Peace Tea - 13 Reviews

Peace Tea Viva Mango

Peace Tea Viva Mango
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here today to discuss a very important topic with you, the death of the mango. You see for the last 10-15 years mango has been everywhere in the beverage world. At first it was a wonderful thing having such a glorious fruit flavor readily available, but then the quality began to slip, the same way that it had in the past for orange, grape and the beloved cherry. People were tricked into thinking that a weird artificial flavor was an acceptable substitute and people have come to believe that this flavor is what this great fruit really tastes like.

We are here to ask for donations to help revive the reputation of the mango. We need to make people aware that this is not a cheap tasting flavor. That it is strong and robust and truly wonderful. We are not asking for direct donations, we are simply asking you to only buy beverages that have real mango in them. Kicking this off we are pleased to unveil the newest product from Peace Tea; Viva Mango.

This is made with real mango puree as well as apple, orange and pineapple juice. While this is better than a lot of mango flavored beverages on the market, it does miss its mark a bit. The apple and the orange juice take away from the robustness of the mango. That causes the natural flavor to be watered down, or juiced down if you want to be fair. It doesn't so much taste like those juices, as it just tastes like weaker mango. Ideally they would have been left out and this would have just been mango puree with a splash of pineapple juice thrown in for good measure.

As I said, this is a step in the right direction, but the added ingredients, which I assume were used to lower the price point, distract from this potentially wonderful juice drink. Let the mango live people. Let it live!
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 6/7/14, 5:09 PM
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Peace Tea Georgia Peach Tea

Peace Tea Georgia Peach Tea
What's so funny `bout peace, love and Georgia Peach Tea? The answer is nothing, at least for the latter bit. I can't believe it has taken Peace Tea so long to come out with a peach flavored iced tea. I feel like lemon, raspberry and peach are the staple flavors of iced tea. I could see if they were trying to go against the grain, but lemon and Razzleberry have been on the shelves for years. I can assure you it was worth the wait though.

When you're getting 23oz of tea for 99 cents, it's easy to assume that you're not going to be getting quality tea. Can we all agree that Arizona is great for the price, but it's not a quality tea by any means? I love the stuff, but it doesn't compare to companies that flavor their tea before they brew it rather than adding flavoring to a uniform batch of black or green tea. Peace Tea falls into the same category as Arizona, but at least they sweeten their teas with real sugar (and a little sucralose to keep the sugar levels down).

This actually tastes like canned peaches, instead of some candy flavored syrup that a lot of the bigger companies use. It may not be the best peach tea I've ever tasted, but it's better than most, and for the cost how can you say no? Things are a little bit slower down in Georgia, so take your time sipping on this tall can.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 10/25/13, 4:55 PM
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Peace Tea Sno-Berry

Peace Tea Sno-Berry
Hitch the dogs to your sled, because you are going on an adventure. The Peace Tea company has hired you to travel out into the Arctic Circle to harvest sno-berries for the newest flavor in their line. We told them that we have lived up here in this winter wonderland for our entire lives and that we have never heard of sno-berries before, but they said we would know them when we saw them, and gave us the coordinates. Since you're the rookie of the team, and we just want to watch these Gilmore Girls DVDs we got in the mail, you're the one who's going out to harvest the bounty. It shouldn't take you more than a day to get out there and back, so don't pack too much junk. We'll see you tomorrow.
Welcome back. Now that wasn't all that bad was it? What do you mean all there was out there was a bunch of blueberries? Do you think they really would pay top dollar for this expedition just to get blueberries? I mean I guess they did say they had never actually seen the berry or tasted it, they just liked the name and wanted to use it for their new tea. What is it that you're eating there? Raspberries? Well that gives me an idea, let's charge them a small fee to juice the berries for them, as it will save on shipping anyways, and we'll mix blueberries and raspberries together to give it a slightly weirder taste. Now that's some good thinking on my part. Maybe they will want to do some repeat business. Why is everyone laughing? Why is everyone saying “Oi with the poodles already?” Now I'll have to rewatch the episode. Get to juicing those berries.

