Simpson Spring Coffee Soda

It's well known that many people out there are straight up coffee addicts. Perhaps it started like it was in the olden days with a mug for breakfast. Then it grew to a mug or two at the office. Now those same people drink it all day, everyday. I am amazed that people can do this can still fall asleep at night with no problems. It boggles (bottles) the mind.
So yes, people love their coffee. In the winter it's not a problem because it helps to warm them up and keep them moving. On days like today when it's a broiler out the last thing I would want to do it drink a nice hot mug of coffee. Sure you can go to a coffee shop and get a fancy iced coffee of some sort, but does iced coffee fit at a backyard bbq? I think not. Simpson Spring has the solution to this problem. They have created a coffee soda that is pretty insane. When you twist off that cap it smells like a bag of coffee grounds, which is one of the best smells ever. The taste is also surprisingly good. It tastes like someone somehow brewed coffee with carbonated water and then added a bit of sugar to it. It was refreshing, yet it still filled the need some of the people I was with had for their 4PM mug. The flavor is definitely more coffee than soda, but it's still carbonated. It basically tastes exactly like you would want it to. I'm not a huge coffee fan myself, but I really liked it and those of me that dig on the bean absolutely loved it. I'd say it's a fairly perfect drink.
So yes, people love their coffee. In the winter it's not a problem because it helps to warm them up and keep them moving. On days like today when it's a broiler out the last thing I would want to do it drink a nice hot mug of coffee. Sure you can go to a coffee shop and get a fancy iced coffee of some sort, but does iced coffee fit at a backyard bbq? I think not. Simpson Spring has the solution to this problem. They have created a coffee soda that is pretty insane. When you twist off that cap it smells like a bag of coffee grounds, which is one of the best smells ever. The taste is also surprisingly good. It tastes like someone somehow brewed coffee with carbonated water and then added a bit of sugar to it. It was refreshing, yet it still filled the need some of the people I was with had for their 4PM mug. The flavor is definitely more coffee than soda, but it's still carbonated. It basically tastes exactly like you would want it to. I'm not a huge coffee fan myself, but I really liked it and those of me that dig on the bean absolutely loved it. I'd say it's a fairly perfect drink.
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- Company
- Simpson Spring — Website
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
- Author
- Jason Draper on 5/28/12, 5:14 PM
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