Sucralose - 291 Reviews

Facedrink The Social Drink

Facedrink The Social Drink
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,
It has come to our attention that people are becoming annoyed at the constant layout changes you've been making to The Facebook. I'm sorry, I was just told Justin Timberlake told you to drop the 'The' and it's now called just 'Facebook'. Anyways, if you don't do something drastic and awesome soon, I think people are going to jump ship and join Google + more rapidly. Sure you could clean up the layout, make privacy settings better, and a whole slew of other things, but I have a better idea!

An energy drink! Kids these days love energy drinks. Have you seen the energy drink sections at corner stores lately? It's bigger than the juice section! So you get this energy drink in the hands of kids and they will be so wired and hyperactive they will want to post a million photos and status updates.

Ready to hear the name I thought of? You're going to love it: Facedrink. Isn't it great!? What's that? Oh.... apparently there is already an energy shot called Facedrink. Its tag line is "the social drink". Hmmm, well great minds think alike I guess. Lemme give it a try. Not bad at all! Most energy shots are gross, but this one is pretty good. I already feel energized and ready to post about this on Facebook. See! It's working already and I'm not even the target demographic.

Energy Drink, Shot and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/12/11, 12:29 PM
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Tweak Extreme Berry

Tweak Extreme Berry
Energy drinks are getting too extreme these days. Between the Redline review Derek did yesterday and this I think one of us is going to have a heart attack.

I have a bad habit of drinking something first and then reading everything on the packaging after I'm done. Luckily I did not do that with this because there are a bunch of warnings on it to read the label before use. It also says "Not for sale to minors" on it a bunch of times, so you know things are serious. I feel like teenagers are the prime market for most energy drinks, so when they exclude them you know it has to be powerful. The bottle informs me not to drink more than 6oz in an eight-hour period. I think I accidentally drank about 8, and I sure can feel it. Like to the point where I kind of want to throw up to purge my body of the poison.

As far as taste goes, it tastes like a diet Gatorade or something of that ilk. Not a flavor I'm fond of, but what do you expect with a diet drink. It doesn't have as much of a "energy chemical" taste as I would have expected seeing as it's ridiculously concentrated.

I can't really get behind this drink. When I drink an energy drink I do it for a little push to help me stay awake, or if I'm going to be doing strenuous activity. I like to not notice it much. This is jitter central. I wish I could undo drinking so much.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 10/8/11, 4:28 PM
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MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Sweet Tea

MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Sweet Tea
I have to drink more water. It's a fact. You might need to, also. I'm looking out for your health. It's good for you. Drink more water.

Now that me educating you on the basics are done and out of the way, we can get to the nitty gritty. Side fact: if all water tasted like sweet tea, had no calories, and was as plentiful as water, there would be no war, no crime, no funny business. Everyone would just be high-fiving everyone, kissing everyone on the cheek like some fancy European country.

This Mio isn't half bad. I drank a large and a half glass last night and was pleasantly surprised. It was slightly diet, but it's a diet drink. I don't want that to dissuade you. It's not gross. It is closer than many sweet teas I've drank that aren't diet, aren't concentrate, and come highly recommend.

Think of it as a diet sweet tea. It's a getting a thumbs up from me.
Diet, Iced Tea and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 10/1/11, 5:40 PM
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On Go Energy Berry Blast

On Go Energy Berry Blast
Energy shots are garbage. It's a scientific fact. They are concentrated so they taste like liquid trash. It's up to you to decide if the trade off it worth it. Do you want to chug a big sugary can of something that will make you pee at least twice, or do you want something quick and compact? The cans generally taste better, in their own chemical way, but the shots can be stored in a pocket for anytime use.

