Simpson Spring - 9 Reviews

Simpson Spring Cream Soda

Simpson Spring Cream Soda
Not all cream soda's are created equal. We know this. It's not debatable. Some are amazing and delicious and some just taste like they were dragged through the river. Simpson Spring has always done us good as far as soda goes, so this cream soda already had a leg up before I opened it up.

Lo and behold, I was right. This bottle is delicious! If they were to add a tagline to this flavor, it would be "very vanilla". I don't know if I've ever had a cream soda that has this strong of a vanilla flavor to it. Some people might prefer more subtle cream sodas, but the creamier the better in my opinion.
Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/30/12, 4:31 PM
Direct Link

Simpson Spring Coffee Soda

Simpson Spring Coffee Soda
It's well known that many people out there are straight up coffee addicts. Perhaps it started like it was in the olden days with a mug for breakfast. Then it grew to a mug or two at the office. Now those same people drink it all day, everyday. I am amazed that people can do this can still fall asleep at night with no problems. It boggles (bottles) the mind.

So yes, people love their coffee. In the winter it's not a problem because it helps to warm them up and keep them moving. On days like today when it's a broiler out the last thing I would want to do it drink a nice hot mug of coffee. Sure you can go to a coffee shop and get a fancy iced coffee of some sort, but does iced coffee fit at a backyard bbq? I think not. Simpson Spring has the solution to this problem. They have created a coffee soda that is pretty insane. When you twist off that cap it smells like a bag of coffee grounds, which is one of the best smells ever. The taste is also surprisingly good. It tastes like someone somehow brewed coffee with carbonated water and then added a bit of sugar to it. It was refreshing, yet it still filled the need some of the people I was with had for their 4PM mug. The flavor is definitely more coffee than soda, but it's still carbonated. It basically tastes exactly like you would want it to. I'm not a huge coffee fan myself, but I really liked it and those of me that dig on the bean absolutely loved it. I'd say it's a fairly perfect drink.
Coffee and Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Jason Draper on 5/28/12, 5:14 PM
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Simpson Spring White Birch

Simpson Spring White Birch
I needed this drink like some might need a beer. I had a baby keeping me up all night with some undiscovered thing, then a dog that sucks to no end barking and waking him up, and to cap it all off, I was doing a killer job carving a pumpkin and then more crying. Not everyone's best work, I've got to say.

I saw this, threw it in the fridge, for I knew that sometime soon, like two hours later, I was going to desire it to no end. Two hours later, as anticipated, I desired her like one would a new video game, toy, car, and so on and so forth.

It was worth the two-hour wait, too. It's crisp, has a strong birch taste, but isn't dark and complex like a lot of root/birch/sarsaparillas. It's got a good bite and the colder the better. I've been milking this bottle for a half hour to forty-five minutes and I've noticed it's gotten a little drab, but it's still good.

Jay got this in Canada, which is good because it's made in Massachusetts and that means it's available outside of the little town it looks like it's from.
Soda Pop and Root Beer
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Mike Literman on 10/22/11, 8:43 PM
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Simpson Spring Orange Soda

Simpson Spring Orange Soda
Simpson Spring makes a good soda. They have yet to disappoint me. This orange soda was no exception. It's good, but not great. It reminds me a lot of San Pellegrino Aranciata, but with more sugar. It's a good simple orange soda that is definitely better than Crush and Sunkist. Also, I love the shade of orange this had. If I could, I'd give this a 5-bottle rating in the color category.
Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Derek Neuland on 4/25/11, 4:31 PM
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Simpson Spring Root Beer

Simpson Spring Root Beer
Looks (and preconceived notions) can be deceiving. Thus far, Simpson Spring has output mostly mediocre soda. So when I found this in my box to review I had a feeling it was going to be a very generic root beer. While this isn't the most complex ever, it's far from bland.

The smell threw me off because it didn't smell like run-of-the-mill root beer. It was a familiar smell, but I couldn't put my finger on it. As soon as I took my first sip, it hit me: birch beer. This starts off as a normal root beer, but has a really nice crisp birch beer aftertaste. It's a really good 1-2 combo with a really good bite. Much like the combination of root beer and sarsaparilla, I would have never thought of this pairing but it makes sense. I love it! Now I challenge a company to make a Root Beer-Sarsaparilla-Birch Beer. If there has to be a holy trinity, my vote goes to them!
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Derek Neuland on 4/22/11, 12:33 AM
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Simpson Spring Grape Soda

Simpson Spring Grape Soda
This is a very average tasting grape soda, run-of-the-mill, if you will. Middle of the road, mediocre, vanilla, acceptable, standard, garden-variety, so-so, conventional, unexceptional, passable, second-rate, unobjectionable, common, decent, ordinary, satisfactory, or humdrum could also be used to describe this.

I think you get the point.
Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Derek Neuland on 4/19/11, 8:34 PM
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Simpson Spring Fruit Punch

Simpson Spring Fruit Punch
I have never met anyone who loves fruit punch. Fruit punch is the flavor you settle for when nothing else sounds good. Many times I have chosen the taste of water over fruit punch. Considering all this, I wasn't expecting much from this soda. As far as fruit punch sodas go, this is the best one I've ever had, but that is not saying much. The thing I hate most about fruit punch is that it's impossible to distinguish any single dominant flavor. Strawberry maybe, but I have my doubts.
Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Derek Neuland on 3/1/11, 1:18 AM
Direct Link

Simpson Spring Lemon Lime

Simpson Spring Lemon Lime
Up until now, every lemon lime soda I've ever had was clear. I like that this one is green. It's a really nice shade of green too. It's Ecto-Cooler green, easily one of my favorite shades of green. Can you tell green is my favorite color?

This is a pretty basic lemon lime soda with no frills. It's smooth and delicious, and tastes a lot better than 7-Up or Sprite. I don't know if it's in my subconscious due to the color, but it taste more lime than lemon. Now that I think of it, I don't know how one could make lemon lime soda with frills. I think it would probably ruin how classic it is. Then again, I probably thought that about root beer at one point.
Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Derek Neuland on 2/24/11, 12:09 AM
Direct Link

Simpson Spring Sarsaparilla

Simpson Spring Sarsaparilla
We've talked among ourselves that it's the middle of the road drinks that we have the hardest time reviewing. If a drink is horrible, it's easy to distinguish what's so bad about it. When a drink is amazing, there are so many thoughts we have about it, that's hard not to write an essay about it. But when a drink is good, but not amazing, that's when it's hard.

There's nothing wrong with this sarsaparilla. It's really smooth and clean tasting (probably because they use spring water), and the flavor is good. It's a very classic flavor, but there's nothing special about it. If someone gave me a bottle of this, I'd be stoked. Although, I don't think I'd seek it out as my #1 drink. Maybe I've become a soda snob?
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Derek Neuland on 2/19/11, 2:54 PM
Direct Link