Snapple All Natural Tea Will Be Loved

Snapple All Natural Tea Will Be Loved
Let's talk about Maroon 5 for a second. Whether or not you like them, you have to give them this; they might write some of the catchiest, more radio friendly pop rock songs ever. Good hooks, funky guitar, great rhythm section, and Adam Levine is a good singer. Real good. Although you might not like them, you have to give them that. I think that they are one of those bands that I could probably listen to any record and say to myself, "Yeah, this is a certified multi-platinum album for a reason." So, I can see why Snapple called up the Maroon 5 hotline and said, "Hey guys. Reason we called you is because while we were getting a drink from Bret Michaels, we thought that we might want to ask some people that the kids like for being good, not for winning a TV show. So what do you say, dudes?" They then had to go to the thinking lair of the Maroon 5 multi-million dollar headquarters and put together the perfect drink to put their name on.

They each picked a fruit and you know it was Adam Levine who stepped it up and thought out of the box and said that he wanted hibiscus in there. Everyone else probably had "fruit regret" because hibiscus is the secret ingredient in many drinks to push it over the top. Since they picked them, they had to stick with them, though. Snapple took these flavors, put them in a mixer, called up the hotline a week later and said, "This is great stuff, guys. I can taste everyone's flavor suggestion and can still tell that it's a black tea. It's nicely sweet and there is a nice, complex overall flavor both in initial taste and aftertaste. You've got another hit, boys!" and promptly put the drink on the shelves. Mickey Madden, the bass player with ears of gold said that he knew that he could sense that the person that made that call had gold, T-bar glasses, smoked a cigar, and was wearing a fedora when he made the call. He could hear it. Also, he could hear the reverberation coming from the call and also noted that he could tell that he was calling from a velvet-curtained room. Maroon 5 did a five person high five, sold another million records that second, and got sushi.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 9/18/11, 7:39 PM
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