Normally the shots and cans are around the same price, but On Go has put out this line of shots that are less than a dollar each. So they are compact and inexpensive. This one also tastes like radioactive raspberries. It's sad that the flavor doesn't put it at a disadvantage against other energy shots. As I said they all taste like neon trash. I can say that this works, possibly too well. I drank it on an all day excursion of bike riding/hiking/beaver watching and pizza eating and I was unable to fall asleep until about 4am. I should have been completely exhausted like my friends, who passed out around midnight, but this little bottle kept me alert, even when I pleaded for it not to.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
On GoWebsite@ongoenergy
United States
Jason Draper on 9/27/11, 5:03 PM
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XAPP Protein Recovery Fruit Punch Flavor

XAPP Protein Recovery Fruit Punch Flavor
I was riding my bike in a race at historic Billy Goat Falls today. Uphill, downhill, uphill, downhill and so on and so forth. It was a five and a half mile race and reached some intense inclines of about forty percent. It would have been a test to even the most seasoned rider. It took me twenty-six minutes to complete it and I rode along the mountains and we saw snowcaps on mountains, gondolas, and even that pesky Sasquatch who was just walking around in his cave watching the race.

When I finished, one whole minute behind my teammate, we headed back to base camp, cranked up Craig David's Story Goes, and drank some XAPP.

Initially the taste was pretty good. Fresh out of the cooler at the base it was pretty refreshing, but as soon as the dreaded room temperature hit, it started getting that thick, gritty, protein taste. If I could review the initial, better taste, it was good. Not too sweet and a pretty standard fruit punch taste. It didn't have any of the protein drink flavor. I don't know if it just kind of congealed once it warmed up, but that's what I'm hypothesizing happened and that led to a thick drink that was no where near as good as it initially was.

Tomorrow we may take a trip to that roller coaster that you can ride your bike on, or maybe take a day trip to space and ride in the tunnels they have up there. We'll play it by ear.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 9/26/11, 2:54 PM
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Stacker2 Xtra Energy Shot Berry

Stacker2 Xtra Energy Shot Berry
I've become pretty tolerant of energy shots in the past couple years. I don't feel like going back through all my reviews, but I'm guessing I've tried at least two-dozen different brands and flavors. Obviously some are better than others, but for the most part they are gross.

I found this one at the Dollar Store and I now know why. It has a gross chalky berry flavor that is just not appealing to me. Xtra Energy? More like Xtra gross.
Energy Drink, Shot and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/20/11, 7:34 PM
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Neutron Energy Sugar Free Citrus

Neutron Energy Sugar Free Citrus
Life in the lab is hard work. Long hours, no time to socialize (except at home on World of Warcraft), hardly any sleep, etc... We used to have a coffee pot in the lab. Unfortunately one time I accidentally poured mercury into it. I almost made a cup of coffee with it to give to the new janitor Franklin, but I decided I didn't want to accidentally cause someone else's death.

Sadly, my coffee drinking days in the lab are over. Which is why, like most scientists, I have switched to energy drinks. Most of my colleagues like the standard ones: Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Amp, etc... While those are all fine, I prefer to dig a little and find some hidden gems. This Neutron Energy one is one of my favorites currently. I was drawn to it by the name and artwork obviously. I love tart drinks as well and this one can definitely be classified as such. It has a strong grapefruit taste, which is awesome. It has a slight diet taste, but it definitely tastes better than most energy drinks. I've obviously never drank mercury coffee, but I'm sure it tastes better than that as well.
Diet and Energy Drink
Neutron Energy
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/19/11, 3:14 PM
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Tweak Extreme Grape

Tweak Extreme Grape
Ever since I was a kid, I loved the taste of cough syrup. Whenever I got sick and had to take it, I secretly was excited. I was a good kid and never abused it or took it when I didn't need it. Even as an adult, I've only ever took it as needed.

Also when I entered adulthood, I found out that most people hate the taste of cough medicine. I was so confused when I found this out. Were they all getting gross flavors and I just always happened to buy the good stuff? This energy drink tastes just like grape cough syrup and I love it. It's not as thick as its medicinal counterpart, but it has a slightly thicker than normal consistency to it. The best part is this barely has any gross energy drink or diet taste to it.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/18/11, 4:24 PM
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Cintron Liquid Energy Sugar Free Tropical Azul

