Ribena Mango & Lime

Ribena Mango & Lime
It's always weird going to another country and walking into a corner store/gas station. Everything is familiar yet different. It's almost like being in a dream where you know what you want and when you reach for it you realize that something is off. Names and packages are different, and sometimes unreadable due to language barriers, but for the most part this could be the store around the corner from your house.

The UK may not have companies like Motts and Veryfine, but they do have Rebina. I've had their original (blackcurrant) beverage before and it was pretty alright. I'm a bit shocked we hadn't reviewed it already because I've seen it in some little markets around Buffalo, and I didn't think it had been that long since I drank it. It's nice that they have expanded their line of drinks. They may have done so decades ago, but this is the first I've seen of it, being holed up in Buffalo.

Essentially Rebina puts out fruit juices that are sweetened and a bit watered down so that they don't taste like actual juice, but instead become juice drinks. This flavor in particular is mostly mango with just a pinch of lime. It has a ridiculously mango smell to it, that I wish was more present in the flavor. I think it's the orange juice that is involved that makes it taste so little like juice.

I have no real qualms with this drink, as it has its place. I just prefer my juices to be what they are and not diluted into what this has become.
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 5/2/14, 11:05 AM
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