Wegmans - 25 Reviews

Wegmans Sparkling Water Black Cherry Vanilla

Wegmans Sparkling Water Black Cherry Vanilla
My favorite Hansen's pop now in a style that is not going to slowly kill me. This black cherry vanilla is my favorite of the sparkling waters. The black cherry is less dark than you would get in a crappy black cherry pop but the vanilla has a chance to shine through and smooth out the edges a bit.

I love it. I wish it came in larger bottles like Polar does. I would be so equal parts hydrated and sparkly. That's what I want. I want to poop sparkles.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 4/25/16, 9:21 AM
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Wegmans Chocolate Chai

Wegmans Chocolate Chai
To further my new quest to find a fantastic spicy chocolate drink to compare to an Aztec Hot Chocolate I had, I splurged and got this. Yeah, I'll admit it. I'm on a real loose, hot tea kick but I like my stuff strong. I'm new to the loose tea game so if you are, too, let me tell you something I learned. If you want a stronger tea, don't think that you can just let it steep for like fifteen minutes because then you'll have a tea that tastes like wood and old, wet leaves.

Cinnamon is a spice but I wouldn't say that it's particularly spicy. This is a chai and although I have had some with bite, this one smells better than it tastes. It's got hunks of solid chocolate, vanilla bean, and coconut pieces. You can actually taste all of it, which is pretty incredible. It tastes good and is decently strong. I steep on the longer side because I do like a stronger, thicker tea. It's not a chai like you might expect but it's still something different that you can enjoy any time of the day. It's faint enough on the chocolate side that you don't feel like a fat turd drinking it at ten in the morning. Yeah, I said it. Don't eat chocolate for breakfast. Sure, chocolate in cereal is fine but whomever is eating a bar of Hershey's in the morning should really re-evaluate your life and choice of chocolate. That's some novice stuff there, son. Wake up and get some quality dark in you. What are you, eight and in summer camp making smores?
Hot Tea
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/28/13, 11:33 AM
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Wegmans Just Tea Hibiscus Green Tea

Wegmans Just Tea Hibiscus Green Tea
Now I'm not a religious man. I'm quite the opposite, but when I saw this bottle of tea staring me back in the face, I thought to myself, "My prayers have been answered." Now that's obviously just a turn of phrase and it's a whole lot more likely that Danny Wegman bugged my phone and heard me talking constantly about how much I, a Thirsty Dude, loves hibiscus tea.

Now, Danny in his excited and impatient ways did hear me correctly but didn't hear me entirely because as much as I love hibiscus tea, I love it with an asterisk.

The way that I like my hibiscus is with a little bit of flair. A little bit of spice. Just a hint of it. I've mentioned this many times but the Tazo Passion and the Panera hibiscus are the epitome of perfect, unsweetened teas. There is something else in there and I think that one of those things is cinnamon. Just a hint of it.

Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 10/20/13, 8:52 PM
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Wegmans Diet Wedge Cherry Grapefruit

Wegmans Diet Wedge Cherry Grapefruit
I saw a twelve pack of these at a barbecue I was at today and decided I would drink it to review it. I normally don't mix the two, social drinking and reviewing, but I couldn't possibly drink any more Arizona Sweet Tea. I had one glass and it was just one glass too much. I cracked it open and wanted to enjoy the ride but the only place it took me was right on down to the crappy gates of Dietburg, a town that, for reasons unbeknownst to me, is guarded by gates. I looked at the ingredients and there it was: the dreaded Aspartame.

I thought we were done with that one. This with a slew of other diet sweeteners both artificial and natural could have potentially saved this drink. I mean, cherry and grapefruit could have been a wonderful match but instead it tasted like cherry and tart diet generic citrus. Aspartame really took a dump all over this drink. Wegman's, I thought you were better than that. I was wrong. Now I know what a disappointed dad feels like twice today because my son threw a handful of rocks at another kid with simultaneously disobeying me as I cried out "Don't throw those rocks." Giant bags of sadness and disgusting drinks for all!
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 7/7/13, 11:34 PM
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Wegmans Water Blackberry

Wegmans Water Blackberry
Memorial Day. Yes, it is a day to remember those who have served our country over the years. It's also a day, weather permitting, to do yard work. All day we weeded, mulched, dug, planted, cleaned, got dirty, and everything else. Days like this require you to keep hydrated. Water is great. One step better than water is water with "essence" in it that makes it taste like really wet fruit. I mean that in the best possible way. I love stuff like this. Flavored water can go one of two ways and there are a fair amount of both. Ayala and Hint are awesome because it just somehow infuses the flavor and no calories or anything. I don't know how they do it. The other ones, basically anything that adds any sort of sugar, sweetener whether it be natural or artificial, is grotesque.

