Polar - 49 Reviews

Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade

Polar Seltzer'ade Blueberry Lemonade
My life runs on Polar. I'm pretty sure that by my life running on it, it by default means that the (assumingly) homeless women, who I leave my cans and bottles for, also has her life run by it. Okay, not run, but she probably makes enough from me in a week to get a sandwich or two. I drink far too much of the stuff, well if that were possible. I went from cans, to liters, and have graduated to two liters, because there just that much more for me to consume.

When I saw this in the store, I really thought it was a repackaging of their bottles blueberry lemonade. I bought a box anyway, because I like to have some cans for when I'm out and about. People look at you weird when you're in public drinking directly from a big bottle, yet they walk around with gigantic fountain sodas and think nothing off it. Whatever. So I bought it, cooled them down and then drank one on my way to band practice. Now I love Polar, but they are not the most flavorful seltzer out there. Either La Croix or Spindrift probably has that honor. They all have their place; sometimes you want more, sometimes less. This though, this has a punch to it. The flavor in here is probably the strongest out of the Polar flavors I have tried, which is all of them, minus some seasonal ones I missed. It's wonderful and bold. It's to an extent that you forget that there is no sweetener involved. I need to back and try the bottled version again. I'm pretty sure this is reformulated, but I hope I'm wrong and it's as glorious in a bottle as it is in these cans.
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/19/17, 9:56 AM
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Polar Seltzer Watermelon Margarita

Polar Seltzer Watermelon Margarita
I do not know what a margarita is aside from a drink that my live-in-wife likes to order as a "salty marg." This did taste like watermelon, or, perhaps closer to a watermelon candy (somehow) without sugar. Could you imagine eating watermelon that wasn't sweet? That would be a strange thing. Watermelons are very sweet. This was not at all sweet and as far as I could tell, also not salty. I don't know what this is, to be quite honest. Sparkling watermelon perhaps. The margarita might just be a word they used to append to the end.

This is not bad and it's far from my least favorite but it's not bad. It's unfortunately not one of the ones I would come back to actively. There are times when I go to parties and think to myself, "Well the kids will have juice boxes and the adults will have beers so it looks like it's another Polar for me." and that's how I roll to parties. I might roll with this. It's safe but it's not exceptional.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/7/17, 5:45 AM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Polar Seltzer Pineapple Grapefruit

Polar Seltzer Pineapple Grapefruit
It's the time of year again when the sun is finally starting to shine in Buffalo and the temperatures are on the rise. That also means that it's time for Polar to release their Summer line and this year it's a doozy. Some old favorites like Mango Berry are back, but more importantly are the new flavors like this little guy right here. I don't know who the genius is that thought this up, but I would certainly like to shake their hand, scratch that…€¦give them a huge hug of thanks.

I never knew that pineapple was a flavor that I was missing from seltzer, but now that I have it I don't think I'll ever be able to look back. This is really 85% pineapple 15% grapefruit. I'm completely fine with that ratio. It could have been 100% pineapple and I wouldn't have complained, but as it is the grapefruit rounds out the edges a bit. The amount of this I will be drinking this summer is out of control. If Polar really wants all of my money they will make a pineapple vanilla. I would pre-order case upon case of it.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/16/17, 6:38 PM
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Polar Cranberry Cider

Polar Cranberry Cider
One of the few good things about the seasons changing and winter being upon us is the release of the new seasonal Polar flavors. They are a nice change of pace for a limited time. As the first snow starts to fall outside my window a cranberry cider seltzer sounded like a dream. While it may not have lived up to my hopes it is still a unique flavor. I've been hitting the cranberry and lime hard lately and I was excited to mix it up. My first thought upon taking a sip was “Maybe cider and seltzer shouldn't be combined.” Then I thought, “Well maybe I'm just a cider snob because I grew up with an amazing cider mill in my home town.” I settled on “cider without sweetness is just weird. That is what feels off about this.” The more I drank the more I got used to this strangeness on my palate. The cranberry isn't as strong as it is in the cranberry lime, but it does mingle well. I wouldn't drink this all the time, but for a seasonal treat it is quite nice.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/20/16, 8:36 AM
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Polar Mango Berry

Polar Mango Berry
Do I love mango? No. Not really. Will I say this might be the most accurate interpretation of mango? Yep. I don't know what it is about mango but whatever it is, it has been so poignantly captured within this bottle that if you like mango, you can just buy a couple bottles of this and save yourself the trouble of shaving, cutting, cubing or whatever it is you do with a mango.