The above scenario is what I imagine happening in my head. It's the only events I can imagine that would lead to this tea tasting the way it does. Obviously the tea is named sno-berry because it's made with white tea and berries. I'm not that dense. The thing is that the company claims that it's white tea with blueberry, but when you drink it there is the taste of some raspberries in the mix as well. I'd like to think that someone pulled a fast one on Peace Tea and mixed the berries together.

Otherwise this flavor stands out in their line. The use of white tea was a nice touch, and it's evident in the taste. It has that slightly bitter taste that always accompanies white tea. Even though it has a ridiculously strong berry smell when you crack it open, that aspect of the flavor is a little bit more reserved than it is in their Razzleberry tea.

I can't wait for this to make its way into more stores. As of now the only place I have found it was a tiny gas station in Richmond, VA. It needs to come to New York, so I can have easy access to it.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 10/1/13, 9:12 PM
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Peace Tea Cranberry Tea

Peace Tea Cranberry Tea
I am currently out in the middle of the desert on a spirit quest. Instead of being in a sweat lodge I'm in a air conditioned car. Also, instead of taking peyote I am drinking Peace Tea's cranberry tea. It has caused me to have an Epiphany, which is the desert is absolutely terrible and it doesn't matter if it's a dry heat, when the temperature is over 100 degrees it is still absolutely terrible. I normally hate air conditioning in cars, but it's a lifesaver in this circumstance. This tea is also helping to keep me refreshed. There are three servings in this can, but I downed the entire thing in less than ten minutes. It's your general cane sugar sweetened black tea with some cranberry juice thrown in the mix. It has all of the sweetness and flavor of a cranberry juice, but it lacks the bitterness and the harshness of the fruit.

Peace tea has stepped up with tallboy tea world. Now it's the other brands turn to respond. Eff the desert.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 7/13/12, 1:51 AM
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Peace Tea Diet Green Tea

Peace Tea Diet Green Tea
“To achieve a hippy utopia through the use of brewed beverages.” I'm pretty sure that is the mission statement of the Peace Tea company. For the most part I think they might be on the right track. Their beverages are inexpensive so the common man can afford them. They also use decent sweeteners for health reasons. On top of all of that 90% of their line of teas taste pretty fantastic. It's a tea nearly everyone can afford and enjoy and isn't that the basis for a utopian civilization?

As far as I know this is the only diet tea they have yet to put out. I had my reservations about it, hence it took me so long to actually get around to drinking and reviewing it. Happily it wasn't all that bad. In fact I straight up enjoyed it. The strength of the green tea overpowered the sucralose and it didn't have that gross diet taste to it, well not too much. I honestly expected to drink a couple of sips of this and then pass it off to someone else, but I ended up downing it all myself. When it was nice and cold is when it was at its peak. The warmer it got the more the sucralose was noticeable.

My only question for the company is if you're striving for peace, what's up with all of the weird propaganda slogans on your cans? Are you trying to lull everyone into a sense of peace and well being and then arise as our new overlords? Are you actually the bringers of the apocalypse? Either way, good job on the tea. I'll be drinking many more.
Diet and Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 7/1/12, 11:50 AM
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Peace Tea Pink Lemonade Tea

Peace Tea Pink Lemonade Tea
Um, hello. I don't know how to say this, but when I was eating Mike, he told me that his final wish was to review this can of pink lemonade tea for him. I'm a chupacabra and what I do is eat people. I eat goats, too. Rabbits are pretty great but are often hard to catch. It seems that Mike and the Thirsty Dudes have a pretty big following so I feel that I owe it to his fans to explain what happened.

Mike was in Las Vegas looking for a root beer float and someone misguided him into going to the outskirts of town to a small ice cream shop. He made a wrong turn and ended up in the desert. He came across my path. I didn't want to eat him but he said something like "do you know who I am?" and that just ticked me off and I lost it. I had just lost $15 in Keno at Horrible's and was irritable. Next thing I remember is that Mike's legs were in my mouth. He told me while I was chewing his thighs that he had a backpack with this drink in it and he had to review it for the site. He gave me access to the site and just kind of let me eat the rest of him.

