Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition

Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition
I don't know anyone that enjoyed Red Bull the first time they drank it. It has a weird, unusual, quasi-chemical taste that is fairly off-putting at first. That being said I do know a decent amount of people who drank it for its functionality and grew to love it. It has a flavor all its own, and I went from thinking it was disgusting to wishing there was a non-energy version so that I could drink it more often.

When the company released new flavors I was excited because I had high hopes for that original formula with some added flavor to it. Unfortunately that is not what we get. There is no trace of the original Red Bull flavor in here. It's just tastes like the most diet version of Tang you could ever imagine, watered down and carbonated. It was sadly not enjoyable at all. The diet flavor is just too much, and that is coming from someone who prefers the diet version of the original to the sweetened one. Too much sucralose is no one's friend and after trying two cans to see if it would grow on me like it did way back in the beginning, I can assure you I will not be going back for a third.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/15, 11:48 AM
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