Red Bull - 12 Reviews

Red Bull Sugar Free The Lime Edition

Red Bull Sugar Free The Lime Edition
So picture this, I'm at the gym, attempting to improve my mental health and lost some of the vanilla pudding that has formed on my human frame as I have aged nearly into my fourth decade on this planet. I had just finished running a few miles on the treadmill and then began to use the weight lifting machines, when I notice that there are a pair of women walking around the gym with cooler backpacks handing out cans of Red Bull to people as they work out. First off, that is jut weird and kind of not acceptable. To me the gym is a place that you do not interact with people unless you are asking them if they are finished with a machine, or you are calling them out for being a creep and checking out other human people in their sweaty state. Secondly, you can bet your ass that as soon as I was done with a set of reps I approached them before they could approach me and I got a can from them. The interaction was inevitable, so I was proactive about it to get it over and of course I was going to take a free sample.

We have really slacked on Red Bull reviews because I had heard some unsavory things about the people who run the company, which ended up being not accurate upon doing some research. I was glad to give the newer flavors a try, especially when it was free. This though, was not what I wanted. I actually prefer the sugar free Red Bull to the original variety, and I was hoping this would go the same route. Unfortunately that was not the case. This is supposed to be limeade, but it was not like they added lime to a normal diet Red Bull. Instead it's a new beast that just tastes like a tiny bit of lime mixed in with a whole lot of sucralose grossness. Here are my parting words for the company; Just add flavoring to your original base products for these “new” flavors, and teach your representatives what appropriate venues to hand out samples are. The way things are going I can only assume after the gym they were heading to a funeral to pass out samples.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Jason Draper on 10/10/18, 12:31 PM
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Red Bull The Summer Edition Kiwi Twist

Red Bull The Summer Edition Kiwi Twist
This was…€¦weird. No matter how many times I reminded myself that this was kiwi flavored, every time I took a sip my brain/taste buds colluded and made me expect lime. This is not lime. It was never supposed to be lime. Red Bull does not want me to think lime. The problem is the green can makes me think lime, and that is my problem, not theirs. I mean it's not a huge problem, but it is weird when you expect tangy citrus and you are greeted with a sweet fruit flavor.
To be fair this is probably the most accurate kiwi flavored drink that I have ever tasted. They really nail that quick aftertaste that kiwi gives you. I could actually believe that this was just a kiwi soda and not an energy drink, because the chemical taste is not very strong. I kind of want it there. How strange is that? I complain about that flavor so much, yet when it comes to a Red Bull product, I want it there. Something is clearly wrong with me.
Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Jason Draper on 8/2/16, 7:31 PM
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Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition

Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition
I don't know anyone that enjoyed Red Bull the first time they drank it. It has a weird, unusual, quasi-chemical taste that is fairly off-putting at first. That being said I do know a decent amount of people who drank it for its functionality and grew to love it. It has a flavor all its own, and I went from thinking it was disgusting to wishing there was a non-energy version so that I could drink it more often.

When the company released new flavors I was excited because I had high hopes for that original formula with some added flavor to it. Unfortunately that is not what we get. There is no trace of the original Red Bull flavor in here. It's just tastes like the most diet version of Tang you could ever imagine, watered down and carbonated. It was sadly not enjoyable at all. The diet flavor is just too much, and that is coming from someone who prefers the diet version of the original to the sweetened one. Too much sucralose is no one's friend and after trying two cans to see if it would grow on me like it did way back in the beginning, I can assure you I will not be going back for a third.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Jason Draper on 5/9/15, 11:48 AM
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Red Bull Total Zero The Cherry Edition

Red Bull Total Zero The Cherry Edition
There are these two girls that have the pleasure of a job of driving a customized Mini Cooper around and just hand out Red Bull all day. No, it's probably not what they set out to do with their lives but who knows what they do in their off time. Sure the Mini is probably an automatic and sure, people probably disrespect them but at the end of the day, they have the top down and hand out drinks all day. No disrespect whatsoever.

In handing out drinks, though, it seems they only hand out the "regular" stuff. Diet, that bronze can and the core Red Bull. I've never seen them hand out any of last year's seasonal flavors which aren't so seasonal since they're still around today one year later. Once again, no disrespect.

