what it used to be. It's a sad state of affairs similar to watching a childhood pet grow old and incontinent, except you know with less crying and fewer emotional scars. So here I am at 34, going to the gym three times a week (once a year would never have crossed my mind a few short years ago), eating better (cutting back on processed fake meats, eating more fruits and vegetables, cutting back on snacking) and trying to drink more 100% juice. I must say that drinking all these dumb drinks for this website it not helping anything, but such is progress, or some other inappropriate line.

Raaw is a company that I can get behind for my juice intake, and lucky for me they are now available around Buffalo, NY. I haven't bought into the whole raw diet thing. I know it has it's benefits, and I'm not going to make any excuses, I will simply state the truth that I just don't care enough to do it. I don't even care enough to give it a half assed attempt. With that being said, when something is served raw I take note and appreciate the health aspect, with no work on my part. What's more important to me about these juices is that they are juice with nothing else added to them. There are no sweeteners, no preservatives or GMOs; just fruit and vegetables. I can ask for nothing more. Well okay, I could ask for a lower price point, but that's not going to happen, and I understand that quality comes at a price.

This bottle promises a slew of berries and wheatgrass. It fully delivers (along with some other juices). Even though there are six different types of fruit used in this mixture (apple, pineapple, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry and blueberry), 50% of the flavor in here comes from the wheatgrass, a flavor that I stand behind. The other 50% is an amalgamation of the fruits that leans heavier on the berry side of things, mainly black and blueberries.

It isn't quite at the level of “just juiced” but it is way closer than 99% of the prepackaged juices on the market. It's a beverage you can feel good about drinking and you should drink it often.
United States
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Jason Draper on 1/23/14, 3:16 PM
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Raaw Pineapple Cucumber

Raaw Pineapple Cucumber
Cucumber drinks are incredible. They are tasty and as I've said in the past, the most refreshing drinks I've ever had. The thing is that it's the innards of the cucumber that is the tasty part. Sure, if you're eating cucumber slices the skin isn't bad, but there isn't much of it to make an impact. I feel like this drink is more cucumber skin than meat. That's right I referred to the insides of a cucumber as meat, what are you going to do about it? Anyways, it has a dirty skin taste that I'm really not into very much. I tried to tell myself I was alright with it, but after about half the bottle I had to throw in the towel. The flavor of the cucumber skin was just so strong. I couldn't handle it. You would think that a flavor as strong as pineapple would overpower the cucumber skin, but it took the back seat on this drink. If you can see through the skin you can make out the pineapple.

This is definitely a strange drink. It tastes like every health food is described in early 90's television. I wanted to like this. Nah, I wanted to love this, but I just couldn't do it. Had they skinned the cucumbers I think this would have been one of my favorite drinks ever, but as it stands this is for the diehard healthy eaters out there.

Do I win an award for saying “skin” so many times?
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/12/12, 5:09 PM
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Raaw Raspberry Lemongrass

Raaw Raspberry Lemongrass
If this is what the raw food movement is all about, I'm in. I'll stop cooking everything. I'll eat everything cold and uncooked and undercooked. Pizza? Nope. Not unless it's just a ball of cold dough with just a whole beefsteak tomato and just stalks of uncleaned oregano. That's my new pizza. My new taco is more of a taco bowl because I can't eat proper tortillas. My cereal is made with water and instead of marshmallows and chocolate is just corn or peas. My new strange, unconventional lifestyle is all worth it because I get to drink this drink.

This drink...is wonderful. It is a powerful blend of raspberries and lemongrass. That lemongrass, man. That is strong. That is a strong flavor that is wrapped in a secret, deceiving, grass looking disguise. You look at it and think, "Oh, that's grass. No big deal." Then you take a bite out of it and your hair looks like when you used to go to Spensers at the mall and touch that laser ball. The raspberry just cuts some of that powerful lemongrass and leaves you with something you think you've had before but haven't. Oh, raspberry lemonade? I've had it. You idiot. This is not wimpy lemonade. This is lemonade for adults. Adults who have scorched their mouths on pizza hundreds of times and now need something stronger to cut through the scars and your tired, grizzled old tongue.

I would love to see a wimp kid drink this and watch his face as the powerful flavor blasts his dumb taste buds out of his mouth and knocks those rubber bands from his braces across the room hitting his older sister in the cheek. She deserved it. Trust me. She's a brat.
United States
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Mike Literman on 7/27/12, 10:55 AM
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Raaw Passion Fruit Wheatgrass

Raaw Passion Fruit Wheatgrass
I just left for tour a couple of days ago and our drummer has some sort of disease brewing in his throat. That along with the fact that it's finally starting to get cold and it's rainy and damp has led to all of us feeling like crap. I've been eating healthy and drinking a bunch of juice to make sure that I don't end up being completely sick and miserable (well at least not until after tour).

I found this in a health food store in MI. Passion fruit and wheat grass are two things that I really enjoy, so when I saw this it was a no-brainer. I always expected wheat grass to taste gross and like grass, but when I finally tried it it's actually kind of sweet and only slightly tastes like lawn clippings. Passion fruit on the other hand completely lives up to it's name and is one of the most delectable of off the fruits on this planet.

It smells like sludge, like health sludge to be exact. It turns out it kind of tastes that way too. It has the general flavor of something that just has to be good for you. It's like a variety of healthy things from a health food store were all mixed together in a green-brown swamp of fruity vitamins and minerals. The flavors all kind of blend together into a sweet fruity mess. Sometimes it tastes like passion fruit and others pineapple comes out to play. It doesn't taste like I wanted it to, but it tastes good enough and I'm sure it's going to help with my health.
United States
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Jason Draper on 10/22/11, 1:28 PM
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