Mong Lee Shang Mango Juice Drink

Mong Lee Shang Mango Juice Drink
I came in to work today and the lovely and talented Kristin Merz stopped at her local Asian market and picked me up this Mango juice drink. Yes, there is nata de coco in it, but there isn't a lot. It's not like a lot of the other ones I've had where there is an abundance of little squared, gummy goodness. This drink had but a few little dudes but the mango juice was actually really good. There is actually a small bit of mango chunk in there, too, but nothing to really write home about. It's not a puree or a smoothie, just a juice, but a good juice. Personally, I think it's an all or nothing gig with nata de coco. Either put a lot in or don't put any in.

This is a excellent juice and I urge anyone who is 10% adventurous to go down to their local Asian market and get a can.
Juice and Chunky
Mong Lee Shang
Mike Literman on 10/20/10, 11:53 AM
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