Erythritol - 101 Reviews

Bai Supertea Tanzania Lemon

Bai Supertea Tanzania Lemon
This is...I guess this is like an Arnold Palmer. While it's not listed as such, it's more than than a lemon black tea. It's considered tea but I don't know what the base of this is. Does calling it "supertea" make it so that you don't have to claim it's anything since "supertea" isn't a real thing? This is like a 60/40 lemonade and something else. I don't know what it is. Is it bad? Not at all if you can deal with the flavor of erythritol which some cannot.

If you like Bai, and I do, you already know about what this tastes like. They seem to be riding the erythritol train pretty hard so you know what you're going to get. I would drink this again. While it's not particularly warm and won't stop raining, this would have otherwise made a nice summer drink. Since it's not technically summer yet, I suppose I can't complain. Also, what does complaining about the weather actually do besides make you annoying?
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/20/19, 7:20 AM
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Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Blood Orange

Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Blood Orange
Question: Is it infused if it takes the color and flavor of the fruit? It seems like it's just a juice at that point.

Story: This is good. I saw it at an Aldi and left the line I was in while the people in front of me argued about bringing bags and the people behind me screamed at someone on the phone about how they're going to beat the hell of them when they see them. I'm painting a picture of what it's like to Aldi by me. Yes, it's a verb. I could not get out of there fast enough. It's not always like that but when it rains it pours.

Review: This is good. I'm at work after a long weekend just drinking some fruity juice water. It's good. Best of all, you can't really tell that it's fake sugar. I believe previously that you could. Perhaps they improved the recipe. From a drink standpoint it's good. I certainly get more cranberry than blood orange or even citrus at all. Did that make it lose points? Nope. It was still good. I would get it again. For the eleventh time, though, this is juice. Give Vitamin Water to a child and have a discussion about whether or not it's water or juice. Hint makes water with fruit essence in it. This is not that.
Juice and Water
Ocean SprayWebsite@oceansprayinc
United States
Mike Literman on 6/12/18, 6:37 AM
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Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Raspberry

Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Raspberry
If this is Ocean Spray giving their take on Vitamin Water, they are a bit late to the game. If it's just them trying something new, well it's not really a novel idea, but I still enjoy it. I feel like this is some trick to save them money. It's essentially the same as their normal juice , except the hfcs or sugar are swapped out for the zero calorie Erythritol and I'm pretty sure they just added more water to the juice so it was thinner and less strong. It doesn't taste watered down, but it also no longer feels like a juice either (they aren't marketing it that way). It really tastes like a naturally diet cran-raspberry vitamin water. I know I made it seem like this beverages existence is nefarious, but it's just a tasty drink that is exactly what it says it is.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
Ocean SprayWebsite@oceansprayinc
United States
Jason Draper on 4/30/18, 6:21 PM
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Core Organic Blueberry

Core Organic Blueberry
You know. It's a juice.

Wild blueberry. Is that different than a "regular" blueberry? I feel like you could add adjectives to anything and as long as it's not "wrong," it's right. "Well you do find them in the wild so they are technically wild blueberries. LOLZ." Farmers. Whatever, dudes.

This is fine. I didn't expect much as it's a Stevia juice with low calories. They kind of take the form of a fruit flavored sugar after a while. This doesn't taste bad but it hardly tastes like any blueberry I've ever tasted and I've been known to eat a blueberry every now and then. At ten calories per bottle though, I cannot and will not complain. This is actually a decent drink that met my expectations and allowed me to happily drink while not knowing if I was going to have some sort of caloric overload or sugar high, neither of which I want.
United States
Mike Literman on 3/2/18, 12:55 PM
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Rockstar Mojito

Rockstar Mojito
This…€¦oh boy…€¦this drink. This is something. The something this is just happens to be one of the worst beverages I have ever tasted. At first my brain told me that this tastes the way that horses smell. I know that shouldn't be correct, since horses smell nothing like mint nor lime, but that was the signal that my taste buds were reporting back to my cranium. I don't even know if that makes any sense to anyone, so I will put it another way. This also tastes like what I could only assume it would be like if you cool a bottle of coolant for a car and mixed in the fakest lime flavor you have ever tasted and then gave it some sort of coolness that you will then try to trick people into thinking is mint, even though it tastes nothing like any sort of mint that you have tried before. I couldn't make it past a few sips of this. I really tried too, because I knew I was going to have a very late night, but I just could not convince myself that by drinking this I was drinking poison that would inevitably lead to my death.