This will not be the last of this I drink. I promise. It's somehow naturally sweet and tastes like blackberries and is fantastically delicious. It is lightly flavored but is somehow just flavored enough that I don't want it to change at all. Magic. If this came in a larger container, like those sixty ounce Ito En tea bottles, I would buy it in a heartbeat. They have many new flavors that just came out so stay tuned for passion fruit and the others.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 5/27/13, 9:43 PM
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Wegmans Organic Strawberry Lemonade

Wegmans Organic Strawberry Lemonade
I sit here all day. Watching. Watching the people. They want me and they don't even know it. I sit here, all tasty. I'm made from strawberries and lemons. Who wouldn't love me? Is that woman getting beaten by another woman? We're talking about me for a minute. I'm sweet and you can taste the strawberry but it still has the sting of the lemonade. It's like I've got a big jug of lemonade with countless amounts of strawberries just marinating in me. Now what do we have here? I've got to learn how to use this telescope better. I wonder if that kid that broke my leg is out delivering papers. He always does a terrible job. He doesn't make it within ten feet of the porch and often throws it when the sprinklers are on leaving me with a wet, unreadable paper.

I can't see, though. What is going on in that car? Is that a drug deal? No. It can't be. It's two kids. Was the local news true? Is Breaking Bad really influencing kids to deal drugs? Oh, wait, they're just playing Pokemon. This is dumb. I should be outside basking in the sun showing off my delicious digs. I'm strawberry lemonade, broken leg or not. I'm delicious and all will envy me. Just five more minutes. That orange juice across the street is taking off her sarong.
United States
Organic Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/8/12, 9:51 PM
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Wegmans Diet Cola

Wegmans Diet Cola
In less than 2 weeks, I will no longer be living in Buffalo. I am returning to where this website was started, Portland, OR. While I won't miss the snow or the bitter cold winter here, I will miss Wegmans. I've been to grocery stores all across the country, and none have ever compared to Wegmans. Trust me, it's a great store.

What's not so great is this diet cola they make. It has the patented battery acid taste that comes with most diet drinks. It's a cheap soda and it shows in its taste. Wegmans is amazing, but I think it's a natural law that it can't be awesome at everything or else the world might explode.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 2/26/12, 5:14 PM
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Wegmans Organic Raspberry Lemonade

Wegmans Organic Raspberry Lemonade
Ehhhhhhh. Unmoved. Taste is mediocre. It's got a decent lemonade sting, but the raspberry is in the background, like a kid at a play who isn't good but you can't not like him because he looks so cute dressed up like a little cow. Sure he can't sing or dance, but that's not the point. This bad play of a drink keeps you in your seat because it's not bad enough to leave, but it's not good enough to go back for a second night. It starts out alright, like if this first grade play had fireworks or motorcycle jumps as an intro, but then ruins itself, like if the star kid, whom you know is a brat, forgets her lines and cries and runs off stage until the teacher tells her the lines and makes her go back on stage.
United States
Organic Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/3/12, 4:17 PM
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Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Peach Mango

Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Peach Mango
This tastes like you took a perfectly good natural peach mango soda and watered it down with soda water. The peach and mango flavors are still there, but they're not as prevalent as you would like it to be. On the brighter side of things you're not consuming as much sugar as you would have been. If I had a choice I would have chosen more flavor and dealt with the extra sugar. I understand what Wegmans is doing here, but after tasting their 100% sparkling juices this just leaves me wanting more.
Juice and Sparkling
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 9/12/11, 1:11 AM
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Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Pomegranate Cranberry

Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Pomegranate Cranberry
Is there a juice shortage in the world? If not, does Wegmans think that there is? The last one of these I had was "100% Sparkling Fruit Juice." Now we're down to 50%. Is this going to be a continual decrease? In a few months will there be 12% juice? It will be like a selling point. "Now containing .5% actual fruit juice." People will think it's a good thing and eat it up.