Cintron Liquid Energy Sugar Free Tropical Azul
From the taste of this I would suspect that Tropical Azul is some sort of blue sugar candy. Perhaps is a blue off brand Lick-a-Made or Pixie Stick. Cintron has taken this beloved treat and somehow removed all of the sugar. You might think that you would just have an empty plate after that because it just looks like a pile of blue sugar, but if it were that simple my friend. Cintron developed the science for their diabetic friends and they have used it and used it well. Due to poor candy sales last quarter, they infused this treat into an energy drink. What was created is what is before me now. It tastes like blue candy and it tastes like an energy drink. It also tastes like a diet energy drink that doesn't taste like death. So ride the blue wave my friend. Ride it to lower blood sugar and a thinner waist.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/18/11, 12:16 PM
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Jump Sugar Free Recon Coffee Energy Cola

Jump Sugar Free Recon Coffee Energy Cola
I had a run in with coffee soda once before and it didn't go so well. For some reason, I had a feeling this was going to taste good. Maybe after doing this for over a year I've developed some sort of extra sense: the ability to determine how good a drink will be before opening it. That would be a pretty cool power to have. Maybe I could get on Stan Lee's Super-humans with it.

My drink sense was not wrong on this one. This combines two things I love (coffee and cola) and melds them together in an amazing way. It tastes like a really crisp cola, but with a nice coffee aftertaste. There's a hint of vanilla in there as well, which adds a nice smooth taste to it. The best part of this drink is that it's a diet drink, but doesn't have that gross diet taste to it. (Note: I have been drinking a lot of diet drinks lately so there is a slight possibility that I have become used to the taste of sucralose and no longer find it disgusting.)

I think I need to order a case of this asap because I'm not always in the mood for hot coffee in the morning and I only like iced coffee with soy/almond milk in it. This is my new favorite coffee drink.
Coffee, Diet, Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/15/11, 1:50 PM
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Omega Water Fruit Fusion

Omega Water Fruit Fusion
I find it really strange that in a post-apocalyptic world not many people actually died. I mean maybe 27% of the population is no longer with us, which is tragic, but from all of the comics I've read I would have expected it to be maybe a couple of thousand people left at the most. I guess all of the little amounts of radiation we used in microwaves and cell phones acted like a flu shot of sorts. The strangest thing is that most of the water has been destroyed. One company controls all of the pure water that is left in the world. They are called Omega Water. Sure there are some mutated waters roaming the countryside, but the radiation left them all carbonated and unrefreshing.

To be fair Omega Water isn't pure water like we remember it from the before time. The nuclear war left this water source chock full of water and minerals, including the ever elusive omega-3. I guess their name has two meanings...clever. I personally like this fruit version. It tastes like someone took a pestle and mortar to some children's vitamins and mixed in that fine powder with the water. It tastes like water with faint fruitiness. Fruitiness is now an acceptable word in these end times. Get used to it.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
Omega WaterWebsite@O3Water
United States
Jason Draper on 9/13/11, 11:35 AM
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Hero Energy Shot

Hero Energy Shot
It's a tough life protecting the city. Who has time to sleep these days with all of the crime going on? Korporal Kangaroo? That guys is a joke. He runs and hides whenever evil rears its ugly head. It's 7:43am and I bet that joker is still curled up in his bed under a mountain of covers. Me, I haven't had more than a few minutes of sleep at a time for the past 17 months. How do I do it? I'm glad you asked. I had the boys in the lab mix me up a batch of potent energy juice. I used to rely on Red Bull, but when I found out that El Torro was the head of the company I just had to stop. I will not support villainy is any form be it crime of commerce. I knew I needed something made by super heroes for super heroes.

The boys named it Hero. What can I say they are terrible at branding, but are geniuses with science and technology? Not only is it potent, but it's also small so I can keep a couple hidden in my cowl during my patrols. It's also the least toxic tasting "non all natural" energy shot I've ever tasted and I've tried them all. It still tastes like chemical berries, but not like radiated chemical berries.

Now I must up my vigilance to help keep these streets safe for lady liberty!
Shot and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/12/11, 12:36 PM
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Muscle Milk Protein H2O Sugar Free Raspberry

Muscle Milk Protein H2O Sugar Free Raspberry
It's been a long day at the gym. I'm a sweaty mess and I'm also exhausted. What can I say sometimes you just need to juice your pecs. Did you see me in there though? I was benching so much that it could have been a beached whale. No not that one that blew up all over some Asian city when they were trying to transport it. That was insane and disgusting. Why would you bring that up? Seriously, you're the "bar tender" at the gym juice bar. Is that you're opening line to make conversation with patrons? If so you really need to work on it.

