Rajbhog Mango Lassi

Rajbhog Mango Lassi
Right off the bat, I can tell you that this is not Sweet Rose part deux. This is actually drinkable. No, I didn't/couldn't finish the whole thing, but it was actually drinkable. The texture/viscosity/consistency is something to get used to. Think of this:

Go to your local grocery store. While your mom is buying girl stuff and boring vegetables, you take a quarter you found in between the seats of your family's Pontiac 6000 where you spent countless road trips sitting by yourself in "the way-back" watching other families watch you watch them watch you watch them. You check out the vending machines...plastic guns? No. Homies? Funny, and clearly racist, but no. Slime in an egg? Yep-ahh. You put your quarter with all it's french fry grease and dog hair into the slot, turn the crank, and down comes your clear egg with a creamy, pastel, yellow slime. All of a sudden, two punk kids come up to you and say, "Hey, kid. Nice slime. Eat it!" and you, who are no match for two kids wearing leather jackets with the sleeves cut off, open your mouth hole and slurp it down. Just as your finished with the last glob, you mom comes out with some stupid carrots and yells at those kids to go home.

That's what the texture was like, but the taste wasn't too bad. It tastes lightly of mango. Not bad. I won't have it again since each small bottle is 280 calories and it wasn't that much to come back to, but it wasn't bad.
Yogurt and Smoothie
United States
Mike Literman on 1/1/11, 2:07 PM
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