Schmohz Brewery Sammi Rae Root Beer

Schmohz Brewery Sammi Rae Root Beer
It is always a treat in my travels when I come across small local breweries that make their own soda. I had never heard of Schmohz Brewery until I came across this root beer in a small coffee shop in downtown Flint, MI. The home of the brewery is actually Grand Rapids, but it found it's way a short distance to Flint, which might I say has come quite a ways since I last visited there a decade ago. Back then the city was a ghost town, and everything seemed to be falling into ruins. This time there were some businesses that seemed to be thriving and things looked like they were on the up and up. Good job Rust Belt, let's keep reviving these cities.

Okay, enough about economic downfall and rejuvenation. We're here to talk about root beer so let's get down to brass tax. This root beer starts off fairly light in your mouth. It seemed like the ratios of the other ingredients to water were a bit off. Once I took a couple of sips I realized that while it's in your mouth it tastes a bit weak, but once you swallow it has a nice dark aftertaste. This doesn't taste like your run of the mill “classic” root beer. It's a but darker and you can tell it's microbrewed. There is nothing overly strong about the flavor. It's certainly there, but it's something you have to kind of sit and ponder over as it's not on the nose like most root beers.

Sugar and “More Sugar” are both listed in the ingredients, so I was expecting this to be overly sweet, but it's not at all. It has an average, and possibly even a little low level sweetness going on.

Finally, I'd like to acknowledge that a portion of the proceeds of this soda are donated to Sammi Rae of Hope, which is an organization that helps families who are suffering with the possible loss of a family member that can result in high medical bills. Sammi Rae helps those families to not lose their homes. Sounds like a great organization to me, and it's more than enough reason to take a chance on this pop if you ever find yourself in Michigan.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Schmohz BreweryWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 12/18/13, 7:34 PM
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