I don't get a lot of berry in here but you get so much mango that you have no reason to wonder why her name came first. I didn't want to appear sexist so I made mango a "her." You like that? I'm not a misogynistic turd. Mangos can do whatever they want. If they want to make fruit love in this bottle than so be it. That makes it more disgusting for me to drink. I wish I hadn't said that. Even if it is fake.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/12/16, 7:01 AM
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Polar Jalepeno Citrus Margarita

Polar Jalepeno Citrus Margarita
Jalapeno: A green pepper that is hot.
Citrus: A zesty, floral flavor that I cannot define without using the word of the fruit it comes from.
Margarita: A sour or citrus based alcoholic drink with tequila and salt as well as a strange classification of pizza.
This: Not really anything mentioned above.

This is spicy but my palate and I cannot decide whether it's the sparkles or jalapeno. It was a lot lighter in citrus than any of the other flavors they have. The margarita...I am not the best judge of what a margarita tastes like as I haven't had a drop of alcohol since 1998. I can tell you that it wasn't salty, though. This was just kind of confusing and weak. I love Polar but this probably took the backseat to whomever invented the allusive "Unicorn Kiss" that will probably be unfindable at this point. Trust me. We've contacted Polar who sent us this and said they don't have any more in stock. What an April Fools prank, taunting us with a fantastical beverage that will never exist again.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 5/26/16, 4:46 PM
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Polar Seltzer Tart Cherry & Lime

Polar Seltzer Tart Cherry & Lime
I love Polar. I should say that I have learned to love Polar. My mom has drunk it for years and for all of those years I thought it was gross. Since then, I have learned to love it. With the excess of sugar on my plate at any given time, it's so nice to calm down for once and just drink something with unaltered, unadulterated flavor.

This one falls a little flat for me, though. Normally the flavors are a bit bolder and cherry and lime is a wonderful combination but this was a bit too subtle for me. Subtle might be a secret way of saying "I wish the flavors were stronger" but I can't be sure. Since it's sugarless, flavor and carbonation is really all it has going for it and it was plenty carbonated. I don't want to say it was flavorless because it did taste like both lime and cherry but...more. I just want more. Now I sound like my girlfriend. More more more. Greed has become of me. I have become greed. Together we are one and our name is "more." Alas, it is my destiny. I must accumulate.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/19/15, 3:51 PM
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Polar Pomegranate Sangria

Polar Pomegranate Sangria
Ahh these seasonal flavors. This little number, inspired by fantastic Spaniards, is wonderful. I've been milking it all day and it's been nice to me. For eight hours, the sparkles have remained as has the flavor and all day I have been able to enjoy the fantastic flavor of pomegranate sangria. Have I ever had a real sangria? Nope. It sound like an adult fruit punch. Is that was it is? If so, I don't know if I would drink it even if I did drink. This, though. This I would drink all the darn time and no one would accuse me of having a drinking problem, you know, because it's just water. I guess drinking problems aren't explicitly assigned to alcohol but I think when you say it, that's where your head goes. To alcohol. This would be a nice alternative if you both loved and had a problem with drinking sangria. I'm trying to help you. Help me help you, friend.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/27/15, 4:14 PM
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Polar Tropical Mai Tai

Polar Tropical Mai Tai
I could go for whatever a mai tai is right about now. A nice tropical trip to somewhere where there is a warm breeze, warm waters and no kids. Just sitting in a chair with no one talking to me for like an hour. No music or people trying to sell me an umbrella. No shirt. Just the wind and the waves, man. That and this mai tai.

This is certainly tropical. I don't know what else is in here but there are certainly orange. There is a picture of an orange and a pineapple and if I think hard enough, that's in here. This is great, though. It's really a well flavored little treat. A summer treat, but a treat nonetheless.
United States
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Mike Literman on 8/13/15, 2:05 PM
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Polar Seltzer Strawberry Watermelon

Polar Seltzer Strawberry Watermelon
Summertime = Watermelons. Summertime = Hot Dogs. Summertime = Strawberries. That's what summertime means to me. Simple mathematics. Combining two of the three strategically makes one heck of a refreshing drink.

Thanks to Polar cracking the code as to which flavors work and which ones don't work, we now are presented with a wonderful little drink that encompasses two fantastic fruit flavors into a bold number. It's well and heavily infused with the fruits. A great entry-level seltzer.