This is the single worst energy drink I have ever tasted and I can only pray to whatever gods it is that I (don't) believe in that it is discontinued.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 2/25/18, 11:34 AM
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Star Wars Sparkling Vitamin Drink Space Punch

Star Wars Sparkling Vitamin Drink Space Punch
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..and by that I mean a few months ago in Delaware this beverage was “bottled.” Star Wars has always been known for its merchandising, but this one seems a bit ridiculous. Space Punch? Are they serious? This seems like it should be some sort of knock off product, you know like something that would be featured on a Star Wars version of The slit on Kylo Ren's mask would go vertically and his light sabre would be bright green or something like that. We live in a strange world though in which Disney owns Star Wars and has licensed it out for this product.

At first I thought the price point on this was a bit high for a kid's drink. Then I noticed that the vitamin content of this was mostly B vitamins and Niacin aka vitamins used in energy drinks. It was then that it hit me that when I was a kid everything Star Wars related was directed towards children, but nowadays a bunch of it must be marketed towards adults because those kids that were fanatics about it in the 80's are now all grown up. If this were made for kids it would taste like Flintstone's chewable vitamins dissolved into fruit punch. Instead it tastes like Centrum multivitamins were ground up and put in the juice. It has a very non-candy like vitamin taste to it. At least the fruit punch aspect of it tastes is composed of grapefruit, pear, orange, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry juice mixed together. If you took out the vitamins and most definitely left out the completely unnecessary erythritol this would be a punch that would truly be out of this world. Instead it just tastes a bit earthy and a bit diet. The force was not with A Drink Department One when they dreamt this up.
Juice, Sparkling and Diet
Star Wars
United States
Jason Draper on 2/15/18, 3:56 PM
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Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Watermelon/Strawberry/Coconut

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Watermelon/Strawberry/Coconut
Back in the late 90s when Sobe came out I was in love with them. Even though almost all of the little money I made from my job went to buying records, I still found a way to get a bottle somewhat regularly. Okay, so I may have nicked a bottle or two (or 50) from my place of employment. When you're paying your employees $4.35 an hour you should probably expect them to fill in the wage gap somehow. The point of me mentioning this is that the beverage I am currently drinking reminds me of a classic Sobe from a glass bottle, before they went plastic and the recipe changed (at least I'm pretty sure it did, maybe it was just my tastes that changed). I suppose there is a reason for that because I believe those old drinks were also marketed for focus, revitalization and the like.

Specifically this brings to mind the Dragon flavor of Sobe. I believe that involved pitaya, but this combo of watermelon and strawberry tastes like my memory. It even does a great job of masking the taste of the erythritol/stevia. This tastes fruity and wonderful, and not diet and poisonous. The coconut is undetectable to me. This is an advancement of sports/recovery drinks. Goodbye garbage. Hello wonderment.

Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 9/26/17, 6:06 AM
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Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Passion Fruit / Pineapple

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Passion Fruit / Pineapple
I know it is summer, but this recent heat humidity combo has been too much. Maybe I'm just getting old, or perhaps it's because I spend my time standing next to a 1,000 degree dryer printing shirts all day. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the latter. I feel like I'm sweating out more than I can imbibe. All of the water in the world's oceans doesn't feel like it would make a difference. You know if it were desalinated. I'm drinking gallons upon gallons of water every day and it's not enough. Then I drank this bottle of Alpha Wolf and for a brief moment I felt a difference. I felt the will to live return to me. I no longer wanted to lay down on that conveyor belt into the dryer and let the heat finally take me. This is certainly not a cure all. Nor is it some magic potion. It is simply formulated to give you temporary relief when you feel beaten down and dehydrated. In reality the effects didn't last all that long, but for a half hour or so I did feel revitalized as the bottle boasts. Can I really ask for more?

