Schneider`s 50/50 Tea Lemonade

Schneider`s 50/50 Tea Lemonade
A Schneider's beverage in a can just seems wrong to me. Actually any of the Pennsylvania tea company's products in cans just doesn't sit well with me. I am so used to them coming in plastic bottles/jugs or cartons and that is how I like them. Those packaging give them an air of cheapness that I find oddly charming. I mean I still drank the contents of this can, but the entire time I wish the packaging was different. I can imagine that anyone not from the area would probably think I was being insane, but I am a fan of tradition and the way things used to be.

This is a very sweet beverage. There are 72g of sugar in this 23.5oz can. Actually I take that back, I just did the math and 24oz of Coke would have 78g of sugar. 72 is still a lot, but not as obscene as I previously though. You probably shouldn't drink all of this in one sitting though. This claims to be 50/50, but in reality it tastes more like 75/25 with lemonade taking up most of the flavor, but neither it nor the tea taste very authentic. It's like they took their lemon tea and just added more lemon to it. I know that shouldn't be much different than a lemonade tea, but there is something different about it, and I'm not a huge fan. It's a perfectly serviceable drink that I'm sure most people would love, but it just wasn't sitting right with me.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Jason Draper on 4/11/15, 2:57 PM
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