Snapple All Natural Raspberry Peach

Snapple All Natural Raspberry Peach
Snapple was one of the first “big” companies to make the switch back to real sugar from high fructose corn syrup. I for one was a happy camper. As you may know if you are one of the three people who actively read this website, that aren't me (I'm looking at you Mike and Neuland), HFCS destroys my stomach if I drink more than one bottle of something with it in it within a week. Snapple was a savior for me on the road. It some something that I knew would be in every rest stop and gas station. It allowed me to mix things up from water and straight up apple and orange juice. At that point there were maybe only 4 or 5 flavors in their “All Natural” line, but since then they've been cranking them out. In an age when there is a decent selection of non-corn sweetened beverages regularly available I started taking them for granted. Trying this drink I realize I'm an idiot. This is pretty darn good. Sure it's sweet as all hell, but sometimes you get “the tooth” and you need to serve it as your master. Would this be better with less sugar? Of course it would, what juice wouldn't be?

The weird thing about this is that pear juice is one of the main ingredients, above any other juice. Now, a lot of companies use apple juice to stretch the juices they use, but I've never run across a company using pears for that self same thing. It's one of those things that you would never taste if you didn't know, but once the knowledge enters your mind grapes you can taste it. Luckily the peach flavor overpowers any other flavor, with raspberry riding shotgun. The pear juice is nice and tied up in the trunk where unsuspecting people would have no idea…€¦just where pears belong.
United States
Jason Draper on 4/21/13, 1:13 PM
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