Now that you know what happened, I can review the drink for him and for you. I may be a desert dwelling creature, but I've been around the block a few times. I've had tea and I've had lemonade and I've had pink lemonade. This is a better pink lemonade than it is a sweet tea. The sweet tea has that partially diet taste, which distracts from the lemonade. The mixture isn't too bad on these hot summer days in the desert where I spend much of my time.

I'm not sorry I ate him, and to thank him for letting me do this for him, I've got a pair of ill-suited Cole Haan shoes and a gold Seiko watch someone can have. I'll be at the Golden Nugget all night. Just don't make me mad or I might have to eat you, feet first, of course. I can't have my dinner running away from me now, can I?
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/29/12, 2:21 PM
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Peace Tea Texas Style Sweet Tea

Peace Tea Texas Style Sweet Tea
I may have mentioned this before, but there is a major plot hole in the film Smokey and the Bandit. The whole premise of the movie is that Big (and Little) Enos hire/bet Bandit to drive to Texas and return with a truck full of Coors. Bandit gets Snowman to drive the truck, while he drives a Trans AM and speeds ahead to lure the cops off of the truck. It's a great concept for a movie except for one thing. They are driving through the southern heat and arrive right at the party, and it is a standard semi truck, it's not refrigerated. That means all of these people are stoked to be drinking hot beer. So gross, but other than that it's flawless.

I personally think with all of the great tea companies in Texas (Sweet Leaf and True Brew) they would have been better off bringing some great tea for everyone to enjoy. Okay, that wouldn't make for a very good party, but I would have loved it.

So yeah, I had a very positive outlook on tea from Texas so when I saw that a great company like Peace Tea had a Texas style tea I was floored. Unfortunately it's not very special. It tastes like they took a batch of their southern sweet tea and cut it with some regular black tea. They really could have called it sweet tea or just iced tea and I would have believed it. I don't know what about it makes it Texas style. It's a decent tea, but nothing special. Tea like this is not worth Bandit's time, no matter how much Big Enos will pay him.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 6/11/12, 9:12 PM
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Peace Tea Unsweetened

Peace Tea Unsweetened
I, honestly, do not like Peace Tea. Jay likes it, and that's all well and good, but I don't. Something about it gives me a bad taste in my mouth...literally. I do not want to discourage you from purchasing it because to each his own, but that's just how I feel.

This tea, on the other hand, is pretty great. Pretty great, indeed. It's just unsweetened tea but there is something else in there that I can't place my finger on. It's not sweetened and there isn't any fruit flavor in it. It has "natural flavors" but I assume/think that's just the tea. There's a stabilizer in there, but that's not doing anything but let me tell you, there is magic or secret ingredients in this can.

Stevia gives me a cool, sweet aftertaste to things. This tea has the slightest essence of sweetness at the end, but don't get me wrong, it's still unsweetened. There is no sugar in here. Hence, magic. I love that there is magic in this can and because of it, I, Mike Literman, who previously doesn't like Peace Tea, loves this Peace Tea.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/2/11, 1:51 PM
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Peace Tea Caddy Shack Tea & Lemonade

Peace Tea Caddy Shack Tea & Lemonade
What've you got there? Is that a gun? Oh, it's just a can. Sorry. I'm a bit paranoid. You see, I had this wildly vivid dream where a man who looked just like you stood me up at this very shoe store. I was here, buying my Gentlemen, welcome to orientation. As many of you know this weekend marks the opening of the golf course here at Leisurewood Acres Country Club. For the sake of the new caddies and as a reminder to those returning to us I would like to remind everyone that this is a place of business, not a movie from the 80's. Every year pranks get played and every year the golfers complain. I'm not above having a little fun, but really guys how many times can you throw a Baby Ruth in the pool and pretend it's a turd? It's been done and I don't see any of you following in the footsteps of the great Bill Murray and taking a bite out of the chlorine drenched candy.

