Sucralose - 291 Reviews

V8 V-Fusion + Tea Raspberry Green Tea

V8 V-Fusion + Tea Raspberry Green Tea
Do you know what I hate? Straight up V8. I blame the tomatoes. Tomatoes are strange things. On their own they are the devil in food form. Seriously disgusting. I can't get over it. The thing is, salsa is one of my favorite things ever and the tomatoes in that don't bother me at all. I also like red sauce. I think ketchup is a crime against humanity, though. The smell alone makes me want to hurl. V8 didn't really stand a chance in its original form when it went to war against my palate.

V8 eventually saw that they were never going to be able to please me with their old business model (I mean I am who the company is always trying to please). They stepped up their game with the Splash and V-Fusion lines. They realized that if they mixed a bunch of fruits and vegetables together (yes tomatoes are still in the mix) it actually tasted decent...and not like something Beelzebub would be sipping on in the sixth circle of hell.

This is one of the best that V8 has to offer. Each 8oz glass contains a serving of both fruits and vegetables. In doing so it performs some sort of sorcery that makes the drink still taste like raspberry iced tea. This has sweet potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes in it. You would never know unless someone spilled the beans. Apparently they still keep Satan on the payroll.
Iced Tea and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 3/16/11, 10:32 AM
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MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Strawberry Watermelon

MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Strawberry Watermelon
I did not know what to expect when I heard of MiO. I love the idea of having a drink mix in a super-concentrate and not having to fuss with powder. I don't hate powders, but from a practicality standpoint, it's easier to carry one thing than many things. Women, do you have purses? Carry this and don't carry 24 drink mixes around with you. Problem 1 is solved. Problem 2? Diet drinks are gross and often really gross. MiO scared me at first. It's a concentrate, so the flavor is concentrated, and you know what else is? The artificial sweetener. I didn't think that I was going to like it from the smell alone. I was still going to try it, obviously, but that caught me by surprise. Oh wait, I didn't solve problem 2. So I made the drink, and we at Thirsty Dudes don't mess around when it comes to mix drinks. We follow directions to a T so that it's easily reproducible. For this, I did the recommended "1 squirt" per 8oz. of water. It did not taste diet at all. There wasn't a hint of diet. It tasted like if you had juice, drank three quarters, filled the glass back up with water, and started re-drinking it.

I don't want to say that it tasted like weak juice; because here's the best thing about can just add more mix. Oh, it's too weak? Add more mix. Done. It's completely customizable. You can mix flavors if you want. It could be good.

I like this as a product as I, as well as many others, wish that MiO had used Stevia or something natural since everyone is up in arms about chemical sweeteners. That being said, sucralose might have been a more disguise-able sweetener. Stevia might have had more sweetness that they didn't want. I'm sure they looked into it.

Look, this is clearly a well thought out product. It eliminates the need for many and consolidates into one easy to use, easy to travel, thing. It tasted good and I feel confident about the whole packaging not opening when it shouldn't do to a rather sturdy click.

This is a brand spanking new product and since it's not gross, even if you aren't on a diet, give it a try. I'm happy that Kraft and MiO took the time to send us some samples so that we could share this with you. I feel like we're breaking ground with crisp new, revolutionary products.
Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 3/9/11, 12:25 PM
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Neuro Fuel Sugarfree

Neuro Fuel Sugarfree
Scientists have been working around the clock for decades to come up with a drug that will cure almost any problem that you could possibly have. Finally they believe they have their solution and they call it Neuro Fuel. If this does half of what it claims than it must be a miracle drug. Neuro Fuel boasts to enhance coordination, intelligence, motivation, concentration, desire, sexual function, and recovery. The can also states that it calms anxiety, relieves depression, and reduces the urge to overeat. For those of you who are familiar with the Kids In The Hall movie, they would have you believe that this is a liquid version of GLeeMONEX. Hopefully Neuro Fuel won't induce a coma in anyone where their son and grandchildren come over for Xmas in a never ending loop.

When I opened the can my first impression was how carbonated it was. One sip caused an immense burp. The second thing I noticed was that it smelled very yeasty. It was a turn off and I feared what this was going to taste like. Strangely, but fortunately, it didn't taste yeasty at all. Rather it tasted diety, fruity, and a whole other mess of things that end with the letter Y. If this weren't diet I would have probably liked it more. As it is I will finish the can, but can't say I'd ever crack open another one. Then again I never go for a second round of diet drinks.

GLeeMONEX Neuro Fuel makes it feel like it's seventy-two degrees in your head... all... the... time!
Diet, Energy Drink and Other/Weird
Neuro FuelWebsite@DrinkNeuroFuel
United States
Jason Draper on 3/6/11, 12:47 PM
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Unwind Ultimate Relaxation Goji Grape

Unwind Ultimate Relaxation Goji Grape
Darn bus. I take the bus to and from work. Sometimes I even take a subway if I can catch the 26, but it's a rarity. Oh, why don't I like the bus? I drank this at about 4 and jumped on the bus at 5 and I was exhausted. I wanted to sleep on that bus so badly in had to fight staying awake.

Taste-wise this drink was alright. Pretty diet but flavorful enough that I could finish a can.