Seriously though, why is this only 50%? Do they think these particular juices would be too strong if sold at maximum capacity? Are they trying to cut down on the sugar? Either way it's still pretty good. The flavor is strong. It tastes like a slightly watered down blend of the two juices it represents. If it were a little bit stronger I would absolutely love it. Maybe 75% is the way to go. I'm talking to you Danny!
Juice and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/18/11, 10:47 AM
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Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Tropical

Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Tropical
Wegmans is our local grocery store, and it is the best grocery store I have ever set foot in. Seriously it blows everything else away. The selection is great, the prices are low and they even have a burrito bar that has tofu in it. Pure gold. On top of the store itself being incredible their store brand is as good as if not better than most brand names.

So the other day I'm in Wegmans getting myself one of those previously mentioned burritos and I decided I wanted something carbonated, but I didn't want soda. I just couldn't deal with that much sugar at the moment. I walked to the beverage aisle and I saw that they had these as a new product. I happily grabbed a four pack and made my way to the cashier with burrito in tow. I was expecting this to be a little on the seltzery side, but holy crap is it amazing. It's nothing but juice and carbonated water, but it tastes like one of the best pops you'd ever have. There's no sugar added to this, but it's still naturally nice and sweet. Luckily it was to a level I could handle that day. It tastes like a great blend of mango and orange juice with pineapple controlling the entire ordeal.

This four pack is already gone and I can't wait to try the other flavors. If you're lucky enough to have a Wegmans in your area, don't sleep on this juice.
Juice and Sparkling
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 7/6/11, 9:50 PM
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Wegmans Diet Wedge Grapefruit

Wegmans Diet Wedge Grapefruit
I didn't mean to buy this. I wanted a grapefruit pop, but I didn't mean to buy the diet version. I didn't notice until after I opened it so I decided to just keep drinking it.

The weird part is I didn't notice it was diet when I tasted it. For a diet pop, this is pretty good. It has a nice tart flavor to it as well. Hopefully next time I'll look as I'm grabbing pop out of the cooler at Wegmans and be able to try the non-diet version.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 6/22/11, 1:23 AM
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Wegmans W Cola

Wegmans W Cola
I wonder if there is anyone who prefers generic, store brand cola. I've always seen it as a cheap alternative if you are on a budget or don't care that much about the taste. This Wegmans cola is no exception. It may not be the worst cola ever, but it's so bland and boring that I keep hoping to find something different about it while drinking this. Not bad, but not good.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 5/1/11, 8:54 PM
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Wegmans Frizzante Sicilian Lemon

Wegmans Frizzante Sicilian Lemon
Ahh adulthood. You'd made it, little guy. You made it through high school and did well on your worthless SATs. You went to community college for general education until you raised enough money working at your dad's shoe store, Paul's Boutique, to go to a four year school and study what you've always wanted to; accounting. You got your associates degree in science, which is virtually worthless as you didn't do anything scientific and you're pretty sure that they just give AS's away but at least you've got something to show for two of the easiest years of your life. Then, when attending university, you met a nice brunette with sweet cans, not that it matters (good job, son) and started dating. Not letting your girlfriend get in the way of your studies and not letting your studies get in the way of your apprenticeship at that abomination you call a bank, what? It's true. Son, they have one teller and I'm sure that she's no less than ninety years old. Either way, congratulations. Now you're married for going on five years, have one girl and another baby of a mystery sex...your mother doesn't understand why you won't just find out what it's going to be. Anyhow, you've really made something of yourself. To reward you, I've purchased this single bottle of Wegman's Sicilian Lemon Frizzante. It's an Italian soda from thousands of miles from Italy, regardless of its multiple references to the "Boot" region of Europe. Lemonade is great, but this is more mature, bolder, and bitterer, like life. Yes, son, this is like the lemonade of life. It's mostly pretty sweet but at times it can be bitter but you know that the sweetness will come back. It's not like kids lemonade that's all sugar all the time. That stuff is for kids and the poor. What? I can say whatever I want under my own roof. I worked hard at my shoe store for over 30 years, honing my craft and touching all sorts of gross feet. Anyhow, congratulations on your one bottle of pop that I've bought you. I hope you like it. I know that I did the other three.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 1/25/11, 8:32 PM
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Wegmans Just Tea Green Jasmine