So what would you recommend that I drink at a time like this? Muscle Milk? Sounds disgusting. You know that milk is basically blood and pus right? Ugh. Seriously are you trying to make me sick here? Is that how you get people to lose weight in this establishment? Oh they have a water version that is raspberry flavored? I guess I'll take one of those. Hmmm it tastes like a diet Vitamin Water with a little milk mixed in. This is really weird. It's basically water, juice and whey protein. Flavor-wise they either need to ditch the sucralose or the whey. Both are needed for their formula, so I guess it's what we're stuck with. I don't hate this, but I can't see drinking it every time I come to this gym. Wait...what? This isn't a gym? This is just the basement of a construction site? Then why are you serving drinks? Stop looking at me like I'm insane!
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Muscle MilkWebsite@MuscleMilk
United States
Jason Draper on 9/8/11, 7:41 PM
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Drenchers Fit 'N Lean Grape Apple

Drenchers Fit 'N Lean Grape Apple
Diet death. That is what in encased in this bottle. It is chock full of tons of things that are good for you, and that probably wouldn't taste all that bad, but then it's completely overloaded with sucralose. I've learned to accept sucralose in moderation, but it's so prevalent in this drink that I just can't handle it. It definitely has a grape and apple taste, but that stupid artificial sweetener gets in there and just messes it all up for everyone. Well everyone that has taste buds. On top of all that it is a neon teal color that has nothing to do with either of the fruits represented. It actually looks like toxic waste, just the way it tastes.
Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 9/8/11, 11:01 AM
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Jump Hot Pure Energy Raspberry

Jump Hot Pure Energy Raspberry
This can looks like one that would be used in a Foo Fighters video in order to show the ridiculousness of energy drinks. I can just picture Dave Grohl dressed as a club girl drinking this as he walks past a bunch of guys waiting to get in. And then just as he enters the doorway, he half turns around and winks at someone. Say what you will about the band's music, they have made some great music videos over the years.

Unlike the can, the taste did not make me feel like I was in a club listening to Euro Dance Mix 2004. It's a really light drink. This is probably because, as the can says, it is sugar, carb, and fat free. I can't put my finger on what the taste reminds me of, but it's good! There's no diet taste, and there's definitely no battery acid energy drink taste. I wish I had more than just this one can. I could drink this all the time.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/7/11, 1:47 PM
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Cintron Liquid Energy Shot Pineapple Passion

Cintron Liquid Energy Shot Pineapple Passion
A lot of the time I feel like we just shouldn't bother reviewing energy shots. The reason being is that even the best of them taste like a mouthful of pesticide. This just happens to be one of the best of them, so it tastes like pineapple pesticide. You know the kind they only use in Hawaii. I was a huge fan of the "drink" version of this product, so I had high hopes that this was going to be the messiah of energy shots. Nope. It still tastes harsh and like you got your hands on something as a child that really should have a childproof cap on it, but it's been sitting on the shelf since the 70's, before those caps existed. This was a valiant effort, Cintron, but I just don't think it's possible to do what you're trying to do. Take it from a scientist.
Energy Drink, Shot and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 9/5/11, 11:24 AM
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Arizona Fast Shots P.M. Relax Peach Green Tea

Arizona  Fast Shots P.M. Relax Peach Green Tea
Johnny, I've had a lot of trouble getting to sleep. What can you prescribe me? I trust you in all your endless knowledge of sports, and for that reason, why shouldn't I trust you in your slight, if at all knowledge of medicine. I mean, I know you work at a corner grocery store, but maybe this is just a stepping-stone to your true calling, medicine. Sure, some say that you can't go back to school at...Johnny, how old are you...sixty-two, but I say that can't be right. I went to school and although I didn't see anyone who's sixty-two, I saw kids that might have been forty and that's pretty old for school. What's twelve more years?

