Vita Malt - 2 Reviews

Vita Malt Ginger

Vita Malt Ginger
Whoppers, the candy the world loves to hate. You know they are gross, but when they are put in front of you, at least one needs to be tasted. It could happen once a week and I would still try them and then think to myself "oh yeah these things are gross." What is this strange power the Hershey company holds over us? Have the Pennsylvanian candy billionaires delved into the black arts? Are malt balls summoned demons in candy form? They sure taste that way. If it's true then this is those self same demons in soda pop form. This tastes like someone took a mild ginger beer and dissolved a whole bunch of the centers of whoppers in it. I don't like it, but I keep sipping on it for some reason. The demons have me in their grip.

Oh a non-demonic note I feel like this is what a lot of fancier beers tastes like as a base. I bet someone who was into that sort of thing would really be into this. I could be completely wrong, but that's how I feel and I demand you respect my emotions!
Soda Pop and Ginger
Vita MaltWebsite
Jason Draper on 10/18/11, 10:55 PM
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Vita Malt Malt Pineapple

Vita Malt Malt Pineapple
At first sip, this drink was good. On subsequent sips, this drink was strange and then good again? Why? Initially, it was just different. Then you realized that it was a pretty accurate pineapple taste. There was something off about it, though, and then I think that I narrowed it down. Think of eating a fresh pineapple. Like, cut it yourself fresh. Now erase that thought, go to the worst market you know of and buy the oldest possible can of canned pineapple and make that into a pop.

As a drink, it's not bad. Like I said, it tastes like canned pineapple. Maybe more like a can and pineapple. Goats would love this drink. Tropical goats. It is a lightly carbonated drink and even though you got an initial taste of can, it was worth it because it's some of the best pineapple flavor I've had outside of a real pineapple.

I got this at an Indian market and the label was half Hindi (or whatever language that was) and half English.
Soda Pop
Vita MaltWebsite
Mike Literman on 12/24/10, 1:27 PM
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