Snapple All Natural Mango Madness

Snapple All Natural Mango Madness
Snapple going all-natural was a wonderful thing to see in my lifetime. To be able to enjoy their teas and juices again was like being reunited with family from the other side of town. A town that had a giant wall running down it. That's right, to my stomach the removal of corn syrup from their drinks was like the wall being torn down in Berlin (side note: corn syrup completely destroys my stomach for some reason).

My main complaint about this drink isn't even a complaint at all. It's merely confusion. The third ingredient listed is kiwi juice, yet it's not in the name of the drink. Using actual kiwi juice is a big deal people. Most kiwi flavored things are artificial and gross. When you have the real deal in product you should flaunt it. I dare say that this actually tastes more like kiwi than mango. They could have named it something terrible like "Krazy Kiwi Mango Madness." Of course that would make me never want to buy a bottle. Maybe Mango Madness was the right title, but underneath it they should have wrote something about the kiwi in there. "A Ki-winning Combination." And that is why I do not write ads.
United States
Jason Draper on 10/15/11, 8:04 PM
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