This drink which was sent to us by Red Bull and not two ladies in a lil' car, isn't too bad. It's quite apparently diet but the cherry flavor isn't too bad at all. It's actually not oversweet and not over-diet. It would be a good alternative to your favorite non-diet energy drink. I can feel it surging through me like a million tiny ants who just found a chewy caramel on the hot summer ground and have to work fast before a bird eats it or some leashless dog.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Mike Literman on 5/5/15, 3:42 PM
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Red Bull The Summer Edition

Red Bull The Summer Edition
What do you mean you are exhausted? It's only noon, and you are a 12-year-old on summer vacation; you're not allowed to be tired. I understand it's hot and humid, but back in my day we didn't let a second of this glorious freedom go to waste. Even when it was pouring rain we were out sliding in the mud. Now don't get any muddy ideas, I've already done the laundry and I don't want to have to do another load for your gunky summer clothes. You know what I blame TV and those video games you're always playing. I might just make a house rule that video games can only be played during the winter months in the house; maybe it will be when it's below a certain temperature. I know what you're thinking turning the air conditioner up all the way won't help your cause. We're going by the temperature on the news.

Seriously though, go outside, have adventures, maybe get into a little trouble (a very little trouble). You should be living for these 2.5 months every year. Fine you're tired I get it. You know what, if you mention this to your mother you're grounded for a month, and by that I mean you will be doing all the gardening this summer with no TV, no video games and no cell phone. I know you kids play games on your phones. Okay here it is. I picked a couple of these up at 711. They are a limited edition summer version of Red Bull. I know kids shouldn't be drinking these, but you know what, the memories of an exciting childhood summer are more important than any negative effects this could have.

You know how normal Red Bull tastes like liquid Wonka candy? Well this is a grapefruit version of that. It's like someone took a bottle of Squirt and added that candy element to it. I know that as an adult I'm not supposed to like super sweet things like this, but I absolutely love it. To be honest I have a case of the stuff hidden in the fridge in the garage behind that beer your uncle brought over for the Christmas party that I will never drink, but you probably will sneak when you get a little older. The joke will be on you though, because by then they will be old and gross. Seriously though, son this stuff is great. After you drink this one, ignore everything I said, and never drink another one until you're away at college. For now chug-a-lug apple of my eye and get out there and explore the woods a couple streets over. I heard some kids found an ear over there last week. Think how cool the kids at school would think you were if you found an ear over summer vacation! If they only found one that means there's it's pair just waiting to be found.
Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Jason Draper on 7/15/14, 11:50 AM
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Red Bull The Red Edition

Red Bull The Red Edition
Nothing is more exhausting than a kid's birthday party. If you haven't been and are scoffing, I dare you to go to one and come home and not want to sleep. I dare you to go and not want to drive your car into oncoming traffic. It's not bad but if you have every been in close quarters with a seemingly infinite number of kids all making a mess of juice boxes and cake, you too will want it to be over before it began.

For that reason, I am happy that Jesus invented energy drinks and, more specifically, this one. I don't really like Red Bull. I use the same analogy of concentrated candy but it's what I taste. This, though, this is rather great. It's swapped candy for a good, slightly carbonated cranberry. It almost tastes like non-alcoholic cranberry juice. If you need to celebrate in around ten ounces at a time and don't have anyone to celebrate something with and need a pick-me-up then this is the drink for you. I know, I know, there are a lot of prerequisites for this drink, but you don't need to obey them all. I'm just trying to give you an ideal scenario to enjoy this drink. Honestly, you could enjoy this drink anywhere because it's very good. It actually makes me anxious to see what other new drinks Red Bull might come up with.
Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Mike Literman on 12/2/12, 4:33 PM
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Red Bull The Blue Edition

Red Bull The Blue Edition
Congratulations, you my friend have found the golden ticket that entitles you to take a tour of the Wonka candy factory. I'd like to preface this by telling you that this is nothing like the movie. There is no river of chocolate, or crazy experimental gum that will make you float, and I must emphasize that you will not be put into the running to be handed the keys to the entire establishment at the end. Our factory is a factory and nothing else. It's just a bunch of big machinery that pumps out sugary goodness. There is a gift shop at the end where you can buy some of our goods as well. I would also like to add that this will be a long in-depth tour, as I like to explain every little thing in great detail. I am sick of the folks on my tour falling asleep, so here is a complimentary can of Red Bull. I must also urge you to not touch any of the candy as we move through the factory. The movie may have been fictitious, but the accidents it shows can and will be very real if you put your little hands where they don't belong.