Had I drank this an hour before I went to sleep, I would have been like Rip Van Winkle up in this piece. This stuff works.
Sparkling and Relaxation
United States
Mike Literman on 3/4/11, 7:12 PM
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Hansen's Diet Creamy Root Beer

Hansen's Diet Creamy Root Beer
Have you ever been super stoked on a drink but then you take a sip and you find out someone put sand in it? This has never happened to me, but it's how I feel about this can. I love root beer and I love Hansen's, but I do not love diet soda. For a second this taste good, but then the awful diet acid taste kicks in. Sorry Hansen's, I'm sticking with the regular sugar versions of your soda.
Diet, Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 3/2/11, 10:42 PM
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Sparkling Ice Black Raspberry

Sparkling Ice Black Raspberry
I'm going to a friend's wedding this weekend. As a result I felt the need to step up my wardrobe a bit, so I took a trip to the mall. It was a rare case of shopping instead of people watching. It's a strange, strange place to be, believe you me. While going from store to store quickly growing more annoyed by the second, I suddenly noticed a fellow angered shopper drinking one of these. When I passed by the convenient store a few shops down I popped in and picked this up.

Like always I was quick to purchase before realizing it was a diet drink. I was okay with it because it didn't have an overly diet taste to it. The black raspberry taste is pretty strong and it overpowered the sucralose flavor. If I ever went on a diet I would definitely drink these on the regular. My mom drinks zero calorie flavored sparkling waters all of the time. I bet she would love these. I should probably be a good son and pick her up a couple the next time I'm at the mall watching people, drinking iced tea and eating terrible burritos.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 2/21/11, 11:13 AM
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Atkins Advantage Mocha Latte

Atkins Advantage Mocha Latte
First of all, no I am not on a diet. Sometimes, people just have drinks that are common and I haven't had and they are nice enough to let me snap a shot of it and take a sip. All diet jokes aside; this is actually a pretty delicious drink. It smelled familiar and I couldn't place it. Then it hit me like a ton of chocolaty bricks. Cocoa Puffs. It smells like Cocoa Puffs and tastes 80% like Cocoa Puffs. The last 20% is a latte aftertaste that isn't undesirable. It's got a nice creamy head on it once you take the 10 mandatory seconds to shake it. Since it's so thick, the foam lasts a pretty good amount of time and is enjoyable throughout your drinking endeavor.

There is no sugar in this drink either, and the calorie count is 160, a lot less than many other dietary supplements. If you are on a diet, Atkins or not, this would be a good drink to try.

I'm glad I'm done with this review because I am just going to slam the rest of this sample I have.
Coffee and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 2/10/11, 7:30 AM
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RelaxZen Night

RelaxZen Night
I will admit. I have been leery to try relaxation drinks. I don't know how my body is going to react. They all typically have the same ingredients, rose hips, melatonin, more stuff. All natural, earth grown, vitamins, more stuff. I think that I have a history of taking medicine when I was way younger and not eating and get nauseous. All the time I would do it. I would, for some stupid reason, not eat all day, take some Tylenol or something and feel...just...gross. Taking the medicine made me feel worse. All I had to do was put some peanut butter on bread and all would have been fixed. I could have easily bypassed dozens of ill feeling days/nights/etc.

So now you know my history of medicine, or at least a significant portion of it, so last night, I decided to give this a try. I drank it and it tasted very diet. It is fully explainable since no one is going to want sugar before you go to bed, and that's the intended usage of this product, so they had to artificially sweeten it. Don't get mad at them because they thought of knocking you out cold. It did have a sharp berry taste. It wasn't bad. If you're used to diet drinks, this is no different and you know the "sharpness" you're talking about.

I had full intention of watching at least two episodes of Cowboy Bebop last night. I watched one and made it through about 10 minutes of another one before I was knocked out cold. They say that it reached full potency at 15 minutes and you'll start getting sleepy. I clocked in at probably about a half hour before I started doing that thing where you don't get enough sleep, go to math class, and fall asleep for seconds at a time. I slept through the night, had some strange dream about a social gathering at the abandoned house next door to me, and woke up at 9:30 because my dog was yelling at me, but I feel good today. No side effects, no drowsiness, no leftovers.

This was the Night formula and I gave some friends some of this so hopefully I can coerce them to leave their experiences in the comments section. If you've tried it, let people know what you thought.
Shot and Relaxation
United States
Mike Literman on 2/5/11, 8:48 AM
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Kirkland Vita Rain Dragonfruit

Kirkland Vita Rain Dragonfruit
Most variations of vitamin water taste the same to me: sweet, sugary, and somewhere between juice and water in the thickness. This is no exception. I bought it because I was thirsty, didn't have my water bottle with me, and didn't want to buy water. It definitely did the trick. I really like drinks with dragonfruit in them, so I wonder if I'd like the actual fruit. I should explore this sometime soon since most of my fruit intake comes from juice.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Derek Neuland on 1/23/11, 3:18 PM
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Function Light Weight Blueberry Raspberry

Function Light Weight Blueberry Raspberry
I've been putting off trying this diet Function that was sent to us. I really disliked the other diet Function I had. This one really wasn't that bad at all. It lacked that overly diet taste that I had expected. Instead the fruit flavor was the strongest to my taste buds. I might go as far as to say this is the most un-diety diet drink I've ever had. Go ahead, give it a try.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/8/10, 10:17 AM
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What's Knew Freshet Pink Lemonade Flavor Tea

What's Knew Freshet Pink Lemonade Flavor Tea
As soon as I smelled this I could tell that it was made from tea powder. It tastes like the iced tea I would make in junior high. I would put twice the recommended amount of tea powder and sugar in. That's not a trip down memory lane I needed to take. It does smell faintly like raspberries, which I assume is the pink aspect of it, but it only tastes like lemon. I didn't even bother finishing the bottle.
Iced Tea, Lemonade and Diet
What's Knew
United States
Jason Draper on 10/11/10, 12:51 PM
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