Stop hating seltzer. Start enjoying summer.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/15/15, 12:25 PM
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Polar Seltzer Guava Mandarin

Polar Seltzer Guava Mandarin
Okay, I've gone from disgust, to passive fan and now I'm into avid drinker of seltzer water. It's been a wild ride, and it might all culminate with this drink right here. It's no secret that I am a fiend for guava and this beverage has somehow completely captured the essence of the guava without any sugar. I have no idea how they have done it. Most fruits lose their true flavor without some sweetness to them, but it's all here, right in this bottle. Sure there is a bit of mandarin in there as well, but who cares about that when you're getting greeted with guava every sip. In the world of fruit guava is king. There I just ruined the end of Game of Thrones for everyone. It ends with guava riding a dragon that is wearing a tiny crown.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/9/15, 11:57 AM
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Polar Seltzer Ruby Red Grapefruit

Polar Seltzer Ruby Red Grapefruit
Ladies and Gentlemen of the parish, I stand before you a changed man. For years I stood up here and told you of the evils of seltzer water and how it just had a disgusting aftertaste. I informed you all to stay on a righteous path and steer clear of the sugarless carbonation. I am here to inform you, my congregation that I was terribly wrong. There is a good side to seltzer and one only needs to become acclimated with the taste in order to enjoy it fully. I know I am a fake as I have stood before you many times over the past few weeks and not acknowledged my wrongdoings while I was secretly downing bottle after bottle of this bubbly goodness.

This bottle that I drink before you today tastes like someone squeezed a pink grapefruit into a bottle of plain sparkling water, and it is exquisite. There is no sugar in it, making you feel like garbage and bringing down the natural flavors. I've seen my future people, and it is sugarless (or at least reduced).
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/4/15, 9:48 PM
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Polar Seltzer Toasted Coconut Creme

Polar Seltzer Toasted Coconut Creme
At parties, everyone drinks. It's a thing that you just accept when you don't drink and socialize with people that do. You have to prepare by either being satisfied with tap water, which I am, or bringing something yourself. I chose the latter this time and brought yet another seasonal exclusive from Polar. This time, it was the toasted coconut creme.

Now they have been pretty good this season and I thought that this would be the same. Who wouldn't like a sparkling cream soda with coconut? Well initially I was not too hot on it. I took a sip and it tasted like I was drinking the somehow bottled scent of a Yankee Candle. I worked next to a Yankee Candle in my early twenties and know the smell all too well. Unlike my stint at that location, the sentient of this drink eventually disappeared and allowed me to enjoy a tamer, less waxy drink. It tasted like sparkling coconut water closer to an unsweetened Sparkling Ice or something but I didn't get a lot of creme. I have had Polar's vanilla and if I drank either again, I might be able to pinpoint it but for now, it was predominantly coconut.

If you have a love for candles, coconut, sparkling drinks or just don't like tap water at parties, this could be the drink for you. This is not my favorite of the season but it's certainly not a bad choice for this increasingly bitter cold winter.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/31/14, 1:02 PM
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Polar Seltzer Cranberry & Clementine

Polar Seltzer Cranberry & Clementine
Ahh the seasonal flavors. They really churn them out over at Polar and do not disappoint. Cranberry and clementine are two great friends that play together nicely. Why haven't you other guys worked together like this? It's great. A little fruity and a little more fruity together make a nice sparkling treat. I must have really liked this because I intended on drinking this all day and killed it before lunch. You can taste everything and you want to because Polar managed to keep the integrity of both fruits.

Polar, thank you for this Christmas gift. I got you a sweater. A sweater without a receipt and with the tags detached. Sorry. I'm no good at holidays.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/18/14, 4:30 PM
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Polar Frost Lemon Lime

Polar Frost Lemon Lime
It's not often that we get a lemon lime drink that actually tastes like it has lemons and limes in it. There's nothing wrong with your Sprites or your Sierra Mist or your 7-Ups but after drinking this it makes them almost seem like they aren't real. Now look, they might not be real but this tastes like something different. It tastes as if in the Polar plant they actually house lemons and limes.

This tastes like sparkling water that is flavored with lemons and limes. It's actually good; kind of sweet, but not terrible. It's nice and doesn't taste diet. I don't know how many of these Frost drinks we have left but I think I can honestly say that for a diet drink, these don't taste like diet.

Jay might not like it because of his distaste for lemon lime but I actually enjoyed it. A welcome addition to anyone's diet repertoire.
Diet and Sparkling
United States
Mike Literman on 12/12/14, 11:09 AM
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Polar Frost Black Raspberry

Polar Frost Black Raspberry
Black raspberry, the "goth" fruit. Black raspberry, the older, darker brother of raspberry never studies, smokes cigarettes and listens to Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly. He drives an old car that he painted black but the funny thing is that it was already black.

