Sumol Original Passion Fruit

Sumol Original Passion Fruit
Your fruit, while technically proficient, lacks passion and in a world like ours, that simply won't due. Stop being so wishy washy and step up to the adults table and get yourself some passion fruit. It's the fruit of your dreams. It's sweet and tropical, just like those previously mentioned dreams of yours.

This can may contain only 6% juice, but it still is up to par with almost any sparkling fruit juice I've ever tasted. It tastes just like passion fruit. Slightly overly sweetened passion fruit, but passion fruit nonetheless. You could squeeze about 150 pieces of fruit (they are little, and you don't get much out of them) and mix in some sugar and carbonation and you would be close to this drink. You'd only be missing one little thing, and it's the only thing in this drink that is even remotely off putting; you need to add a little sucralose. Ugh. I don't know why they put it in here. It takes a drink that easily would have gotten full marks and drops it down one notch. It doesn't have a super diet taste, but you can definitely tell that there is something a little off. It's still a monumental beverage, but we're always reaching for the stars here at Thirsty Dudes
Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 5/5/13, 10:36 PM
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