Maple Sugar - 2 Reviews

Califia Farms Matcha Almond Milk

Califia Farms Matcha Almond Milk
This very obviously has an almond milk base. In fact it appears to be more than just a base; it makes up the bulk of the taste. Got a matcha this has a very minimal green tea flavor. It really needs to be much, much stronger. It tastes like they took half a shot glass of green tea, poured it into a gallon jug and filled the rest with almond milk. Well, maybe it's not that extreme, but it's not anywhere near where I want it to be. It's nice and creamy, but without the proper green tea taste, what's the point?
Iced Tea
Califia FarmsWebsite@califiafarms
United States
Maple Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/7/17, 4:10 PM
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Arizona Oak Brewed Tea Lemon

Arizona  Oak Brewed Tea Lemon
Look at us, Arizona. We are growing up and we are doing it together. When I was a kid, you and I shared lemon tea and green tea outside of gas stations. Now I've got a career, kid, dog, mortgage and I'm drinking oak steeped tea. We are classy individuals. We went from a time of immaturity including but not limited to:
  • lighting tennis balls on fire and playing street hockey
  • Throwing cans of Raid into bonfires and having them explode.
  • Making multi-floor treehouses in a friend's backyard
  • Following friends down hills in cars while they rode street luges made out of old street signs

Together, we have turned into quasi-functional "adults" with responsibilities. Your responsibility was to make a calm, nice tasting tea and you did it, buddy. This tea is slightly lemony, slightly sweetened and has all the nice, woody qualities that would make a whisky drinker blush. Way to go. Now let's go be creepy dudes at the mall.
Iced Tea
Arizona Website@DrinkAriZona
United States
Maple Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/1/14, 5:17 PM
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