So, my dilemma. I can't sleep. Nothing keeps me up at night but my own mind and I've got to slow it down to a creeping halt so that I can work my high power job at the roller rink as a DJ. What have you got for me? Why this? Arizona makes tea, Johnny. Oh, they've got a new product. Well, let me take a look-see here. Peach green tea and it comes in this adorable little container? I will try this right now, if you don't mind. Johnny! This is perhaps better than the tall boy of Arizona peach iced tea. It's remarkable! I'll take a case. Now I will have no problem sleeping in until three o'clock when the roller rink opens. Here, Johnny, take these two complimentary tickets to the roller rink on me. You deserved it. Yes, as a matter of fact, skates are extra. Sorry. We've got to make money somehow.
Relaxation, Shot and Diet
Arizona Website@DrinkAriZona
United States
Mike Literman on 9/4/11, 11:13 PM
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Vegas Fuel Sugar Free

Vegas Fuel Sugar Free
In television and the moving pictures when a bunch of dudes go to Vegas there is about a 90% chance that one of them will get drunk/high enough that they end up marrying a complete stranger. I appreciate the humor in that. The episode of The Simpsons in which that scenario happens to Homer and Flanders is top notch. Mainly because Flanders on a bender is hysterical, and second because of all of the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas references.

My question is are the women who are the brides out there looking for someone to marry in some sort of scam, or are they generally just as messed up as the guys? I feel like the girl whose silhouette is on this can is out looking for love, not quick money. She goes out night after night, hitting up all the casinos looking for her match. She knows she's going to be out all night, either looking or gazing into her true love's eyes, so she downs on of these energy drinks. She likes it because it's sugar free, yet it actually tastes decent. It tastes like a diet fruit punch, Hawaiian Punch to be specific. Since it's a fruit punch it doesn't taste overly diet even though it is. It's nice that even though there is an artificial sweetener in the drink, it's way down towards the end of the ingredients list. It keeps her up. It keeps her looking. Her true love is out there somewhere. Let's just hope that he/she is also in Vegas.
Diet and Energy Drink
Vegas FuelWebsite@VegasFuelEnergy
United States
Jason Draper on 9/1/11, 7:55 PM
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Tweak Tweaker Pomegranate

Tweak Tweaker Pomegranate
It's really great that the pharmaceutical industry has finally stepped up their flavor game for cough medicine. For years it was always cherry, grape or the occasional orange. Now they have finally come out with a pomegranate flavor to get with the times. Oh what's that? This isn't cough medicine, but rather an energy shot? Well that's unfortunate, because it tastes like medicine.

Energy shots by nature are gross, because it's all the chemicals concentrated. It is due to that, that this gets three bottles. If this was a normal energy drink I probably would have given it a one. This does not taste good, but it works, and the pomegranate blocks the chemical taste slightly...I guess.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 8/29/11, 5:56 PM
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RelaxZen Day

RelaxZen Day
As a pseudo-impulse buy I got a new laptop. I was at the store and I saw they had them cheap. The entire ride home was spent justifying to myself that I could afford it and that I needed a new computer. By the time I walked in the door I was convinced and walked right up to my computer that works perfectly fine and typed in I found a better computer for cheaper within a couple of minutes and after a bit of hemming and hawing, I bought it.

It's now a few days later and I have my new toy in front of me and I have just finished installing what I believe to be all the programs I need. I am now at the point of extreme frustration; getting Traktor to recognize my MIDI mixer for when I DJ. When I first set it up with my old computer I thought my head was going to explode. I convinced myself it would be easier this time, but nope. I'm sure I'll spend hours working on it and get extremely frustrated. I am at a fairly high level of frustration now. That is where this drink comes in.

Like a lot of functional drinks this tastes like some sort of melted down treat. In this case it's orange freezie pop with a medicinal aftertaste. It really isn't nearly as bad as I expected. It's actually kind of like Tang. I wonder if this is what astronauts drink to stay calm and focused. I feel like it's starting to kick in, so now back to my personal hell for the night.
Relaxation and Shot
United States
Jason Draper on 8/24/11, 10:50 PM
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