This brooding, trench coat wearing fruit matched with sparkles, a match no one thought that would work out, actually make a pretty nice couple. As long as it's cold, this drink is pretty good and not super diet. “As long as it's cold it's good (like black raspberry knows anything about being warm and comforting). When room temperature o'clock happens, it gets thick but we're not going to go there. When it's in its natural state, cold and filled with hatred for his father for no reason, it's actually nice. It's sharp and fruity and doesn't taste like something your mom would like. You know what I'm talking about.
Diet and Sparkling
United States
Mike Literman on 12/5/14, 10:04 PM
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Polar Seltzer Ginger Apple

Polar Seltzer Ginger Apple
At children's parties, Natalie is typically offered a very limited selection of drinks including juice boxes, wine and beer. She did not want any of these things. She wanted something different and not just different from those options, something different than she was used to. She gave the birthday girl her gift and went into the kitchen to see what she was going to be stuck with and she found it. She noticed a peculiar label on the counter and approached it only to see that it was something she hadn't seen before. It was ginger apple flavored seltzer water. She promptly poured herself a glass and took a sip.

She liked it because it tasted a little like a carbonated apple juice mixed with some of the flavors of ginger. There wasn't any of the burn from a ginger beer or some ginger ales but the flavor of a ginger ale was there. She asked whomever brought it and they said that it was a seasonal flavor that wasn't going to be around forever. She liked it so much that she went on the way home from the party to buy more bottles for herself.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/30/14, 11:12 PM
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Polar Sparkling Frost Lemonade

Polar Sparkling Frost Lemonade
Guys, I finally cracked the secret. The reason all of these zero calorie, flavored, sparkling waters are all named after things ice related is that they taste their best just above the freezing point. You see when they are that cold the taste of the (normally) artificial sweetener is harder to detect. That's nice because colder drinks are generally more refreshing. The downside of that is that you have to either drink them really fast, water them down with ice, or be a big shot and use whiskey stones. The issue with the latter two solutions are the drinking hole of the bottle (the mouth, I know) isn't big enough for either to fit in, and I like drinking out of bottles, more than glasses. I'm a savage.

This drink tastes like a cleaner, and I somehow mean that in a good way. It doesn't so much taste like chemicals, because it doesn't at all, it more smells like lemon pledge. I know lemon pledge smells like lemons, but it also has a little something else in the odor, and it's perfectly captured in the taste of this beverage. I like the way it tasted, well that is until it started to warm up and the sucralose became more apparent.

Polar has taken this line a bit further than its competition by adding vitamins, antioxidants and caffeine, which they felt the need to list in all caps. Keep in mind the vitamins are at low levels (10% of your daily intake at most), but at least you're getting a little something extra for your time. Now chug folks, you don't want this warming up on you.
Diet, Lemonade, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/30/14, 5:14 PM
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Polar Sparkling Frost Orange Mango

Polar Sparkling Frost Orange Mango
I haven't heard anyone say the word "blizzard" but as many of you know, Buffalo is under attack by snow. It starts immediately south of downtown, as if a line was drawn between the central area and South Buffalo .That area has been covered by upwards of five feet of snow as if in a cartoon. You know the ones. They say something like, "I wish it would snow." and a mound of snow would come up to their necks. That's exactly what happened. Don't believe me? Go look it up. I'll wait.

In the meantime, I'll drink this drink that is like an homage to the weather patterns my Southern brethren have dealing with. Polar, maker of some pretty good seltzer water decided to delve into the wide world of diet sparkling juices that are named after cold things. Ice, Frost, Snow, Sno, and so on and so forth. It only tastes, and I'm rounding here, 20% diet which isn't too bad. The good part is that it's actually made with real orange juice. Who knows where the mango comes from? Wherever the rest of the flavors are coming from, they're pretty good and this is pretty good on this very brisk, snow filled week in the tropical village known as Western New York.
Diet and Sparkling
United States
Mike Literman on 11/20/14, 12:33 AM
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Polar Seltzer Vanilla

Polar Seltzer Vanilla
Vanilla? Inherently smooth. Like a fine cream soda, this drink really doesn't have any other job aside from being smooth. There are no ingredients getting in the way, like every corgi in the history of time that is in the kitchen when you're making dinner. They are always in the way. Not here, though, this is just vanilla and seltzer water. It has a pretty strong vanilla taste so you don't get any of that bitter seltzer taste that many people hate.

Polar is doing something right here. Sure, it's not their cinnamon but it's something. It's almost time for their cinnamon one. What a glorious day that will be. A cream soda-esque seltzer is great and I would probably buy this again, but let's get real for a second. Cinnamon trumps vanilla.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 9/23/14, 4:13 PM
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