As it turns out, I can in fact ask for more. This could have tasted like old hose water and if it had these results I would have been happy with it, but as it turns out it is quite delicious. It's no secret that most fruit flavored drinks taste little to nothing like the produce they are impersonating. This tastes very much like passion fruit, with a little bit of pineapple thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately erythritol and stevia are in the mix as well. That is fine for some and a complete deal breaker for others. It's very specific taste that shows itself more as the drink warms up. Ice cold it is hardly noticeable. When paired with the passion fruit it didn't bother me nearly as much as it has in other beverages. I guess it's all a part of keep calories low and not poisoning yourself in the process.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 8/9/17, 8:22 AM
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Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Goji / Pomegranate / Mango

Alpha Wolf Focus & Revitalizing Beverage Goji / Pomegranate / Mango
One of the simple pleasures in life is when you come home and there is a package waiting for you that you were not expecting. There is the rush of excitement when walk up to the package wondering what it could possibly contain. It's even nicer when you look at the return label and discover that it is not junk, but something you could truly enjoy. I came home to this, opened the box and then less than 15 minutes later I got an email from Alpha Wolf telling me that they forgot to give me a heads up that a package was coming. I appreciate their oversite because it perked up my day a bit.

I wish it wasn't my job to pay close attention to beverages. I put these in the fridge to get cold, and when I finally cracked one open it was wonderful. It tasted fruity and real. There were some other flavors in there as well, but it was all pleasant and it seemed to all make sense. I have never had mango mixed with an antioxidant rich fruit before and now I don't know how no one ever paired them up before. They complement each other perfectly. After a few wonderful sips in when the troubles began. I looked at the ingredients list. Right there in the #2 position was erythritol. Up until that point I had no inkling at all that any zero calorie sweeteners were being used in here at all. After reading that I took another sip and it was painfully obvious. I'm taking full blame on this one. It's not on Alpha Wolf. If they can make a product that uses erythritol and stevia and not have me notice it instantly they have created something great. I'm chalking it up to my brain searching out the flavor once I knew it was in there. This is a wonderfully fruity beverage that will do it's best to help you achieve some clarity in this horrible world in which we live.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Alpha WolfWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 7/9/17, 4:21 PM
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Naturewise Whole Body Vitality Drink Berry Guayusa

Naturewise Whole Body Vitality Drink Berry Guayusa
A large part of me wants to dedicate my life to science in order to create/discover a zero calorie sweetener that has no real taste, other than that of real sugar. I completely applaud people for watching their calories and realizing that there is far too much sugar in most mass marketed consumables. On the whole we are not a healthy country and I appreciate when companies and consumers step up to try to do something about it. The problem is that the healthier sweeteners that sugar and corn syrup are swapped out for have specific tastes of their own, which just also happen to be very strong. I will happily admit that erythritol and stevia are preferable to other garbage zero calorie sweeteners out there, but they are still overpowering. If they were not included in this beverage it would taste wonderfully like raspberries. You can tell that this is a beverage that would actually taste like raspberries and not some generic fake berry flavor. Unfortunately it is buried under the flavor of the sweeteners.

This could have been incredible tasting, and still healthy if only another sweetener option existed. I'm going to don my lab coat, get out some beakers and get to work. I will not rest until I have an answer that will let this beverage be what it so desperately wants to, and deserves to be! Either that or until it's lunchtime. I'm actually kind of hungry not. I'm going to make a PB sandwich.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 5/18/17, 7:28 AM
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Naturewise Whole Body Vitality Drink Citrus Matcha

Naturewise Whole Body Vitality Drink Citrus Matcha
I'm always interested in trying “alternative” energy drinks. I'm not really sure who dubbed them that, but at some point a person or a sentient computer decided that any beverage that was meant to give you energy, but did not contain taurine and a bunch of chemicals wasn't of the norm. I'd like to think that ingesting artificial ingredients would be out of the norm, but who am I. Naturewise tried to remove the stigma by labeling their beverages “Whole Body Vitality Drinks.” They give you a little pep, enhance focus, suppress food cravings (don't we all need that?), and reduce stress. That all sounds like a good deal to me and I will take the change in moniker to have it.

