Wawa Iced Tea Blackberry

Wawa Iced Tea Blackberry
Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been far too long since I have been in Wawa country. It's only been about six months, but that is half a year that I was denied the glory of soft pretzels and their delicious teas. You might find yourself saying something along the line of, “It's just gas station tea, how could you possibly miss it that much?” I will tell you why I do, it's because they sweeten it with real sugar and actually use fruit juice to flavor it. Show me another gas station that does that, and I will plan a road trip.

Since my last visit Wawa has released this new flavor. It's like they are taunting me. I mean every employee of every Wawa location must have heard me go off a dozen times about how blackberries are my favorite and how a blackberry tea would be a gift. It seems like they took note and then decided to release it whilst I was back home…€¦jerks.

Lucky for me Editor Dan took a vacation and stopped at a Wawa, or eight, and brought me home a bottle. It's almost exactly what I wanted. With 40g of sugar per bottle its more than a tad sweeter than I would have preferred, but I'll take what I can get and what I got was a nice sweetened tea that actually tastes like blackberries.

Take note Wawa, I will be visiting your various locations around Jersey and Philly come September, so stock up for me.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 8/4/13, 6:35 PM
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