Let us start off with the Pixie Stix machine. This machine powderizes the sugar and adds a little flavor...HEY! What are you doing?! Didn't I just tell you not to touch anything? Here you are dumping some of the flavoring extract for the blue Pixie Stix into your Red Bull. Oh great, the sugar caused it to fizz over and now there's a mess on the floor. Do you know how long it's been since we had an accident here at Wonka? Are you trying to ruin my streak? I don't care that it tastes like blueberry Red Bull now. No I really don't care! I am furious with you. Seriously I don't care. I can perfectly envision in my mind what concentrated blue Pixie Stix flavor and Red Bull would taste like together. I admit that it would taste nice, but my anger with you is complete and I will have to wait until after security has led to you to make some myself and sell the recipe to Red Bull. Oh think of it now the merging of two great companies. Mr. Wonka will be so pleased with me. Maybe he'll even hand the company over to me instead of some punk nosed kid. Oh yes I lied earlier; you were going to get the company. Instead you and your con artist of a grandfather can go back to living in squalor. How can a grown man pretend to be in pain and not walk for years and then just jump up and dance suddenly? I'm calling shenanigans!
Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Jason Draper on 11/16/12, 10:07 AM
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Red Bull The Silver Edition

Red Bull The Silver Edition
I worked at Fun Fun Fun Fest again this year and one of the big sponsors was Red Bull. Big as in you couldn't walk 5 feet without being handed a can of Red Bull. It was 80 degrees in Austin all weekend long so instead of hot coffee I drank cold Red Bull.

Just as I was getting sick of the taste of Red Bull, I came across this can in a cooler. It's as if they really wanted to keep to the "limited edition" of the flavor and only brought one can for every 10,000 because this was the first time I saw it all weekend. Regardless of it being new, I was excited for something different in taste.

And it's definitely different, in a great way. It's lemon lime flavored! It's not as if they poured 7UP into Red Bull, it tastes nothing like regular Red Bull and everything like a delicious lemon-lime soda. If this were a regular Red Bull flavor, people would buy this in stampedes and leave the old cans in the dust.
Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Derek Neuland on 11/13/12, 12:00 PM
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Red Bull Total Zero

Red Bull Total Zero
As if the 10 calories in Sugar Free Red Bull were too many, they recently came out with TOTAL ZERO. Imagine those words being emitted by an ominous voice and it makes the drink sound more intimidating. Sadly, it's not really that much different (taste wise) from Sugar Free Red Bull. I was hoping they were going to shake up the Red Bull recipe a little for this, but they stuck with what they know.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Derek Neuland on 7/18/12, 10:50 PM
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Red Bull Energy Shot

Red Bull Energy Shot
I guess this energy shot could be considered a drink. It tasted like Red Bull mixed with poison; a complete chemical flavor. So gross. Not for me.
If you need to drink a Red Bull go for a regular one, they taste way better.
Shot and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Jason Draper on 10/25/10, 7:20 AM
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Red Bull Sugarfree

Red Bull Sugarfree
There was a point in my life when I preferred the sugar free Red Bull over the original. When I drank this I cannot for the life of me remember why. It tastes very similar to regular Red Bull, like liquid Smarties. The exception is that it's made with Aspartame. That means it tastes like diet liquid Smarties.
As far as diet drinks go, it's not bad. I suggest it if you're looking for a pick me up, but you're watching your weight. If that's not an issue, just grab an original one out of the cooler at the gas station.
Energy Drink and Diet
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Jason Draper on 10/19/10, 10:14 AM
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Red Bull Simply Cola

Red Bull Simply Cola
I stayed away from this stuff for a while when I first saw it. I'm not a regular drinker of energy drinks. On the rare occasions when I do get them, I rarely stray from a select few. I have to say it's not bad. It tastes like a cola that is fighting with some ingredients from root beer. The cola is victorious in the end, but there are some strange flavors left over. The two tastes, besides cola, that stand out the most are lime and licorice. Neither is terribly overpowering, so it adds a nice subtlety to it.
The really nice thing is that this is all natural. There are no chemicals added for energy. All of the caffeine in this is from coffee beans, so it doesn't make you all crazy.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
Red BullWebsite@redbull
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Jason Draper on 10/14/10, 8:49 AM
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