Ralph & Charlie's Pineapple Carrot

Ralph & Charlie's Pineapple Carrot
Do you see that completely fabricated wonderful blue sky and landscape on that bottle? When I drink this, I am there, and it is as real as anywhere. This is just plain wonderful. Like a lot of mixed fruit beverages the majority of juice in this is apple. It's a malleable juice that can take on the flavor of other fruits without overpowering them. Sure you can still taste the apple a bit, but it blends in nicely. It calms down the pineapple juice so it isn't so harsh as to give your throat the feeling that you just blew chunks in a public toilet. So you have this nice mild blend of pineapple and regular apple juices. That would be great as it is, but as Ralph & Charlie's is prone to do, they stepped up the game and added a bunch of carrots.

I like carrots. Actually, I borderline love carrots, but I had my reservations about this juice before I tried it. Carrots can be very overpowering in juice form, but in here they are team players. You can tell that there is a vegetable at work in the taste, but the fact that it is a carrot only slightly pokes its head out of the rabbit hole (all puns intended).

It's not fresh juice, and there is added sugar, but despite those things this tastes great, and you can drink it without feeling terrible about yourself. Well you can still feel terrible about yourself, but it will have nothing to do with your beverage choice.
Ralph & Charlie'sWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 3/20/13, 7:59 PM
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