Wegmans Just Tea Green Jasmine
It's Tuesday. Let me rephrase that. It's Thirsty Tuesday (as all Tuesdays are. That means we go get burritos and then hit up stores in search of new drinks to review. Today we went to Wegmans. It's a slight point of controversy around Buffalo, but I claim they have the best burritos in the city. It's probably just because the tofu they use is delicious. You don't agree? We can easily settle this argument like gentlemen, with a round of Rock Paper Scissors.

Wegmans' burritos are meant to be enjoyed with unsweetened tea. I also go with the green jasmine. It's so nicely bitter, and jasmine is a great flavor to add to any tea. It cleans the palate so you can properly enjoy your burrito. Now I need to polish these chips and salsa that accompanied my meal.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 1/25/11, 4:28 PM
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Wegmans Fruit Tea Lemon Green

Wegmans Fruit Tea Lemon Green
I thought we reviewed this but we didn't. That pleased me because Jay and I often feel that we can't drink things for pleasure anymore. Everything has to be reviewed and the time spent drinking old drinks is time that we can spend reviewing new stuff.

Enough of our sensitive, manly feelings. This is exactly what I wanted it to be. It's a little sweet and a little bitter and a little...lemony. It is a very honest drink that doesn't have anything to hide.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/11/11, 5:14 PM
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Wegmans Aqua-V Lemonade

Wegmans Aqua-V Lemonade
Jumping on the Vitamin Water wagon is Wegmans. It doesn't matter though because they've got some different flavors. This lemonade flavor is light a light lemonade and some other taste. If you want lemonade I wouldn't get this but if you want something like Vitamin Water by new and different, look no further.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Lemonade
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 1/4/11, 6:29 PM
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Wegmans Just Tea Oolong

Wegmans Just Tea Oolong
As you can probably guess, drinking all these drinks high in sugar is exhausting. We don't finish a lot of them because if we did, we would all be 500 pounds with teeth as black as night. Hence, this is why once in a while it's nice to drink a nice, calm, unsweetened tea.

Wegmans is our (Buffalo, Rochester, some parts of Pennsylvania) grocery store. Their products are usually pretty spot-on. This is no different. This tea is deep, bold, powerful, and full of flavor. I feel like this tea is the tea equivalent of a black cup of coffee. It is good, too. I'm not too familiar with oolong, but I am no stranger to tea and this is good. It's got no sugar and is just tea. You can taste it in the mix. No messing around and all serious business.

This tea is perfect for those in my situation where you just need a break from sugar for approximately 16.9oz at a time. Oh, and don't worry because they make larger ones, too. They have many "Just Tea" flavors to pick from and so far, they have all been winners.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/16/10, 6:28 PM
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Wegmans Pineapple Orange Juice

Wegmans Pineapple Orange Juice
You have to love when your grocery stores private brand is as good, if not better, than it's name brand competitors. Wegmans continuously puts out quality products that I love. This juice is no different. It is a perfect blend of orange and pineapple juices. The pineapple is the stronger of the two flavors, just the way I like it. The orange juice tames the pineapple a bit, so it's not so harsh on your mouth/throat. I once ate so much pineapple that the acidity made my mouth bleed. How does that even happen?
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 11/16/10, 9:06 AM
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Wegmans Water Lime

Wegmans Water Lime
Like Mike said about the Wegmans Water With Lemon, this tastes like your out at a restaurant and the waiter serves you some water before taking your order. Oops! It looks like the restaurant was out of lemons, so they improvised and gave you a lime in your water instead.
It's nothing fancy, but it's not supposed to be. It's just water with a slight squirt of lime with it. Now stop thinking about your water, and figure out what you're going to order. This is a busy restaurant.
United States
Jason Draper on 11/15/10, 3:08 PM
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