Killer Buzz Proto

Killer Buzz Proto
My body is now filled with premium giant hornet DNA. I can fly through the air scaring people but really not doing any harm. I can hang out with other hornets and make nests in people's decks and only emerge from my slumber when people are having a backyard get together. I am now a hornet all thanks to an energy drink. Just one sip of this energy drink makes me cringe a little due to the super-sweetness but after a few more, I have become immune to the tartness and the sweetness and can now enjoy the strange, energy drink taste of it. I am energized enough to go build a giant hive in someone's garage when they aren't looking so when they get the skis out of it come winter, they will find a nice surprise. I am energized enough to watch Bee Movie and wonder what it would be like if they made a Hornet Movie and if it would really be any different and who would play me in it. I have the energy to do anything that a hornet would do and when I "come down" I will be a human again and will probably be quite lethargic and will stop being productive and probably just play video games. It makes you think...
Energy Drink
Killer BuzzWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 9/26/12, 12:21 PM
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