This is sweetened by erythritol, stevia and monk fruit and it has a strong fruity/bubblegum taste that always accompanies the latter of the three. The first time I ever came across monk fruit was in Vemma, and now I always relate anything with it to that weird pyramid scheme energy drink. It's a very specific taste and a strong one at that. In fact it is a contender for the prize of being the strongest flavor in this can. The magic trick that monk fruit plays is that the more you drink of a beverage the less you notice the taste and the other flavors take over.
The flavor of this is supposed to be citrus matcha, which sounds great. The thing is I don't really taste any specific citrus, nor do I get a strong green tea flavor. What I do get is something that, to me, tastes kind of like Juicy Fruit gum. It's actually kind of great, but it's not what I expected. Towards the end of the can I got a bit more tea flavor, and I think the bottom ¼ of it was the peak of the flavor.

I am always pleased when a company can make a beverage that uses zero calorie sweeteners and the don't taste like specific garbage. It's nice to be able to enjoy a beverage and not feel bad for all the calories you just ingested, and that is from someone who has never been on a diet in their life.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/17, 6:54 AM
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Kill Cliff Cold Brew Coffee Mojo Rising

Kill Cliff Cold Brew Coffee Mojo Rising
This drink is an example of the type of coffee I do not like. Even though it is cold brewed and has coconut cream in it, it still tastes bitter and kind of harsh. Sure the cream is smooth, but the coffee taste itself reminds me of garbage, burnt gas station coffee. How can something cold brewed taste burnt? Freezer burn? In addition to that the use of erythritol/stevia as a sweetener leaves another off putting taste in the mix. I really wanted to like this because I've been at least moderately on board with their other products, but this just falls short for me.
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 1/7/17, 8:24 AM
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Qurb Dietary Supplement

Qurb Dietary Supplement
Look, it finally started snowing and in two days from now the holiday season starts. That means that you are more than likely going to be eating a lot of garbage over the coming month or two. All of those active activities you participated in all summer that got you into somewhat okay shape are all going to be thrown out the window. You're going to pack the pounds back on and get squishy all over again. It's the unending cycle for those of us who live in parts of the world that have four seasons. I can't say if it really works or not, but Qurb is here to help. They are dietary supplement shots designed to help curb your appetite as well as promote weight loss. I can assume it's not a magical product and you also need to exercise in tandem with drinking them, but any help is good help in the war against holiday cookies and pies.

The power behind Qurb comes from a combination of green coffee beans and fiber, plus vitamins and minerals. The green coffee beans help to promote weight loss and the fiber help to curb our appetite. Essentially this is a healthier, more natural version of the diet pills that ran rampant in the 90s. One can only assume that it won't ruin your life like the pills did in Saved by the Bell.

I was shocked that this didn't taste as horrible as I expected it to. Most shot drinks are concentrated nonsense, but this has a somewhat decent flavor. It's almost vaguely citrus, with a vitamin taste to it. It's nothing you would want to sip on for pleasure, but it's not hard to get down either.

Brave that long winter and use these shots to help keep your cookie addiction in check. Come the nice weather you won't have to put in as much work to get back into the nearly healthy body that you've always wanted.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/22/16, 7:58 AM
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Just Chill Zero Ginger

Just Chill Zero Ginger
Just Chill has been good to us. They have sent us samples several times, and when they have they have sent a lot of them and we appreciate that. Here at Thirsty Dudes we are not to be bought though, just ask Mountain Dew about the time they sent us a care package with the samples of their Kickstart line before they hit the market. The same can be seen in our first Just Chill review. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. It was a perfectly serviceable middle of the road beverage and because of that it got a 3/5 bottle rating.
I'm pretty sure they accidently sent our samples to us twice because I got two identical packages with a whole lot of beverages in each. It's no secret that I am a sucker for ginger flavored drinks, but the mountain of cans staring at me that clearly state that they are zero calories had me a bit standoffish. I can handle stevia and in moderation it's just fine, but thinking of so many ounces of it just waiting for me was intimidating. I let a can chill (get it) in the fridge for a while and then cracked it open for a nice relaxing night on the couch with a movie.