Okay, I know you guys aren't going to listen to me and the pranks are going to happen no matter what I say, but can you please at least be creative. Recreating scenes from a movie is never funny to people on the outside. In fact it's just plain annoying. So think of new pranks or don't do any at all. I'm putting my foot down about that. Also, while you're out there on the links daydreaming about what jokes you're going to pull, offer the golfers some cans of this new Peace Tea. Sharon in the front office accidentally ordered 100 cases of the stuff and we have to move it somehow. Mark, stop your complaining. It's not like I'm having you guys peddle garbage tea, this is some decent quality stuff. For legal reasons we can't call it by it's proper nomenclature, but it's half tea and half lemonade the way great golfers like it. It's actually way better than the garbage they've been brewing in the kitchen. It tastes like a naturally brewed lemon tea with a little extra kick to it. There's even a little apple juice mixed in for good measure. It's refreshing and tastes more like tea than it does sugar water.

Now get out there with your tiny scissors and tend to the greens. The groundskeeper left in a huff and said something about getting a job at an elementary school. At least that's what I think he said. It's hard to understand him because of his accent sometimes.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 7/26/11, 5:28 PM
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Peace Tea Sweet Lemon

Peace Tea Sweet Lemon
After my first impression with the Peace Tea Imported Ceylon Tea, I had kind of a sour taste in my mouth. It's not that it was bad, it just seemed...budget? I don't mean the entire company as a whole as I cannot comment just after drinking one other drink, but this tea left a lot to be desired.

Yes, it did taste like sweet lemon tea but it just tasted like the lemon flavored tea mix that you would buy literally anywhere. It's not a cost breakdown of "Oh, I can go to the store and buy a canister of mix and make 25 cans of this for the same price of 3 cans." either, because everyone knows you're not going to go to the store when you're thirsty, buy mix, buy water, buy a wooden spoon, and start doing science experiments in the back seat as your friend drives you to the mall to buy a new pair of Sketchers for some God knows reason.

Do you want sweet lemon tea in a hurry? Buy this drink. It's spot on. Do you want a seemingly endless supply of sweet lemon tea at work or at home? Buy a canister of the mix. You won't be able to tell the difference.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Mike Literman on 1/16/11, 9:01 PM
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Peace Tea Imported Ceylon Tea

Peace Tea Imported Ceylon Tea
Nope. I don't know why you would put sugar in a drink, pride yourselves on adding all natural ingredients and then screw it up by adding sucralose. This tea doesn't really have a taste. Alright, alright, in the beginning, it might have been alright. After about two or three sips, all I got was artificial flavor. All natural flavors, freshly brewed tea, filtered water...awesome, great. I don't know what happened but I couldn't drink this in its entirety, as it tasted fake. Jay loves the stuff, and more power to him, but this was not fantastic. I would easily take a HFCS Arizona over this, and no, it's not a matter of me having unrefined tastes, it's just that this didn't have a taste other than average tea and craploads of sugar, whether it is real or fake.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Mike Literman on 11/19/10, 8:05 AM
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Peace Tea Razzleberry Tea

Peace Tea Razzleberry Tea
I hate that I keep comparing these to Arizona, but they are tall boys of iced tea that are 99 cents. The raspberry one even tastes similar to the Arizona one. It's not as syrupy, but thicker than I expected. I do enjoy it, and I hope the spread to Western New York, so I can grab them on the go. Really, how can you go wrong with a decent tea for that cheap?
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 11/1/10, 5:09 PM
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Peace Tea Green Tea

Peace Tea Green Tea
Whenever I reach for a tall boy of iced tea, I just feel like a glutton. I know you don't have to drink it all at once, but let's be honest, once it's opened I'm going to finish it. I used to drink Arizona tall boys constantly, and then I severely cut back my HFCS intake. I'd like to thank Peace Tea for creating a HFCS free tall boy, so I can further my journey towards becoming a fat lard.
This is a pretty straightforward green tea that is heavy on the ginseng and honey. It may not be the best green tea I've ever had, but it's far from the worst, and for 99 cents how can you go wrong.
Iced Tea
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 10/26/10, 3:05 PM
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