Simpson Spring Lemon Lime

Simpson Spring Lemon Lime
Up until now, every lemon lime soda I've ever had was clear. I like that this one is green. It's a really nice shade of green too. It's Ecto-Cooler green, easily one of my favorite shades of green. Can you tell green is my favorite color?

This is a pretty basic lemon lime soda with no frills. It's smooth and delicious, and tastes a lot better than 7-Up or Sprite. I don't know if it's in my subconscious due to the color, but it taste more lime than lemon. Now that I think of it, I don't know how one could make lemon lime soda with frills. I think it would probably ruin how classic it is. Then again, I probably thought that about root beer at one point.
Soda Pop
Simpson SpringWebsite
United States
Sugar and/or Dextrose and Fructose
Derek Neuland on 2/24/11, 12:09 AM
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