There are two important things to acknowledge at this point.

First, this is a relaxation beverage, but it did not put me to sleep and that is the way I feel these things should work. I have no doubt that has I went to bed shortly after drinking this I would have been fast asleep in no time at all, but I appreciate that it allows me to stay awake in a calmer state. I've had a handful of other drinks of this variety and most of them just make me sleepy. This one still allowed me to function and that is great.

Second, ginger reigns supreme. Zero calorie sweeteners are no match for a healthy dose of ginger. Think of the perfect ginger ale, with just a hint of a burn, and then up the ginger flavor a bit more and you have this drink. If I were to place a wager I would put my money on 95% of the stevia flavor is masked by the ginger. Only the faintest hint of it remains.

You may not be able to buy our opinions at Thirsty Dudes, but I am very grateful to have a stack of these on hand to drink at my leisure.
Diet, Ginger and Relaxation
Just ChillWebsite@DrinkJustChill
United States
Jason Draper on 12/23/15, 9:39 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Goji Blackberry

Steaz Iced Green Tea Goji Blackberry
You'll never guess what happens next! After you drink this, you'll be totally refreshed. Why? Well because you're sure to drink the whole thing because it's good. You are sure to drink the thing because it's zero calories and doesn't taste like you're eating the plastic beads out of a 90's hackey sack. You'll drink the whole thing because you feel thirsty and it's better than the alternative which is almost certainly Brisk.

So after you're done drinking it what are you left with? Well, a nice berry tea taste and only the slightest bit of erythritol. It's less sharp than Stevia and I like Stevia. I like my old housemate Steve. I like one of my oldest friends Steve. I like the guy who used to sell thing on eBay for a skateshop in Lockport Stevebay. I'm filled to the brim with Steves I like. Sure I'm talking about erythritol but who cares. I'm in a caring mood and I care for this drink. A little bit of tea and a little bit of fruit and a little bit of sweet. I'm not going to go as far as saying that it's a trifecta by any means but I will say that it's a fantastic supplement for most of that other diet garbage you've been drinking.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 8/18/15, 3:53 PM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Free Fall Lemon Lime

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Free Fall Lemon Lime
Can we pretend for a minute that the US Army includes cans of lemon-lime Kill Cliff in the rations of all soldiers in active duty? A can of this would fit in an MRE, right? You get your pasta, your crackers, and a can of recovery drink. Let's be honest those soldiers need a beverage of this type way more than most civilians do. I mean how many essential vitamins and minerals are those fighting folks going to really get from preservative laden meals? Not much by my calculations. I think this actually be a reality because why else would this can be camouflaged? Sure it's not the right colored camo for the current war(s) we're in, but I'm sure we'll get back to these colors in no time at all.

I do hope the soldiers like diet lemon lime soda, because that is what this tastes like. Okay, maybe that's not giving it it's proper due. This tastes like the best diet lemon lime soda I've ever tasted. Sure, that's not really saying much, but it's an important distinction. It has a decent lemon lime flavor which is stronger and more flavorful than say a Sprite or 7Up. Also the use of erythritol and stevia as sweeteners destroys all of that sucralose filled garbage on the market. This is definitely not a flavor that I would choose out of a batch, but if I were in enemy territory and this was handed to me with my meal I would be one excited soldier.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 7/22/15, 10:48 PM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Blackberry Lemonade

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Blackberry Lemonade
I've joked about the name, but I really have no idea what the phrase “Kill Cliff” is all about. I'm 99% certain that it's not about killing Cliff Clavin, but who knows; it's a strange world out there. Maybe the former Navy Seal who created the project really hated the movie Cliffhanger. Maybe he just thinks that cliffhangers are lazy story telling. I certainly have no idea. What I do know is that I feel like I enjoy the way this beverage tastes way more than I should.

