Simply Orange With Mango

Simply Orange With Mango
I dare you…€¦I double dog dare you…€¦I triple dog dare you to find me a better orange juice that is not made fresh in front of you. This is just orange juice and mango puree mixed together and poured into a bottle. It's all juice, and it's not cheap juice either. It's nothing if not high quality. Orange juice is great, but mango juice is better, so what better way to improve your orange juice than to mix in some of that great mango juice? There really is no other way to improve it that I know of. Mango and orange blend together so well.

I noticed that you didn't take me up on my dare. You're a baby. That's right a weak little baby. Don't you know the rules? You can't back down from a triple dog dare. Now get out there and try to find me a better orange juice!
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/9/12, 6:09 PM
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