Erythritol and Stevia may be the least offensive of the zero calorie sweeteners, but they still normally aren't all that great. In here it doesn't bother me at all and it complements the other flavors. This has a strong blackberry taste that actually tastes like berries. There is definitely some lemonade floating in there as well, so I have no complaints as to how it is names/branded. I mean I actually really enjoy this, to the extent that if it wasn't functional I could see myself drinking it on the regular for enjoyment. As it stands I have a case of it that I will be drinking when I work out. There's nothing artificial in here and it helps in muscle recovery. This is by far the best tasting beverage of this functionality that I have ever tried.
Diet, Lemonade and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 6/29/15, 11:12 PM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Pomegranate Punch

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Pomegranate Punch
Why do they hate him so much? Sure he's lazy. Sure he spends all of his time in a bar when he should be working. Why though, why do they want to kill Cliff Clavin? Did he steal important mail from them? We're talking about an entire product line based on the hatred of a fictional character from a television show from the 80s. Maybe the actor that played Cliff had an affair with the mother of whoever named this beverage and broke up his happy family. The world is a strange place when a television actor can ruin your life and you can spend your whole life devising a way to destroy him.

While I do not agree with the motives, I can't argue with the flavor. This is a carbonated pomegranate beverage that is sweetened with erythritol to keep the calories down. There's also a bunch of other functional ingredients in there as well to help you recover after a workout. A little trick they did was to include some ginger extract, which seems to be combating the dietness of the erythritol and it seems to be winning. The diet taste is not strong in here, and every drink is made better with a hint of ginger.

Kill Cliff was nice enough to send us a case of each flavor and Mike's ladyfriend and I are beyond pleased. You can catch us looking like idiots at a gym that is probably nowhere near you. Oh yeah, if you think this is all based on Cliff Clavin, you my friend are kind of an idiot.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 6/15/15, 4:22 PM
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Rockstar Pure Zero Silver Ice

Rockstar Pure Zero Silver Ice
Tonight my band is playing our first show in a while. Due to a lack of sleep and printing mass amounts of shirts all day I am exhausted and was looking for a pick me up for a late night. Of course the only energy drink I had on deck is by Rockstar, so even though I could have drunk it and not mentioned a thing I will let the world know that it made me feel like a turd drinking this when I have a show. I feel like the type of person that drinks these before they play are also the same people who would wear Affliction clothing, and have fifteen minute drum solos in their sets. I call for no nonsense and while I enjoy the taste of most Rockstar beverages, I kind of hate the name and can imagine annoying people referring to each other as “rock star” and that is something that chills me.

All valley girl voices aside, this is way better than anticipated. The inclusion of sucralose in any beverage, even when paired with erythritol is generally bad news. In here it's not too bad, well as long as you don't let it warm up. I don't know how to describe what I would expect “silver ice” to taste like, but this drink is pretty accurate. It's very crisp and somehow tastes clean. Sure there's a bit of diet in there, but it doesn't ruin the drink. It also doesn't taste like a typical energy drink, diet or regular. It kind of has a lemon-lime flavor, but not really. It is its own beast and I'm into it. My name is Jason Draper and I approve this zero calorie energy drink.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 6/3/15, 4:13 PM
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POP Water Pineapple

POP Water Pineapple
I did not know what to expect with a brand name like Pop Water. Would it be an unsweetened soda, like seltzer water? Would it be watered down soda pop? Would it be water that exploded in your mouth a la Pop Rocks? Would your mind instantly be filled with images of Pop Art that was created by Andy Warhol? It was all a mystery that I looked forward to investigating.

Truth be told it was a very short investigation. I popped open the can took one sip and realized that there was no mysterious excitement in this can. Its contents fell somewhere between seltzer and soda pop. It is like a lighter version of a diet pop that somehow doesn't taste overly diet, even though it is sweetened with erythritol and stevia. There is 0% juice in here, but it does contain extracts of natural pineapple. Whatever constitutes that is enough for the pineapple flavor in here to be very light, but also very accurate to the fruit.
Diet, Soda Pop and Sparkling
POP WaterWebsite@POPwater
United States
Jason Draper on 4/8/15, 11:53 AM
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